A stranger joined him at the table (since there were no other seats available) on this sunny afternoon and a conversation ensued which would change the 'Muser's' life forever.
By an extraordinary co-oincidence, both parties hailed from the same location and had similarly been evicted by force from their homes, far from the land in which they now both found themselves.
The two (who were soon to become close friends) exchanged pleasantaries and it was not long before they discovered , to their amazement, that they were children together in their homeland, furthermore, the 'Stranger' had but recently visited his own home and found it to be in ruins.
To the surprise of the 'Muser', the 'Stranger' was able to inform him that HIS home was quite intact BUT, it was currently inhabited by a reclusive and shabbily dressed 'Deaf Mute!', apparently shunned by all of his neighbours and quite friendless.
The 'Recluse', lived off the produce of the land which surrounded his home and kept some farm animals, thereby rendering himself perfectly self sufficient.
The 'Stranger' further informed the 'Muser' that, in stature and general appearance (though not shabbily dressed of course) the 'Muser' could, with a certain amount of attention to detail, easily disguise himself as the 'Recluse' and perhaps regain his property.
The 'Muser', duly grew his beard and adopted something of a dishevelled countenance in order to 'psyche' himself in preperation for the task that the two agreeably resolved to undertake, the 'Stranger' paid particular attention to the details which would ensure that the venture they were about to embark upon, would be a success.
They would return to their homeland and, the 'Muser', suitably disguised , would usurp the position of the 'Recluse', providing the 'Stranger could successfully obtain the necessary clothing and walking stick of the 'Recluse'.
As to the dispatch of the 'Recluse', it was of small consequence to the 'Stranger', he was militarily trained and had no qualms about taking revenge upon one who had stolen his 'Friends' property, the job was done with some alacrity and there is little need for further explanation.
Safely ensconsed in his own property, adorned with his scraggy beard, turban, flowing robes and pointed shoes, the 'Muser' was perfectly happy with his lot, the 'Stranger' remained with him for a short period and crossed the border (at the dead of night without incident) which divided the country of his birth.
Meanwhile, the 'Muser' grew in confidence in his new role (as the 'Recluse') and one fateful week-end, decided to venture out among the local community, he knew that he would not be well received since the 'Stranger' had informed him so, he knew that he would have to adopt the countenance of a 'Deaf Mute', which was a blessing to him since he did not speak the language of the locals.
He took with him some farm produce which he sold to a local trader and, with the money he received, treated himself to a meal in one of the local eateries.
Ah, but 'Fate' has a way of dealing quite cruelly with those who seek to deceive, perhaps even 'Allah' himself may have decreed that which followed.................................. from whichever OR whatever source misfortune chose to place it's accursed hand, tragedy was about to strike.
Poor 'Muser', unused as he was to the foreign fare he had just eaten, developed an excruciating pain in the abdomen and hurriedly prepared to the toilet, the relief he felt upon the violent discharge from his bowels (excuse me Ladies for there is no alternative) brought a whimsical smile to his bearded face which immediately transformed into an expression of horror when, first he observed just how messy the floor surrounding the 'Hole in the Ground' which served as a toilet was, followed by a wringing of his hands when he discoverd that there was no toilet paper.
In such a predicament, most of us would feel completely shattered, can you imagine such a plight ?.
Ah, but again 'Fate' or even 'Allah' came to the rescue of our daring usurper, perhaps they had compassion for the evils that were originally imposed upon him OR, it may even prove that both the 'Fates' AND 'Allah' are politically motivated since, nicely tucked in the folds of his robes, 'Muser' carried a particular parchment which NEVER left his possession, he ruefully withdrew it and used it to administer the necessary motions to cleanse himself, sadly consigning the soiled parchment to the confines of the 'Hole in the Ground'.
After shuffling back to his home, feeling rather crestfallen, he sat in the corner of his room and buried his head in his hands, "Oh God" says he, "Will I ever have the strength and knowledge to reproduce that which was written upon that sacred parchment?"
THEN, perking up a little, a wry smile appeared on his face, "Ah well" he says "At least my 'Manifesto' DID prove to be of some use in the end !"
Amen to that.