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Armenia says regional rival Turkey no leader

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Armenia says regional rival Turkey no leader

Postby Lit » Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:29 am

Armenia says regional rival Turkey no leader

Published: 01.17.11, 23:04

Armenian President Serge Sarksyan criticized regional rival Turkey on Monday for using strong-arm tactics to normalize relations and said reconciliation efforts between the countries were deadlocked.

Sarksyan, who was visiting ethnically-divided Cyprus, said Turkey could not aspire to be a regional leader if it continued what he described as a policy of dictating and imposing its policies on its neighbors. (Reuters),7340 ... 45,00.html

The arrogance of Erdogan is noticed by everyone in the region from Israel to Brussels. Erdogan today huffed and puffed and told Brussels to let them in this comatose union thats filled with geriatric people.
:roll: . Of course there is no relations between Ankara and Yerevan until Armenia does exactly what Turkey tells it to. The Israelis must rid themselves of their Foreign Minister, says Erdogan. Ankara is seeking guarantor power rights to cover the entire territory of Cyprus. He would like us to accept permanent derogations and now his puppet Eroglu has stated that the northern state in any future agreement should be able to reach agreements with other countries, without transferring them onto the federal gov. Yeah, like that is going to happen. LOL Erdogan cant help himself...he always needs to get involved in Bulgaria's mufti issue. Aegean tensions are always on the rise when Erdogan isnt happy about something. The Germans should open Turkish schools in Germany for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation Turks who reside in Germany but cant speak any German. This man's arrogance is endless....
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Postby akiner » Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:24 pm

i dont think neither South Cyprus nor Erivan got any capability to decide on the regional leadership issue, after all they are both the followers or obeyors either Turkey or Shitropean Union and US.
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:26 am

akiner wrote:i dont think neither South Cyprus nor Erivan got any capability to decide on the regional leadership issue, after all they are both the followers or obeyors either Turkey or Shitropean Union and US.

Sorry darling, the only nation that has any Pull with Armenia is the nation that stations thousands of soldiers there which for one reason or another you didnt mention. Which country threatened too be in Ankara in 24 hours when Turkey threatened to invade Armenia to back the Azeris??? :D :D Who could it be????? Maybe Russia. :wink:
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