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Postby Filitsa » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:01 pm

Call me a whistle blower; I don't care. I'm taking a stand. I think admin. should monitor the Cy Prob a bit closer. In one recent thread, two morons - in the sense that they clearly exhibit impaired social skills - who have nothing left to argue intelligently, resort to vulgar character attacks and name calling by employing obscene denegration of human anatomy, particularly the female anatomy.

So as not to be one who complains without offering a possible resolution, perhaps admin. could create an additional forum labeled "The Sandbox." It could be located beneath Jokes and Enigmas. Members who relish their early childhood days of throwing sand in another's eyes, who lack a sense of conventional decency, who feel the need to behave like vulgar little miscreants, must post there; otherwise, they get "the boot." Those of us who desire not to be subjected to their insolent behavior and insipid posts will know better than to visit. Better yet! Let's name it the Urinal - a place where little boys may have their pee pee contests!
Last edited by Filitsa on Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Cap » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:13 pm

Filitsa wrote:Call me a whistle blower; I don't care. I'm taking a stand. I think admin. should monitor the Cy Prob forum a bit closer. In one recent thread, two morons - in the sense that they clearly exhibit impaired social skills - who have nothing left to argue intelligently, resort to vulgar character attacks and name calling by employing obscene denegration of human anatomy, particularly the female anatomy.

Dude, GR is as blunt as a hammer with the tact of a 2 year old.
You have to wade through a lot of insolence to find the point.
So don't sweat it.
Sometimes he makes some very valid points.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:42 pm

pretty-as-pink wrote:
miltiades wrote:They are a bunch of unsophisticated , uncouth , senile old fools , Cheapskates with capital C
most are what I would term - with due respect to my English family and friends- peasants !!
The fact that they hate the G/Cs with such passion has amazed me !

Was you banned from there milti?

Last year I think for ...99 years !! is more mature and tolerant of varying views from those held by the cheapskates. I still post there and glad to know that I have attained some ...recognition for my no nonsense approach and straightforward talking. They now ALL know that 6 years before Turkey invaded the number of T/Cs killed as a result of inter-communal strife amounted to 3 or 33 according to official "trnc" figures.
I can not say that I'm liked by the majority but at least I'm consistent !
Here is a taster of one of my posts addressed to a senile old fool
AM , shut up , your are too stupid to debate , just grow senile gracefuly will you !! "
Here is another

"Plonker , Listen and stop acting like the village idiot which you undoubdedly are.
When Turkey invaded in 1974 my family lived in Famagusta , owned their own houses and land , it was legally their own land. The Turkish army forces them out , do you now call my family’s land your own !!!! "
And finally here is a ..classic , guaranteed to see this thread locked !!!

Malcolm , I have taken a rest from Cyprus Forum on principle.
One individual by the name of GR , insulted the memory of my dead mother and all my family as well as the memory of my late wife.
I can handle him and thousands such as him , but I NEVER EVER attack an individuals family under any circumstances.
This man , who incidentally supports Al Qaeda , the Taliban and all other extremists , he hates the West with passion and counts among his heroes Bin Laden , Robert Mugabe , Hamas and Hezbollah.
I clashed with him on numerous occasions and will do so again in the future , he openly supports war against Turkey as the only option of a solution.
My comments regarding my ban was justified since consecutive posts were not published , I believe someone else had joined you and wanted to show how tough he was.
You know very well that my comments are solid , they are true and truth hurts !!!

Polly , the Turkish army invaded Cyprus causing the death of thousands .Six years before the Turkish invasion there was no conflict . 3 T/Cs lost their lives early 1968 , so stop talking like the senile old fool that you are , I lost members of my family in 1974 so I find your comments very offensive , stupid ! "

I do hope the above has given you an insight , not that you wanted it , of old Milti !!!

Any bets how long this thread remains open ????
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Postby Filitsa » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:47 pm

Filitsa wrote:Call me a whistle blower; I don't care. I'm taking a stand. I think admin. should monitor the Cy Prob forum a bit closer. In one recent thread, two morons - in the sense that they clearly exhibit impaired social skills - who have nothing left to argue intelligently, resort to vulgar character attacks and name calling by employing obscene denegration of human anatomy, particularly the female anatomy.

Dude, GR is as blunt as a hammer with the tact of a 2 year old.
You have to wade through a lot of insolence to find the point.
So don't sweat it.
Sometimes he makes some very valid points.[/quote]

Dude, interesting you should assume GR, as he's not who I was referring to. So don't sweat it. :wink:
Last edited by Filitsa on Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Cap » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:54 pm

Filitsa wrote:
Cap wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Call me a whistle blower; I don't care. I'm taking a stand. I think admin. should monitor the Cy Prob forum a bit closer. In one recent thread, two morons - in the sense that they clearly exhibit impaired social skills - who have nothing left to argue intelligently, resort to vulgar character attacks and name calling by employing obscene denegration of human anatomy, particularly the female anatomy.

Dude, GR is as blunt as a hammer with the tact of a 2 year old.
You have to wade through a lot of insolence to find the point.
So don't sweat it.
Sometimes he makes some very valid points.

Dude, interesting you should assume GR as he's not who I was referring to. So don't sweat it.

Really? Now there's a pleasant surprise. :D
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Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:55 pm

Cap , and before you take another guess it was not Milti she was refering to either !!!!
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Postby Cap » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:59 pm

miltiades wrote:Cap , and before you take another guess it was not Milti she was refering to either !!!!

Milti, you're the last person I'd suspect.
GR has a reputation of being a meanie.
Last edited by Cap on Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Filitsa » Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:05 pm

Come to think of it, GR! must have attended finishing school recently ... certainly didn't graduate with honors, but nevertheless ... :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:49 am

It's all for your own good people… because nobody can look after Cyprus on the virtual battlegrounds like unkie can! Image
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Postby Filitsa » Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:52 am

Oh no, I take that back; he's up to his old vulgar tricks again only now they're in Greek! How clandestine!
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