I have been ridiculing these phantom number of T/Cs in the Diaspora ever since Mr Ramadan published his letter in the NCFP.
I have requested him to challenge my figures , he has not.
Here is what I said
Mr Ramadan , are you aware of the world growth population figures and if you are not can you please view the link below and stop making such a fool of your self.
The 1960 Cyprus population showed the number of T/Cs at 103,00 , how on earth do you come up with the nonsense that there are 500, 000 T/Cs in the diaspora. Do tell me please how do you get this ridiculous figure , bearing in mind that the world average population growth since 1960 stands at just over 1% how on earth do 103,000 T/Cs now number almost 600, 000 !!!
I think you are using the same calculating methods that told the world Turkey was justified in invading Cyprus in order to bring to an end the ….massacre taking place.
Sir , nobody will take you seriously frankly you are talking nonsense , back up your figures and stop making a fool of your self !
Its interesting to note however that the “official ” figures handed out by your pseudo state put the number of all T/Cs to more than 800,000 , apparently
500, 000 just in Turkey !!! All these people from just 103,000 in 1960 !!!!!
Keep talking rubbish and the only listeners are the British cheapskates with half a brain between the lot of them.
ps. Given the phenomenal increase from 103,000 to 800,000 in 40 years one can estimate that in forty years time the T/Cs will amount to ….about 6 MILLION !!! Thats when pigs will also be flying !!!
http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wb- ... &tdim=true