This acquaintance , 'Jimmy Light', is not a member of the forum but has been mentioned severally during discussions here.
For the benefit of those who have no knowledge of the man, I would like to briefly inform you of his background and current circumstances, hoping that such information will discourage unfair criticism of a person who (as a non-member) is not in a position to defend himself.
Jimmy Light is (as he likes to refer to himself) 'A Gentleman of the Road' and his resourcefulness and courage particularly in the face of adversity are qualities to be admired, NOT ridiculed.
Jimmy recently visited Cyprus, he was very well received by anyone he encountered during his stay and has expressed his thanks (through me) on this forum and to many others that I have contacted on his behalf.
Jimmy is currently in the Kensington area of London where he is also very well received.
Which brings me to the point where I feel it is quite in order to discuss (with full permission) certain characteristics of one of HIS many and multi-national associates, Isaac Koch (previously Isaac Snitzmandorf) and (as he describes himself) "A Jew who has seen the Light" (referring of course to the goodness and integrity of Jimmy).
Isaac has a very 'Plotzing' (as he calls it) problem, he cannot decide whether it would be more advantageous for him to be 'King of the Schnorrers' OR 'A Schnorrer among Kings', such is his dilemma, he often has to rely upon the generosity of his companions for his sustenance, he is considered to be a little on the 'Crafty Side' by Jimmy and others BUT, he has an excellent sense of humour and there has never been any serious issues between him and the others of his ilk, particularly NOT any such that could be construed as 'Racist', although there have been times when he has been called 'Tight Fisted'.
I do hope Isaac Koch will find his 'Niche' e'er long, I am sure Jimmy will keep me informed and I will make mention of others of his 'Fraternity' in due course.