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Lying builders

Postby Gasman » Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:13 pm

Cyprus District Court Judge G. Philippou found property developers Christoforos and Marios Karayiannas guilty of an assault against Conor in 2006 and ordered them to pay damages plus interest and legal fees.

The judge found that the defendants were lying in court and gave conflicting evidence. In many parts of his evidence, Marios Karayiannas gave different evidence than that which he had given in a previous affidavit.

So it's official now - the 'Lying Builders' of the Lying Builders website fame - are ... well .... Lying bastards!

Hope they get done for perjury.
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:15 pm

Ooooooh so they are no longer Alleged, Heard It Said They Are Liars, Bleeding Liars but actual Bleeding Proven By Due Judicial Process Bleeding Liars....

What a pair of Bleeding Liars.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:31 pm

So the court served justice as it was expected to do.

Any normal person would file a case in the court and follow the normal procedures. What was all that racist badmouthing of the whole Cyprus and the one man demonstrations all about? Did Conor think that his case could skip the line and be done faster by following such tactics? Imagine if every complainant would do the same!
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:02 pm

Seems it might pay to go around with 4 spy cameras on you, just in case of an unprovoked attack.

Maybe now, so-called "corrupt" Cyprus will sue Conor for gross defamation ...

(Don't know why you're so bothered about this, gasbag, as you're never likely to buy :wink: - Still, you get your anti-Cyprus digs when you can; and you've earned your gin.)
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Postby Gasman » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:09 pm

I knew you'd be DELIGHTED Oracle!

Bearing in mind what you'd had to say on the last 'Conor' thread!

Convicted criminals. Now proven to be LIARS - what possible complaint can anyone have about a website called 'Lying Builders' when a Cypriot judge has confirmed they are .... LYING BUILDERS!

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Postby Gasman » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:10 pm

Forget the gin - 3 Kings Brandy for me - or a very good whiskey!
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:12 pm

Oracle wrote:Seems it might pay to go around with 4 spy cameras on you, just in case of an unprovoked attack.

Maybe now, so-called "corrupt" Cyprus will sue Conor for gross defamation ...

(Don't know why you're so bothered about this, gasbag, as you're never likely to buy :wink: - Still, you get your anti-Cyprus digs when you can; and you've earned your gin.)

Conors' quite legitiamte complaint about the court system in Cyprus was NOT the lengrth of time the case was taking but but the way that court dates were being moved about and where (as an example) one hearing was cancelled at a weeks' notice (to which he agreed) only to be reinstated at Short order without notice to him, so he could not appear.

This sequence of changing of trial dates is something that should be fully investigated, but it is events like that that give the legal system an even worse name than it has for merely being slow and inneficient.

See ... 182#637182 ... 183#637183 ... 521#644521

Perahps the defamation action will provide an opportunity for these issues to be opened up to Public scrutiny - I hope Conor will use the public forum that such a court action will provide to ask a few searching questions.

Eliminate those problems - make the process fair and transparent so it is also seen to be fair then no-one can complain, otherwise if you are prepared to accpet a second rate justice system, you deserve all the abuse you get, for that!
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:28 pm

Gasman wrote:Forget the gin - 3 Kings Brandy for me - or a very good whiskey!

Oh Gawd....... Not a Scotch Whisky then?
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:30 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Gasman wrote:Forget the gin - 3 Kings Brandy for me - or a very good whiskey!

Oh Gawd....... Not a Scotch Whisky then?

The gasbag was kicked out by a Scot! :D
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:32 pm

BTW ... don't give a fig about property developers ... but I do think the RoC should sue Conor for defamation in the "Corrupt Cyprus" campaign ... nice photos and damning blackmail right here on CF! :D
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