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Can’t find a “Greece” on the map!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby B25 » Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:46 pm

Still don't understand what the hell this has to do with the Cyprus (read Turkish) problem and why its in the Cyprob forum.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:48 pm

B25 wrote:Still don't understand what the hell this has to do with the Cyprus (read Turkish) problem and why its in the Cyprob forum.

Perhaps you are confused because you have Spartran aspirations... :wink:
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Postby Klik » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:04 pm

You showed us maps a bit after the Slavic invasion of Europe... Where are the Slavs of Greece? :lol: You keep ignoring the questions that will cause your suicide apparently... :P

(DNA testing showed that NORTHERN Greece has 12% Slavic DNA... yep, pure Slavic race, not Greek)
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Postby Piratis » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:20 pm

Mikiko wrote:Leave anyone free to define themselves whatever they want you can not force people to be Greek If they arent in the first place and an island that was inhabited by so many races thousands of years its unlikely for the the majority to be one race (Ie GREEK).Its Common Sense. Just If they accepted to speak Greek language it does not mean they are Greek.

Yes, Mikko, everybody should be free to define themselves whatever they want. I am Greek and so is the majority of people on this island. It is not unlikely at all, it is just a simple fact. Why can't you respect this? I have no problem with ethnic minorities, no matter what they define themselves as, and I never told them to change their identity.

Foreign invaders have been discriminating against the majority ethnic group of Cyprus for centuries, in their effort to de-Hellenize our island. While a few gave up to the pressure and to the privileges offered as a reward for changing their identity, most people kept their ethnic identify and nobody will ever manage to take our identity away from us.

If you thought you can force us to change our identity by making forum posts think again. Other foreigners before you have tried to do the same in much more cruel ways, and they failed.
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Postby Klik » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:21 pm

I feel... German today. I'm gonna call myself German from now on until this feeling leaves me and then I might decide to feel Japanese :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:35 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Piratis wrote:
So calling Cypriots “Greek Cypriots” means what exactly?

That our great grandparents were in Greece in 1830 because I assure you mine were not!

It means that we are Greek.

The ethnicity of people is not defined by the borders of empires/kingdoms/countries. Until the 19th century there were very few Nation states, most people lived under multi-ethnic empires. So there is nothing very special about Greece in this respect. But even today, there are ethnic groups without their own separate country (e.g. Kurds, Tibetans etc) but also ethnic minorities in nations were the majority is of a different ethnic group.

Therefore trying to equate ethnic identity with the borders of countries or empires is a very naive approach. Ethnic groups are not defined within borders. You can have members of an ethnic group living in many different countries, and you can even have an ethnic group without a separate country.

That’s just utter nonsense! Cypriots DO NOT SHARE ANYTHING with a bunch of Slavic clowns who formed a state in a tiny corner of Europe in the 1800s, a whole 600 miles away from Cyprus!

These people are NOT the only ones who were using “Greek” as a language (a product of Cyprus) or Christianity (as spread by Cypriots), just as English and Christianity are common these days in many countries…

There are many countries today which (1) read and write in English (2) are Protestant and/or Catholic Christians and (3) have common Viking/Nordic roots even, yet they DO NOT identify themselves as an ethnicity by any measure!

In the case of Cypriots, they DO NOT have any common ancestry with Slavs, Bulgarians, Gypsies, and all other variations of human bastardization that took on the label “Greeks”.

You need to start thinking for yourself and applying common sense if you are to see reality.

People are free to define their identity as they want, and by saying nonsense about the Greeks you are not going to change that.

Greeks are not any more "bastardized" than any other modern nation. It is true that Greeks assimilated some peoples who were originally not Greeks, but this is the norm, not the exception. Go to England, France etc and you will find lots of black or Asian looking people (and mixed race people) calling themselves English. Not to mention the many other Caucasian peoples that moved to the area through the centuries. Nothing wrong with that, and it doesn't make the English less English or the French less French.

Cyprus is no different from any of the other 200+ Greek islands, with the only exception that our freedom was denied and we were forced by foreigners to have a separate country.

Distance has nothing to do with this either. Vladivostok and Saint Petersburg are part of the same country although they are separated by 6000 kilometers (not just 600) and lets not mention islands that belong to Britain which are even further from the mainland.
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Re: Can’t find a “Greece” on the map!

Postby antifon » Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:Can’t find a “Greece” on the map!

Cypriots need to wake up to the fact that Greece is a 19th century creation (1829 to be more precise). Prior to that no such place as “Greece” EVER existed!

Trying to find a place called “Greece”…

Map of Europe 800AD - Greece here is called “East Roman Empire”

Map of Europe 1000AD - Greece here is part of the Byzantine Empire
(NB: Major chunk of modern Greece is labeled Bulgaria!) ... 58-059.jpg

Map of Europe 1200AD - Greece here is part of the Byzantine Empire ... n_1190.jpg

Map of Europe 1300AD - Greece here is ignored! ???

Map of Europe 1400AD - Greece here is part of the Osmans. ... -large.jpg

Map of Europe 1815AD - Greece here is still part of the Ottoman Empire. ... 5_1905.jpg

This 1850 map is still not aware of anything called “Greece”! ... alkans.jpg

I give up! I can’t find a single authentic map from the 1800s that includes an entity called “Greece”! :?

