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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:31 pm

Jerry wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
pretty-as-pink wrote:Thanks milti :)
You hit the nail on the head there!
:? :?

One wonders (judging by the preferred content of your usual posts) just which 'Head' you are referring to.

Incidentally, if you ever do manage to become pregnant, may I have one of the pups?. :lol: :wink:

Re pups , she "would of" but you have offended her now. :lol:

Woof woof

Well I sincerely hope not Jerry, actually I was of a mind to offer her an invitation to a 'Soiree' I will be attending shortly, I am sure the level of her conversations would be quite a charming diversion from the usual political and social topics one is forced to endure at such gatherings.

I am sure my (once Aristocratic) French counterpart 'Titus A'canarde's - Derriere', would be delighted to make her close acquaintance. :lol: :lol:

(actually, 'Titus' is one among many of 'Jimmy Light's' associates BUT, scrubbed up and properly dressed, he displays the countenance of his forebears admirably.) :wink:
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Postby pretty-as-pink » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:29 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
Jerry wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
pretty-as-pink wrote:Thanks milti :)
You hit the nail on the head there!
:? :?

One wonders (judging by the preferred content of your usual posts) just which 'Head' you are referring to.

Incidentally, if you ever do manage to become pregnant, may I have one of the pups?. :lol: :wink:

Re pups , she "would of" but you have offended her now. :lol:

Woof woof

Well I sincerely hope not Jerry, actually I was of a mind to offer her an invitation to a 'Soiree' I will be attending shortly, I am sure the level of her conversations would be quite a charming diversion from the usual political and social topics one is forced to endure at such gatherings.

I am sure my (once Aristocratic) French counterpart 'Titus A'canarde's - Derriere', would be delighted to make her close acquaintance. :lol: :lol:

(actually, 'Titus' is one among many of 'Jimmy Light's' associates BUT, scrubbed up and properly dressed, he displays the countenance of his forebears admirably.) :wink:

Oh gosh we are the boff arent we sir.
Well my threads cant be that bad for you are forever posting on them.
Like i have said, I was not running your stories down, i was mearly suggesting a section for story tellers :roll: whats so bad in that.
Pregnant?? sorry mate but that would have to be a miracle, I couldnt fall pregnant if i wanted too :cry: horrible git.
Oh and leave milti alone too :twisted:
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Postby RichardB » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:37 pm

Young schnauzer

Was your aquaintance once the escort of Ma lady Queune-Perroquet ?
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:05 pm

RichardB wrote:Young schnauzer

Was your aquaintance once the escort of Ma lady Queune-Perroquet ?

Absolutely RichardB !, perhaps you have knowledge of the full story ?.

She was often (almost nightly) prone to 'Throw Up' and gained the reputation of something of a drunkard, however, it was not until she was observed one evening, shortly after dinner, 'Gobbling' at the 'Duke's Head'.

The significance of her unfortunate tendancies were, at that point, exposed since she 'Threw up' all over the Duke's trousers, he was NOT amused.

Titus duly escorted her out of the company and little has been heard of her since.......since that is until YOUR mention of her.

Do you have any knowledge of her current whereabouts my friend ?, last 'I' heard of her, she was posing as some kind of 'Critic' and openly confessing that she had quite an expanse of information to any who would seek to learn the finer arts of sexual gratification.

Jimmy Light and several of the 'Brotherhood' would love to meet her, now that she has fallen so far from 'Grace'.

But not 'I'......."Yuk!". :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:41 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
RichardB wrote:Young schnauzer

Was your aquaintance once the escort of Ma lady Queune-Perroquet ?

Absolutely RichardB !, perhaps you have knowledge of the full story ?.

She was often (almost nightly) prone to 'Throw Up' and gained the reputation of something of a drunkard, however, it was not until she was observed one evening, shortly after dinner, 'Gobbling' at the 'Duke's Head'.

The significance of her unfortunate tendancies were, at that point, exposed since she 'Threw up' all over the Duke's trousers, he was NOT amused.

Titus duly escorted her out of the company and little has been heard of her since.......since that is until YOUR mention of her.

Do you have any knowledge of her current whereabouts my friend ?, last 'I' heard of her, she was posing as some kind of 'Critic' and openly confessing that she had quite an expanse of information to any who would seek to learn the finer arts of sexual gratification.

Jimmy Light and several of the 'Brotherhood' would love to meet her, now that she has fallen so far from 'Grace'.

But not 'I'......."Yuk!". :lol: :lol: :wink:

I thought i was correct in my assumption

As far as I am aware after '''goosing'' around the Dukes Head she was indeed banished from the society.

I do however have it on good authority that she has recently re-surfaced, and has indeed ressurected herself as a lady of diverse omnipresence around the embankment, offering her services to clients of misfortune who require a mothers love and kindness.

She is living at the moment , as far as I am aware in a tented station tending the homeless and brow beaten chaps and chapesses who have the misfortune to be homeless or who are waiting for reccommpense and/or forgiveness for their sins.

She is still wearing her clothes of Green , red and hues of blue, and Jimmy would still recognise her bent I am sure.

She has also remedied her penchant for throwing up by having established a link with the pharmacy assistants of the south bank who in return for a little warmth will provide the medicine she so craves and is unable to get in sufficent quantities from her Harley Street admirers.

I feel she would be absolutely thrilled to see Jimmy and the Duke again if they are by chance in the area.
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Postby pretty-as-pink » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:58 pm

What a load of old tosh :)
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:11 pm

RichardB wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
RichardB wrote:Young schnauzer

Was your aquaintance once the escort of Ma lady Queune-Perroquet ?

