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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby DTA » Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:41 am

ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote: Dont you worry though Bir the GC community went out of there way to make sure we would be taken care of and that such actions against us by your community will never occur again.

Yes read this part of you quote... not so happy with this....... Are you saying that the Actions of Eoka B were justified?
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:54 am

DTA wrote:
ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote: Dont you worry though Bir the GC community went out of there way to make sure we would be taken care of and that such actions against us by your community will never occur again.

Yes read this part of you quote... not so happy with this....... Are you saying that the Actions of Eoka B were justified?

Eoka B wasnt the group that took care of us, the entire Greek Cypriot community as a whole helped us.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:23 pm

DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
ZoC wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:So you insist on being in denial,huh,mala?????
Then you tell us how we will get out of this shit...If we don't agree why we are in the shit,how will we ever find the way out...??? :roll:

who the f*ck's mala??? free cypriots aren't in shit. only those living in the latrine turkey's created for u in the north are. how u get out? i don't think u ever will. just drop the 'k' in turk to a 'd' and get comfortable.

BirKibrisli wrote:ps..What we are entitled to is what we were given in the international agreements which formed the basis of the True RoC...You wanted to rob us most of those rights and had your Enosis drunk ancestors not made the fundamental fuk-up and invited Turkey to come in,you might've gotten away with daylight robbery...You fuked up then and you are fuking up now by trying to deny history...You will never learn...Hence there will never be an agreed solution apart from the status quo...The status quo however will not remain static...It will change in ways you will not like,and you will be helpless to do anything about it...So,keep it up,and you will kiss goodbye to 37% of Cyprus forever...The TCs have already lost 100% of Cyprus,so we dont give a fuk any more... :twisted:

bitching about the past and threatening about the future. someone pull the chain... this steaming turd needs flushing away...

You know who you are, Malafuka!!!!

Keep on denying history and keeping your head in the sand,and your arse will be Turkey's forever...But,you might be enjoying it... :lol:

Bir, an observation. You live in the past so much it obviously blinds you of the realities of today.

You might even be the last ever TC standing, barking about the past.

yeah???? Cyprus is divided since 74...Turkey has 40,000 troops and nearing 500,000 settlers (aka new TCs) in the trnc...There is no solution in sight,and the status quo is likely to be set in stone,making sure there is no peace in my homeland for the next thousand years...

You idiots refuse to look at the past events and try to understand why we are in the present predicament...Let alone trying to find a realistic settlement...And you call me blind????? :roll:

difficult compromises that have landed the Cypriot Presidemt in hot water with his electorate. That's what the Gc side has done in the negotiations. Rotating presidencies, 50,000 settlers remaining, and many more, what has the tc side come up with? Oh yeah the other day eroglu asked if he could sign international agreements as a tc state and that should one of the states leave the union this wont affect the status of the other. :roll:

Ate, go find the reasons you're homeland will not have peace in Ankara and quit your bitching and moaning at us.

I am bitching and moaning to you because unless you come to your senses soon there will be no point even talking to each other...You are playing into Turkey's hands and you afe too thick to realise it...The only way you can get Turkey to remove herself from Cyprus is IF you come to a realistic solution,and agree to share power with the TCs proportionally,as in the agreed Consititution and the international treaties etc...That is your only hope...I am simply showing you what you need to do...To save Cyprus from being permanently divided...If you refuse to look back and hang your heads in shame at the way you treated the TCs,and show that you are prepared to be better partners next time,Cyprus will be swollowed up by the new geopolitical realities which are fast developing in our region..It is no skin off my nose,DT..I have my safe haven in Australia...My children and their children will not be living with the present and imminent danger of war and destruction for the rest of their lives...Can you say the same about yours???

Bir, you gotta be kidding me! You're going on about 1960s constitutions and proportional power sharing when the solution Christofias has offered is 99 steps away from that and 1 step away from a confederacy with autonomy in the north! (btw don't let vp catch you saying you want proportional power and 1960s constitutions cause that'll be the end of your new found friendship with partitionist numero UNO )

I'm not Ready to trust your community again but for the sake of the future I'll take a leap of faith. What's your excuse with everything offered from this side so far?

You are not ready to trust my community??? :lol:
But you think they should trust yours???? You are a funny man,DT...
TCs have some red lines,based on their experiences with your community going back to the 50s....One of these lines is Turkey's guarantee...Is Christofias ready to agree to that???If not he is pissing in the wind...Are you ready to agree to that??? If not you are keeping your head in the sand...When you are ready to see the problem through TC eyes,like I am telling you,you might come up with realistic proposals...After all,the TCs will have to give up de facto Taksim to get into bed with you again...But only if you show signs of regretting you actions of the past...But before that you will need to acknowledge that your community fuked up big time...You are nowhere near that now..Telling me to stop bitching about the past makes you very very suspicious in TC eyes,I am afraid...

Behold the king of compassion and understanding. His understanding of the gc side is so extensive that he cannot understand that the treaty of gaurantee to a gc looks like a Turkish soldier taking the gcs house while raping his wife and daughter.

I repeat when your leader proposes taksim proposals during the RE UNIFICATION talks such as the rights of the states to split then I am not yet ready to trust your community. It reaks of groundhog day.

So much for your sensitivities oh ghandi.

Compassion and understanding have to be mutual to be of any use,DT...
I have spent years here showing compassion and understanding for the GC plight,to be told time and time again that the TCs are thieves and traitors who want to advance Turkey's expansionist policies,and gain on GC losses...I guess I have now got compassion and understanding fatique!