So calling Cypriots “Greek Cypriots” means what exactly?

That our great grandparents were in Greece in 1830 because I assure you mine were not!

Regards, MP.

So, Greece was always part of some empire is your point. No one doubts that. Following your logic however neither Cyprus ever existed on its own. I looked up each and every one of your maps. It was always someone else's conquest. As per your thinking, should Cyprus have the luxury of being independent today?

A "Greek"-somehting is someone who was borne into believng that she is the bearer of a beautiful tradition. The same can be said of Turkic people. When for example an ethnic Turk goes to Kyrgystan and feels proud when they approach him warmly for no other reason than sharing bits of commom history and traditions.

Or imagine a Greek Cypriot or Greek American going to the furthest corner of Russia and having a conversation on the etymology of his friends' names: Dimitri, Hera, Constantine.

You remind me of something i read somewhere: if modern Greeks did not exist the westerners would have invented them. And perhaps that's what happened in the 1700s and early 1800s. But we have to admit, it was a beautiful "invention"!

Greece is not the flag. Greece is furthest away from the numpties on this forum exhibiting their false Greekness! Greece is a tradition carried by a people who choose to do so. Some may even be direct descendents of Plato, Aristotle, or closer to us, Kifeas, Praxandros, Zinon. We, as Greek Cypriots, share the burden of responsibility to carry the tradition. To carry it in the very 24 letters used by Socrates himself. This means neither wars nor extinction of others nor hatred. Being associated with Greece, whether by birth or more importantly by choice, is a blessing. The dope-sounding comments on Greekness simply reveal the distance of their writers from the rue meaning of behaving like a Greek.

I am a Cypriot. A Greek Cypriot.

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Postby Mikiko » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:11 pm


Following your logic however neither Cyprus ever existed on its own.

Quite the opposite . it was always on its own and NEVER a part of the Greek Territory unlike the rest of the Greek islands.

I dont know from where do some of you learn history ! from Toilet ? OR from some puppet politicians with short memories or the Super Cypriot priest Chrysostomos who never touches the Cyprus flag ? :wink:

It even got a short time of independence and the aim at that time was Independence . ENosis claim was very recent and was not even aproved by Greece.

Cyprus gained independence for some time around 669 but was conquered by Egypt under Amasis (570-526/525). The island was conquered by the Persians around 545 BC. A Persian palace has been excavated in the territory of Marion on the North coast near Soli. The inhabitants took part in the Ionian rising. At the beginning of the 4th century BC, Euagoras I, King of Salamis, took control of the whole island and tried to gain independence from Persia. Another uprising took place in 350 but was crushed by Artaxerxes in 344.

These are the facts. The myths are collapsing ......

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Postby antifon » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:29 pm

Mikiko wrote:ANTIFON

Following your logic however neither Cyprus ever existed on its own.

Quite the opposite . it was always on its own and not a part of the Greek Territory unlike the rest of the Greek islands.

I dont know from where do some of you learn history ! from Toilet ? OR from some puppet politicians or the Super Cypriot priest Chrysostomos who never touch the Cyprus flag ? :wink:

It even got a short time of independence and the aim at that time was Independence . ENosis claim was very recent and was not even aproved by Greece.

Cyprus gained independence for some time around 669 but was conquered by Egypt under Amasis (570-526/525). The island was conquered by the Persians around 545 BC. A Persian palace has been excavated in the territory of Marion on the North coast near Soli. The inhabitants took part in the Ionian rising. At the beginning of the 4th century BC, Euagoras I, King of Salamis, took control of the whole island and tried to gain independence from Persia. Another uprising took place in 350 but was crushed by Artaxerxes in 344.

These are the facts. The myths are collapsing ......

Did I suggest that Cyprus was part of Greek territorry?

Yes, your facts are right. The only point I was trying to make is that from the maps provided 99% [ok, 70% makes you happy? Or 81%? how about 67%?] of the UN nations today never existed in history as the geographical/ administrative entities we know them today. Study the maps provided and challenge me.

The fact remains: over 90% of genuine Cypriots (i am assuming a TC population of circa 65.000) today FEEL a responsibility to carrying forward the Hellenic traditions. Does it matter if no single one of them can trace her roots back to Plato?

They feel, therefore they are!

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Postby Klik » Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:02 pm

Hahahahahahaha... you forgot to say that wherever INDEPENDENCE is mentioned it means as a KINGDOM-STATE, just like Athens was, just like Sparta was, just like Macedon, just like Theba and every other kingdom-state of Greece in the past. Do you even know who Evagoras was? :lol:

Although Cypriots were Greeks and their language a dialect of Greek, the Arcadocypriot, they used to write in an older and more difficult system, called Cypriot syllabary. Evagoras has been called a pioneer of the adoption of the Greek alphabet in Cyprus in place of the older Cypriot syllabary.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And antifon, it's not a matter of feeling though. It's a matter of facts. There's a reason why the language and culture has been saved through the years. Feeling means shit if you are not backed with facts. And Cyprus being Greek is a fact.
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