fig head wrote:SHOES !!
wow, i went shopping for shoes earlier on , i got beautiful pairs of black heels and more beautiful pair of olive oil fantasy shoes !!
now the point is.. shoes make women happier than men!!
if you wanna make a woman happy buy her beautiful shoes
That may be the woman's point of view, but not necessarily the man's.
Your above statement would defy logic for the man to buy a woman beautiful shoes, when you are already saying that shoes make the woman more happier than a man. Surely, if the man did not buy her beautiful shoes for her to be happy (shallow bitch

), the man then would not be replacing himself with a pair of beautiful shoes that he bought to make her more happy with the shoes than her with himself. That would be like scoring an own goal, wouldn't it and not "scoring" with her at all, and even if he did "score" with her, she would be thinking of her beautiful shoes more than him while going through the motions.
OK, it is true, that most guys don't care what motions the woman goes through while he is "scoring".!