Oracle wrote:Seems it might pay to go around with 4 spy cameras on you, just in case of an unprovoked attack.
Maybe now, so-called "corrupt" Cyprus will sue Conor for gross
defamation ...
(Don't know why you're so bothered about this, gasbag, as you're never likely to buy

- Still, you get your anti-Cyprus digs when you can; and you've earned your gin.)
Conors' quite legitiamte complaint about the court system in Cyprus was NOT the lengrth of time the case was taking but but the way that court dates were being moved about and where (as an example) one hearing was cancelled at a weeks' notice (to which he agreed) only to be reinstated at Short order without notice to him, so he could not appear.
This sequence of changing of trial dates is something that should be fully investigated, but it is events like that that give the legal system an even worse name than it has for merely being slow and inneficient.
See ... 182#637182 ... 183#637183 ... 521#644521
Perahps the defamation action will provide an opportunity for these issues to be opened up to Public scrutiny - I hope Conor will use the public forum that such a court action will provide to ask a few searching questions.
Eliminate those problems - make the process fair and transparent so it is also seen to be fair then no-one can complain, otherwise if you are prepared to accpet a second rate justice system, you deserve all the abuse you get, for that!