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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:20 am

SpartanGamer wrote:jus great! Cf is now a pick up joint for rusky hookers and desperadoes. :roll:

Im off

'ere, ....... who you calling desperadoes?
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:20 am wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
miltiades wrote: wrote:
miltiades wrote: wrote:
miltiades wrote: wrote:
bill cobbett wrote: wrote:
pretty-as-pink wrote:Milti what is pupsik?

Pretty-as-pink, pupsik (or poopsik - correct english version which i really dont appreciate as reminds me of human excrement and nobody wants to be called sick shiiiiite!) is a lil baby-doll, usually naked which considering the weather in CY is a bit problematic :)

Welcome to CF, SG.... :D

..... but don't go on about naked dolls cos you'll get Yialoser going.

Thank you, BC for your kind welcome to CF!

Yialouser having problems with naked baby dolls?! Ok, especially for Yialousers - poopsicks are sick shiiites :) There is sale of 50% off in all shops for the blow-up dolls! Treat yourself with a new friend! :)

Are you sure you are Russian ? I have a Russian working for me that always calls her boyfriend poopsik !!!
Many Greeks and G/Cs call their ladies Koukla , would you care to tell us from which part of Russia you come from. As a matter of fact , just to satisfy my self , I called my Russian employee and asked her , she confirmed it means doll and that it is an affectionate term widely used by Russians , both men and women. :?:

Just being a bit cheeky :) It is indeed very sweet word, though a bit childish. We, people from cold Nothern Venice, or St. Petersburg, tend more to call our loved ones darling or dorogoi...
So poor employee received a call 11pm with a question what pupsik means? :))

No pupsik , poor employee received a call at 9 pm !!! I'm in the UK dorogoi !!!!

Poor employee!!! 9pm Sunday nite?! :) Still rather rough from your side! Hope her pupsik was not annoyed with that ;)

My relationship with my employees is based on mutual respect as my dear friend Deniz ( on the CY forum) will vouch. I respect them as individuals , treat them fairly and with respect , in return they do the same , but one of them is also in charge of making my daily Turkish /Cypriot / Greek coffee.

Ahhaaaa, did you mention Cypriot coffee? :lol: :lol: Oh, good.

Thank you Summer.Garden and welcome to the cf. :wink:

Thank you, Deniz! :) So far thoroughly enjoying myself! Trying to avoid pinches and needles... Any potential menaces? :twisted: And who are the nice ppl around? :D

:lol: :lol:

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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:21 am

Never listen to others. Make up your own mind. :lol:
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Postby Phill » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:23 am, Deniz is a wise man.....
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Postby » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:24 am

denizaksulu wrote:Never listen to others. Make up your own mind. :lol:

Yeah, looks like already started to :lol:
Cheers! :)
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Postby » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:27 am

bill cobbett wrote:
SpartanGamer wrote:jus great! Cf is now a pick up joint for rusky hookers and desperadoes. :roll:

Im off

'ere, ....... who you calling desperadoes?

And btw who are you calling hookers? :D Ewwwww, calm down your imagination and get some sleep! :lol:
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Postby Filitsa » Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:07 am

bill cobbett wrote:A view from moi is that none of you scabby lot read a word I write, but am in the habit of talking to myself in real life anyway, so will carry on... err... talking to myself.

"What was that BillC? Did you say something?"

......... Doh!!!!


Every chance I get, I read what you write. You're a hoot. :lol:
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Postby Svetlana » Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:59 am

I congratulate on her excellent Engleeesh; her mulitple postings late into the night have been missed.....
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:14 pm

SpartanGamer wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:I'm off to bed... night everybody.... Image

ready to make others leave Cf tomorrow and join your pubby forum :lol:

I don't know where you got this absurd idea from...? :?

As you keep mentioning it anybody would thing that you are my recruitment agent.... :lol:

I'm not paying you any commission by the way! :evil:
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Postby Sotos » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:34 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:The forum is under-moderated in my opinion as I have mentioned before... Most recently herefor instance...

Lana can't hope to keep an eye on every single post or poster here on her own and seems to have few moderating powers...

Consequently a few posters have dominated the board and driven others (including me ) away... In fact, anybody that doesn't believe that Cyprus is perfect, that Turks are evil, that all the Brits should leave or that Cyprus doesn't need British tourists are made unwelcome...

That doesn't make for a very friendly 'General Chat' board and it isn't surprising that anybody considering moving or holidaying to Cyprus doesn't bother posting questions in 'Cyprus Tourism'.

This used to be a great place to chat about Cyprus, to debate with other members, for newbies to ask questions and for those that live here and love Cyprus to swap news and information.

It really isn't unreasonable for those that live here and love Cyprus (or even those that visit frequently) to criticise those parts of it that are not only unpleasant but damaging to the reputation of Cyprus and the tourism industry.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that many that post here know nothing of the 'Cyprus Problem' or care anything about it. After all, our political 'masters' have managed to ignore it for the past 36 years for their own reasons...

The last time I said this place was under-moderated I was told that we didn't need draconian moderation (which was never my intention). Well, as a result many good posters have continued to leave and we now have just that with posters banned from the forum and threads locked without reason or explanation.

I fear it will be some time before this place picks up again and starts to attract new people.

Just my humble opinion...

That is not the only problem. What about the racist British trolls who are looking for an excuse to say something bad about Cyprus and Cypriots? (have you seen the comments in almost all of Cyprus Mail articles?) And then there are some TCs who are here just to promote their pseudo state with every opportunity. The problem is the "free for all" concept of the forum. Sounds good but it doesn't work. There should be some criteria on who is allowed to post here. Then all the problems will be solved. :twisted:
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