Unkie can go and wank himself !!!!
miltiades wrote:pretty-as-pink wrote:miltiades wrote:They are a bunch of unsophisticated , uncouth , senile old fools , Cheapskates with capital C
most are what I would term - with due respect to my English family and friends- peasants !!
The fact that they hate the G/Cs with such passion has amazed me !
Was you banned from there milti?
Last year I think for ...99 years !!
Norhcyprusfreepress.com is more mature and tolerant of varying views from those held by the cheapskates. I still post there and glad to know that I have attained some ...recognition for my no nonsense approach and straightforward talking. They now ALL know that 6 years before Turkey invaded the number of T/Cs killed as a result of inter-communal strife amounted to 3 or 33 according to official "trnc" figures.
I can not say that I'm liked by the majority but at least I'm consistent !
Here is a taster of one of my posts addressed to a senile old fool
AM , shut up , your are too stupid to debate , just grow senile gracefuly will you !! "
Here is another
"Plonker , Listen and stop acting like the village idiot which you undoubdedly are.
When Turkey invaded in 1974 my family lived in Famagusta , owned their own houses and land , it was legally their own land. The Turkish army forces them out , do you now call my family’s land your own !!!! "
And finally here is a ..classic , guaranteed to see this thread locked !!!
Malcolm , I have taken a rest from Cyprus Forum on principle.
One individual by the name of GR , insulted the memory of my dead mother and all my family as well as the memory of my late wife.
I can handle him and thousands such as him , but I NEVER EVER attack an individuals family under any circumstances.
This man , who incidentally supports Al Qaeda , the Taliban and all other extremists , he hates the West with passion and counts among his heroes Bin Laden , Robert Mugabe , Hamas and Hezbollah.
I clashed with him on numerous occasions and will do so again in the future , he openly supports war against Turkey as the only option of a solution.
My comments regarding my ban was justified since consecutive posts were not published , I believe someone else had joined you and wanted to show how tough he was.
You know very well that my comments are solid , they are true and truth hurts !!!
Polly , the Turkish army invaded Cyprus causing the death of thousands .Six years before the Turkish invasion there was no conflict . 3 T/Cs lost their lives early 1968 , so stop talking like the senile old fool that you are , I lost members of my family in 1974 so I find your comments very offensive , stupid ! "
I do hope the above has given you an insight , not that you wanted it , of old Milti !!!
Any bets how long this thread remains open ????
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