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Lying builders

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Postby Doratis1980 » Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:18 pm

Regarding the criminal case the prosecution has the burden to prove that the accused had intension to cheat and take money from the purchaser without giving any considteration or knowing that it was not possible to provide him the agreed consideration. Its not an easy work for the prosecution cause they must persuade the court above any reasonal doubt. About the civil cases the one who persuades more the court about the real of his allegation is the winner. So if the developer prove that the termination was valid and caused by breach of the contract due to the purcasers behavior the developer could resale for sure the property.. Its very crucial on such cases wether the purchaser has taken posetion (delivered) of the property or not.
The most problems to such cases arise when the purchaser avoid to pay a lawyer for advices and show blind trust to the developers lawyer/or contract offered. Some issues which has to do with the protection of the purchaser are not included on the contracts offered by the developers.
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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:10 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Ooooooh so they are no longer Alleged, Heard It Said They Are Liars, Bleeding Liars but actual Bleeding Proven By Due Judicial Process Bleeding Liars....What a pair of Bleeding Liars.

:shock: Bill, why weren't you there giving us your wonderful quirky reports?
(Sorry, but not being in the country does not cut it for me!)
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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:12 pm

Oracle wrote:The gasbag was kicked out by a Scot! :D

Don't tell us you have her 'cast-off'! :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:23 pm

And now the news is that the AG has decided not to proceed with the various charges against Conor for his alleged defamations, etc. Good news for Conor and for Justice in Cyprus. Well done AS for getting it right!
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:29 am

Many of my dealings with builders and tradies have made me believe that they lying is a key part of their apprenticeships. I have met a few honest builders but they are always booked solid when you need them.
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Postby Jack M » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:00 am

Going by the rantings and ravings of Mr Karayiannas yesterday trying to bully police into doing as he wished, he does after all object to being labelled a criminal. Many of you thought he didn't care about it. Several local Cypriots spoke to Conor yesterday and expressed shock and dismay that this had happened to him and were also sorry that there had been so little coverage in the Greek speaking press.

Well done to Conor for not bowing to pressure and standing up for his rights to protest and tell the truth. They should have learned by now that intimidation tactics do not work on him.

It's to be hoped that ITV got some good footage of yesterday's proceedings.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:44 pm

Welcome back, Jack.
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:34 pm

Oooooooh we're all famous!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what the Lying Buider site has to say about us....

....."This forum is not for the squeamish. Love it or hate it, it can’t be ignored. It is the biggest Cyprus forum on the internet. Cyprus is a war torn Island and every thread on this forum heads North un-moderated. If you want to see what some Cypriots really think of the British on the "Island of Love” then this is the place to go.

Within 10 minutes of announcing my family plight I was called a “plebeian” and a “selfish scumbag” it went downhill from there to “I think I am going to get a group of Cypriots to come down and piss over you while you sleep”

It is sadly populated by internet_trolls who live in Cyberspace rather than Cyprus itself. Some post 50 plus times a day anonymously like cowards and haven’t seen daylight in months. However there are a lot of nice people (Cypriot and Ex-pat) there too and in only 10 minutes of reading you will easily be able to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Good Luck!! ......"

Ok .... 'fess up which of you have been posting "50 times a day" ? ..... and "haven't seen daylight in months" ? ........ is this a ref to Deniz? ... only asking. :D
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Postby CBBB » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:52 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Oooooooh we're all famous!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what the Lying Buider site has to say about us....

....."This forum is not for the squeamish. Love it or hate it, it can’t be ignored. It is the biggest Cyprus forum on the internet. Cyprus is a war torn Island and every thread on this forum heads North un-moderated. If you want to see what some Cypriots really think of the British on the "Island of Love” then this is the place to go.

Within 10 minutes of announcing my family plight I was called a “plebeian” and a “selfish scumbag” it went downhill from there to “I think I am going to get a group of Cypriots to come down and piss over you while you sleep”

It is sadly populated by internet_trolls who live in Cyberspace rather than Cyprus itself. Some post 50 plus times a day anonymously like cowards and haven’t seen daylight in months. However there are a lot of nice people (Cypriot and Ex-pat) there too and in only 10 minutes of reading you will easily be able to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Good Luck!! ......"

Ok .... 'fess up which of you have been posting "50 times a day" ? ..... and "haven't seen daylight in months" ? ........ is this a ref to Deniz? ... only asking. :D

Must be someone who lives in that place with no sun, the UK, so deniz is a possibility!

I object to the insinuation that we don't like Brits, it is just the miserable whinging ones we don't like (OK, that is probably most of them).
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:56 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Oooooooh we're all famous!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what the Lying Buider site has to say about us....

....."This forum is not for the squeamish. Love it or hate it, it can’t be ignored. It is the biggest Cyprus forum on the internet. Cyprus is a war torn Island and every thread on this forum heads North un-moderated. If you want to see what some Cypriots really think of the British on the "Island of Love” then this is the place to go.

Within 10 minutes of announcing my family plight I was called a “plebeian” and a “selfish scumbag” it went downhill from there to “I think I am going to get a group of Cypriots to come down and piss over you while you sleep”

It is sadly populated by internet_trolls who live in Cyberspace rather than Cyprus itself. Some post 50 plus times a day anonymously like cowards and haven’t seen daylight in months. However there are a lot of nice people (Cypriot and Ex-pat) there too and in only 10 minutes of reading you will easily be able to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Good Luck!! ......"

Ok .... 'fess up which of you have been posting "50 times a day" ? ..... and "haven't seen daylight in months" ? ........ is this a ref to Deniz? ... only asking. :D

I must agree that 50 times a day is probably a bit of an exageration, though there were some rather rabid anti Conor posts by some who are at about the 18 to 21 per day mark....
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