Next Friday will either end the situation if Mobarak and his corrupt thugs got the message and left us to face our future and choose it or make it our selfs as a nation or the situation will be more comlicated specially that the Israeli Govn started to put its nose on the situation out of fear that we wont respect the deal we made (camp david) with them , they made a corrupt deal with corrupt dictators and now they have to eaither fully understand they live in the middle east surrounded by mainly Arabs (Muslim political party) or cut all relation with the area and may be fuck off (thats the best out put of the picture anyway)
I was born in 1987 and i never knew any presidents of Egypt other than Mobarak !! i always felt as if we live in a dark age kingdom where is is an upper hand that uses fear to control the population, i remember in the last ellection i voted for Ayman Noor and my mom shouted at me because if anyone knew who i voted for i can end up in prison some where where where the sun doesnt go !! of course Ayman Noor didnt win the ellection and suffered a great deal of business misfurtune (he had to learn the lesson of course who the heck is he to put him self against our respectful beloved Mobarak?)
his is inhuman , im and so many others are just tired of having no human rights so what ever !! wether we are inide or out side Egypt we have no value and the reason is......
I hope El-barad`e becomes our next president , Egypt defo should stay away from the Islamic brothers (if they some how succeeded in the next ellection Egypt is defo going backword )
We need a liberal party, proper democrates who actually know what it means..
But again , i know that we as a nation going to be fine because w all now know that standing for our rights is better than living like slaves