zan wrote:quattro wrote:zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:Nikitas wrote:Just saw Eroglu's proposals for power sharing. They include spearate sovereignty for each constituent state, the power of each to sign internatioanl agreements, the continued guarantees of BOTH states by Turkey, Greece and UK, and a proviso which really is cute: in the event of one state leaving the union it will not remove the satus of the other state.
I would love to hear Bananiot's interpretation of these proposals. No doubt there will be the usual "each new proposal is worse than the last one, it is our fault for not accepting the last one". To which the counter is that the new proposal shows us what the Eroglus had in mind when we were discussing the last one.
While we talk BBF and such bullshit they are really talking partition. IF partition is on the table then let us call it by its name and stop the crap about unitary states and federal structures. Negotiating partition openly and realistically puts a whole different slant on things and changes the international situation radically. Using the word reunification to disguise it obviously helps the invader.
Who is fooling who in this idiotic game anyway?
These are nothing new, Nikitas. This was all in the Annan Plan, albeit disguised, but were in the AP all the same. The NeoPartitionist know that there is no going back to the AP again, so they figured, why not spell out what the AP was all about, but this time in English. As you have also pointed out, Turkey does not want just any partition. They want a partition which allows them to have control over the whole island as well as have influence in the EU through the secessionist state. It is also possible, that Eroglu and Turkey want out of the talks so not to be nagged all the time by world leaders such as Angela Merkel and the UNSG Ban Ki-moon for a solution they cannot deliver adhering to the EU Principles, so why not go "nuclear" with their proposals just to bring the talks to an end, knowing full well they will be rejected by the GCs. Perhaps they are hoping the GCs will get the blame for walking away from the talks to try and get sympathy support from the likes of Jack Straw to try to get direct trade for the north.
BBF with True Federation along with EU Principles can work if both sided really wanted to unify and not seek disguised partition with the terms which you coined the phrase a while back, that the "TCs want to be masters in the north and partners in the south". You see what happens when you give the NeoPartitionist ideas like that, Nikitas.![]()
Well, at least it confirms one thing, that the Taksim Dreams are still alive and well in the north.! I can't imagine any GC would vote for such a plan. Bananiot voted for the AP, which I told him that it was a very irrational vote on his part, specially when he believed and said that "The Plan itself left many things to be desired. One could almost find reasons to vote against it in every paragraph and every clause of it", and if he were to vote for what Eroglu is asking for now in plain English, it will no longer be irrational voting on Bananiot's part, but more like the case of, temporary insanity.!
Most nationalist TCs thought exactly the same Kiks. Seems only your nationalists won!!!
wrong here Zan the Gc nationalists lost by 70% in AP voting .
They sure did. If that same 70% had voted yes instead of OXI we might have been on the road AGAIN to total unity!!!!
talking about unity we mean for cyprus and not a handover to Turkey.