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Mothers banned from playgroup for being British in the UK

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Mothers banned from playgroup for being British in the UK

Postby DT. » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:04 pm

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Postby CBBB » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:36 pm

What would happen if they set one up just for British mothers and their kids?

I am sure we know the answer, there would be some illegal immigrant screaming racism, and being listened to!
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Re: Mothers banned from playgroup for being British in the U

Postby Lit » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:37 pm

DT. wrote:

Outrages. Hey, i know, why not set up a playground for only british children. Ehh, i guess that would be a racist thing to do....hey wait a minute! lol
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Re: Mothers banned from playgroup for being British in the U

Postby Oracle » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:42 pm

DT. wrote:

Hmm! A state-funded Church activity, in a "secular" society? :?

Making Links, which is based at the Priory Centre in the town, is funded by a £1,000 annual grant from St Neots Town Council.
The community group is staffed by church volunteers and also receives money from the Co-operative community development fund and the Open Door Church in St Neots.

Subversive Missionary activities, methinks!
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Postby Cap » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:44 pm

Aaah... the joys of multiculturalism.
Wait until Sharia comes into effect.
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Postby Lit » Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:24 am

Cap wrote:Wait until Sharia comes into effect.

Well, these people certainly cant wait for that to happen:

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Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:55 am

The stupid greedy British politicians have given these fanatics far too much rope , lets hope they can use it to hang themselves.
The very fact that they are promoting the nonsense that Buckingham Palace should become a mosque and that the Queen should either become a Muslim or leave the country is in itself treasonous .
The British authorities will only react when a major attack with thousands of victims takes place , until then they tolerate these lunatics instead of commencing a massive campaign to discredit these fanatics.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:05 am

We have a custom made Constitution from 1960 - now redundant - which came highly recommended, by the Brits, for being "fair" to minorities.

Maybe the UK can adopt that ... :D
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:49 pm

To see how ludicrous this country has become let me tell you a real life story.
After my wife passed away I applied to the council to give me what Im entitled to receive. A 25% reduction on my rates which applies to all single occupancy properties. I received the reduction which amounted to just under £300 , nice I thought , a ticket to Cyprus.
Shortly after Xmas I received a letter telling me that a visit was to be made at my property to verify that I live alone , if I refused to allow the visit I would have the reduction withdrawn !!!!!
I cant believe the council that pays out hundreds of thousands to people who never contributed to the finances of this country chasing me for £300 !!
My niece , a school teacher over from Cyprus doing a course , is staying with me for a few months , rent free of course !!!! Cant win Im afraid so goodbye to my single persons allowance !!
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Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:00 pm

May take the risk of reminding the other-wise occasionally wise members who have posted above that the Reactionary GB Wind-Up The Narrow-Minded Daily Mail does have a habit of pursuing its anti-immigration, political right-wing agenda, with pretty insignificant, grossly inflated and sensationalised stories like this one, stories that shouldn't really get beyond the local papers, by appealing to the more unpleasant sides of our natures... and it does so sooooooooo successfully.

Come on boys and girls, does this story really belong in a National Newspaper? ... and hasn't it appealed to your naughtier sides and haven't you all taken it and run with it in to other dark areas?????
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