Absolutely RichardB !, perhaps you have knowledge of the full story ?.

She was often (almost nightly) prone to 'Throw Up' and gained the reputation of something of a drunkard, however, it was not until she was observed one evening, shortly after dinner, 'Gobbling' at the 'Duke's Head'.

The significance of her unfortunate tendancies were, at that point, exposed since she 'Threw up' all over the Duke's trousers, he was NOT amused.

Titus duly escorted her out of the company and little has been heard of her since.......since that is until YOUR mention of her.

Do you have any knowledge of her current whereabouts my friend ?, last 'I' heard of her, she was posing as some kind of 'Critic' and openly confessing that she had quite an expanse of information to any who would seek to learn the finer arts of sexual gratification.

Jimmy Light and several of the 'Brotherhood' would love to meet her, now that she has fallen so far from 'Grace'.

But not 'I'......."Yuk!". :lol: :lol: :wink:

I thought i was correct in my assumption

As far as I am aware after '''goosing'' around the Dukes Head she was indeed banished from the society.

I do however have it on good authority that she has recently re-surfaced, and has indeed ressurected herself as a lady of diverse omnipresence around the embankment, offering her services to clients of misfortune who require a mothers love and kindness.

She is living at the moment , as far as I am aware in a tented station tending the homeless and brow beaten chaps and chapesses who have the misfortune to be homeless or who are waiting for reccommpense and/or forgiveness for their sins.

She is still wearing her clothes of Green , red and hues of blue, and Jimmy would still recognise her bent I am sure.

She has also remedied her penchant for throwing up by having established a link with the pharmacy assistants of the south bank who in return for a little warmth will provide the medicine she so craves and is unable to get in sufficent quantities from her Harley Street admirers.

I feel she would be absolutely thrilled to see Jimmy and the Duke again if they are by chance in the area.

The South Bank ?, the Hell you say, I have just spoken to Jimmy and informed him of the information you have passed on to me, he thanks you for your interest and assures me that if he can ever be of any service to you "Jus' say th' werd Guvna!".

It would appear that the area you have highlighted (around the Embankment) is the territory of one or two of 'The Brotherhood', one in particular 'Jack Ndany' (a Ghanaian) is mostly to be found around 'Parliament Square', he likes to rest beneath the statue of the ex- terrorist 'Nelson Mandela' since the outstretched arms seem to afford him some comfort, it is also quite a lucrative spot for him since many tourists (particularly in recent days) come for a 'Gawk'.

Jack Ndany, being Black, attracts quite an audience and delights in reminding those who attend him of 'Nelson's' chequered past, he tells Jimmy that most people are quite unaware of the fact that 'Nelson' was a fearsome foe to the White folk in his youth, indeed, up until the event which was in honour of his 90th birthday, he was actually still on the C.I.A's list of terrorists, removal of his name being one of the very special presents he was given to mark the occasion.

Jack charges the 'Yanks' a little more for his verbals since he (like Jimmy) is none too fond of the antics of them in his native land.

The proceeds of Jack's efforts are distributed among those less well able to fend for themselves, they are 'Outside' the 'Brotherhood' and, strangely enough, some of the recipients of Jack's generosity are actually in full time employment YET, are unable to make ends meet.

UK 2011.............. Some forced to live in cardboard boxes, disgraceful.

NONE of Jimmy's 'Brotherhood are so destitute, they 'CARE' for each other you see. :wink:

I will report on the condition and territories of some of the other members of the 'Brotherhood' subsequent to securing 'Jimmy's' permission.

Isaac Koch (the Jewish member of the fraternity) was apparently standing in a shop doorway in Kensington when a Policeman approached him and said,

"Oi you, what's your name and what are you doing here?"

"Err,m Isaac Koch Sir.................................."

"Don't care what you do for a living mate, be orf with ya, get yourself up around Soho if you want to get up to THAT sort of behaviour !"

Poor Isaac, he was last seen shuffling off with the tails of his long coat flapping in the wind. :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby SSBubbles » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:40 pm

pretty-as-pink wrote:What a load of old tosh :)

I agree! :roll: :roll:
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:45 pm

SSBubbles wrote:
pretty-as-pink wrote:What a load of old tosh :)

I agree! :roll: :roll:

Birds of a feather perhaps ?. :lol: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:47 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:You need treatment mate , you talk a load of Bull !! Leave the girl alone or you will have Milti to deal with you plonker !

Welcome back miltiades :lol: , I see you forgot to burst into a flurry of abusive language :shock: .

Quite the 'Little Gentleman' this morning, perhaps you might be interested in joining 'Jimmy Light's' entourage, he DOES have one or two vacancies for 'Gentlemen of the Road' and I am sure YOU would look quite fetching staggering along the high street with a fag in one hand, a half empty bottle of plonk in the other and the 'Arse out of your trousers' :lol:.

On second thoughts, maybe not, your language would be a let down (imho) :lol: :wink:

Nonetheless, again welcome and I hope you are in good health. :wink:

Boy , let me once again tell you , and open wide !
I dont tolerate stupidity neither do I have time for "plonkerisms "
You and your mate are a total waste of space , a couple of jerks that get up my nose.
One thinks that he is Bin Laden's rep in Cyprus and you think that you are
an ...intellectual. Boy , I do not dislike you I just consider you to be a Plonker of the first degree !!
Thank you for enquiring as to my welfare , I do also hope that you are healthy and of ....sound ...mind , or is this too much to ask.
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