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Kurdish-language Roj TV gets Nobel nod from Tutu

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

As Cypriots, do we support that Kurdish, the mother language of almost 25% of population, be recognized as an official language of Turkey?

Total votes : 15

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:21 pm

antifon wrote:
Get Real! wrote:When was the last time you took an IQ test? :?

I believe it was last year as I was trying to improve my 220 score.

:? I wasn’t talking about your weight!
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Postby antifon » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:34 pm

Afroasiatis wrote:I think in the long-term Turkey anyway won't be able to survive in her present borders if she doesn't recognize Kurdish as an official language and give Kurds all relevant rights, and perhaps introducing some federal structure. I believe the turkish elites realize this, and that's why they take steps in that direction in the last years - although very slowly, as usual in our region.

However, I don't think this is something that will have any influence on Cyprus Problem.

Thank you for your answer. Read if you like my thoughts as to why/how the Kurdish plight is too relevant in Cyprus:

Is meddling in Turkey's affairs fair play?

Turkey's present intransigence, coupled with her unpredicable & potentially explosive situation with her own 22+% Kurdish ethnic minority,
may lead many more T-Cypriots to choose to leave from Cyprus, thus today's ratio of 90-10% of legal Cypriots to improve significantly more in favor of G-Cypriots during the next several years.
click below, scroll a bit down, ... ... -late.html

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