Viewpoint wrote:Did you read it?
Viewpoint wrote:The army leaving
yes... the replacement would have cause a new coup within the next 5 years though.
Viewpoint wrote:Maraş being handed back
Don't use your filthy disgusting language when you are talking about a historical Cypriot site
Viewpoint wrote:50,000 settlers remain
that's a....relief
Viewpoint wrote:8% of land being handed back
8%? I could get a better deal from Waitrose
Viewpoint wrote:United Cyprus
United? What does united mean? Annan plan had nothing about 'united', just some stuff about Keryneia never being Cypriot again and that Turks would rule 30% of the country... How's that uniting? And unite what?
Viewpoint wrote:Airspace over Turkey
Hahahahaha.. Yes we need to sell out 30% of our country just to fly our airplanes over Turkey, which is only helpful for going to former USSR countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which is not actually an ideal destination. I'd rather keep my country. And I'd rather keep my ass on my country as well instead of flying over Turkey to Eastern Europe. There's also the current way of flying to those destinations and I don't think people feel bad about that. Or we can take other airlines instead of Cyprus Airways
Viewpoint wrote:4 billion usd revenue in shipping
Yes, you forgot the debt that would come with that in the next years
Viewpoint wrote:sounds like you lost out big time, looks like you are that idiot.
Talking to yourself again?