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Mothers banned from playgroup for being British in the UK

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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:19 pm

Oh dear oh dear oh dear! Once again falls to a sort of Englishman like yours truly to remind one of all of a couple of pretty decent GB values those of Tolerance and Individual Liberty.... oh and taking what we read in the papers with a pinch of salt.

One other thing please it ain't unusual for local councils and governments to use pretty small amounts of money in a focused way to help out groups, often voluntary groups. It can be a very cost-effective way of maxing out limited resources.

Oh and a reminder that here in The Free Areas of North London, some councils do partly fund CY voluntary programmes to, for instance, help out older CYs and it's much more cost-effective to bring older CYs together in our community centres, to offer lunches at cost, to help provide somewhere warm with social engagement etc etc rather than to provide services individually at home.

So which of the Anti-Immigrant We're Just A Couple Of Steps Away From The Gas Chambers Lobby above has a problem with helping out older CYs ??????????
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Postby pretty-as-pink » Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:25 pm

I dont know who has a problem with helping out older cy's, but clearly some people have a problem with helping out young children to get off on the right foot, ie not allowing them in the playgroup door to mix and play, learn and grow because of the colour of their skin.
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Postby pretty-as-pink » Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:28 pm

pretty-as-pink wrote:I dont know who has a problem with helping out older cy's, but clearly some people have a problem with helping out young children to get off on the right foot, ie not allowing them in the playgroup door to mix and play, learn and grow because of the colour of their skin.

AND with regards to the above comment, if an englishman wishing to take part in the cy culture and keep warm at the cy group up the road from his house in London, after all the cy's are taking part in HIS community, would he be denied entry??
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:11 pm

pretty-as-pink wrote:
pretty-as-pink wrote:I dont know who has a problem with helping out older cy's, but clearly some people have a problem with helping out young children to get off on the right foot, ie not allowing them in the playgroup door to mix and play, learn and grow because of the colour of their skin.

AND with regards to the above comment, if an englishman wishing to take part in the cy culture and keep warm at the cy group up the road from his house in London, after all the cy's are taking part in HIS community, would he be denied entry??

Well dunno about your hypothetical Englishman but this very real sort of Englishman has been known to have had a subsidised cup of tea in one of the centres, and wasn't refused entry.

But seriously it's a matter of focusing limited resources, and there are times when positive discrimination (and yes pd is controversial) may be a best way of using public money, so in your hypothetical case there'll be other programmes to help out your Englishman, even though his needs will over-lap, cos some of his needs may differ. He won't for instance need help with filling in forms say, or communicating on the phone with officialdom or accessing services as some older first generation CYs still do here in GB (regretfully).
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Postby pretty-as-pink » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:25 pm

Forms!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


I cant believe two women have been denied the right to take their two young children to playgroup because they are white British.
It seems you cant believe it either or maybe its a case of you DONT believe it, yes it is a tough one to get your head round, almost unbelievable!

British people are accused all the time of being racist and when something like this happens all some people can say is HYPOTHETICAL or something totally irrelavant like "well our people dont have access to forms"
Its a crazy world dont you think :wink:
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Postby pretty-as-pink » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:29 pm

pretty-as-pink wrote:Forms!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


I cant believe two women have been denied the right to take their two young children to playgroup because they are white British.
It seems you cant believe it either or maybe its a case of you DONT believe it, yes it is a tough one to get your head round, almost unbelievable!

British people are accused all the time of being racist and when something like this happens all some people can say is HYPOTHETICAL or something totally irrelavant like "well our people dont have access to forms"
Its a crazy world dont you think :wink:

And as for the Englishman having a subsidised cuppa, good for him for gods sake, think about it, HE provided it in the first place.
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:09 pm

pretty-as-pink wrote:
pretty-as-pink wrote:Forms!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


I cant believe two women have been denied the right to take their two young children to playgroup because they are white British.
It seems you cant believe it either or maybe its a case of you DONT believe it, yes it is a tough one to get your head round, almost unbelievable!

British people are accused all the time of being racist and when something like this happens all some people can say is HYPOTHETICAL or something totally irrelavant like "well our people dont have access to forms"
Its a crazy world dont you think :wink:

And as for the Englishman having a subsidised cuppa, good for him for gods sake, think about it, HE provided it in the first place.

Erm.. the sort of Englishman being referred to was moi .... a born and bred sort of Englishman and yes you're right a life-long tax and local rates payer (regretfully).

Anyway here's another one for lazy journos from the Little Englander Daily Wally and for the Stormtroopers...

(Perhaps Filitsa would confirm this)....

Here in London and in other towns and cities in GB we've had a pretty big influx of children from our newer European partners. There was little provision for them at the start but local councils have found money to run English as a Second Language programmes, perhaps under a different name, certainly in our Borough, to bring these kids up to speed.

So there you are, a little gift of another example of a programme of positive help from which presumably Anglo Saxon/Norman kids are excluded....... for some scally wags to run with.
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Postby pretty-as-pink » Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:31 pm

You are born and bred Londoner :lol: :lol:

Well lets hope that all are invited to these positive programs and no one is excluded.
Other wise we will be going straight back to the very beginning!
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