When you understand that the treaty of guarantee was and is a matter of life and death for the TCs,and they will never allow themselves to be at the mercy of the GCs politically and militarily again,we can talk about a fair and realistic solution...Until then this Ghandi will keep on his peaceful march, and try to increase your understanding and Compassion for the TC plight...After all it wasnt the TCs who violated their signature before then ink was dry,to pave the way for Enosis with Greece...You have made your bed,and you must now lie in it...Until you acknowledge your mistakes and acts of brutality against the vulnerable TC community,and show some humanity,decency ,and remorse...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:32 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Me Ed wrote:I was just trying to point out to Bir that the past, whilst important from a historical point of view, serves absolutley no purpose when trying to solve the Cyprus problem and is counter productive. He is wasting his breath.

So in your feeble mind,the key to solving Cyprus problem is to refuse to look at the past,refuse to analyse why things happened the way they did,and how we could avoid falling into the same traps,is that it???

So you want the world to tell Turkey to leave Cyprus,as we now do not need her help as a guarantor to keep the peace between Cypriots WITHOUT talking about how and why Turkey ended in Cyprus,and showing her you are not likely to repeat the mistakes of the past WITHOUT talking about those mistakes or even acknowledging them...Are you for real???? I am indeed wasting my breath...You people are blockheads,without anything between your ears! good luck satisfying Turkey you are now reasonable people without admitting any guilt or acknowledging any misakes in dealing with the TCs in the past...Why don't you try the line 'we don't think therefore you dont exist!' or 'we refuse to look b ack,so the past does not exist!' or 'I deny therefore you are not!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

No Bir, your insistence on looking at the past is marring your perception of what kind of a place the Republic of Cyprus is today - a place and a people that are in the European Union and a place where TCs can prosper with or without the priviledges you demand.

I see...Your whole strategy for a solution is ...Look at us now!!!!!!Switch off your collective consciousness as a community...look at us now.....We are really nice people....We mean well nowwww!!!! Trust us!!! You will not be sorry!!! You are truly bonkers,my friend...I AM wasting my breath!

ps Before I go,I will tell you what kind of place the Republic of Cyprus is today...A place where on hearing that the gates are open,and fearing that the TCs might return to their villages,those who were taking advantage of the absence of the TC owners in my village in Paphos,would come with buldozers and tear down every house and every building they were not using themselves...Don't take my word for it,Go to Istinjo and ask the local GCs!!! Now get out of my sight... :twisted:

Bir, why havent you ever complained about what the peace loving TC community did to the Armenian quarter of Nicosia ??? I presume thats ok though. :roll: :roll: I am sure the TC community didnt ransack it and even left the Genocide monument alone. :roll: Dont you worry though Bir the GC community went out of there way to make sure we would be taken care of and that such actions against us by your community will never occur again.

No,dear AC,I would not condone any injustice done to the Armenian community by anyone...I simply do not know what went on in the Armenian quarter,or even where the Armenian quarter was/is in Nicosia...
I can only talk about what I know,as an eyewitness to the events as they involved the TC and GC communities during the 50s and 60s...I left Cyprus in 1969,and leave it to others to talk about the events after that date...
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Postby DT. » Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:53 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
ZoC wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:So you insist on being in denial,huh,mala?????
Then you tell us how we will get out of this shit...If we don't agree why we are in the shit,how will we ever find the way out...??? :roll:

who the f*ck's mala??? free cypriots aren't in shit. only those living in the latrine turkey's created for u in the north are. how u get out? i don't think u ever will. just drop the 'k' in turk to a 'd' and get comfortable.

BirKibrisli wrote:ps..What we are entitled to is what we were given in the international agreements which formed the basis of the True RoC...You wanted to rob us most of those rights and had your Enosis drunk ancestors not made the fundamental fuk-up and invited Turkey to come in,you might've gotten away with daylight robbery...You fuked up then and you are fuking up now by trying to deny history...You will never learn...Hence there will never be an agreed solution apart from the status quo...The status quo however will not remain static...It will change in ways you will not like,and you will be helpless to do anything about it...So,keep it up,and you will kiss goodbye to 37% of Cyprus forever...The TCs have already lost 100% of Cyprus,so we dont give a fuk any more... :twisted:

bitching about the past and threatening about the future. someone pull the chain... this steaming turd needs flushing away...

You know who you are, Malafuka!!!!

Keep on denying history and keeping your head in the sand,and your arse will be Turkey's forever...But,you might be enjoying it... :lol:

Bir, an observation. You live in the past so much it obviously blinds you of the realities of today.

You might even be the last ever TC standing, barking about the past.

yeah???? Cyprus is divided since 74...Turkey has 40,000 troops and nearing 500,000 settlers (aka new TCs) in the trnc...There is no solution in sight,and the status quo is likely to be set in stone,making sure there is no peace in my homeland for the next thousand years...

You idiots refuse to look at the past events and try to understand why we are in the present predicament...Let alone trying to find a realistic settlement...And you call me blind????? :roll:

difficult compromises that have landed the Cypriot Presidemt in hot water with his electorate. That's what the Gc side has done in the negotiations. Rotating presidencies, 50,000 settlers remaining, and many more, what has the tc side come up with? Oh yeah the other day eroglu asked if he could sign international agreements as a tc state and that should one of the states leave the union this wont affect the status of the other. :roll:

Ate, go find the reasons you're homeland will not have peace in Ankara and quit your bitching and moaning at us.

I am bitching and moaning to you because unless you come to your senses soon there will be no point even talking to each other...You are playing into Turkey's hands and you afe too thick to realise it...The only way you can get Turkey to remove herself from Cyprus is IF you come to a realistic solution,and agree to share power with the TCs proportionally,as in the agreed Consititution and the international treaties etc...That is your only hope...I am simply showing you what you need to do...To save Cyprus from being permanently divided...If you refuse to look back and hang your heads in shame at the way you treated the TCs,and show that you are prepared to be better partners next time,Cyprus will be swollowed up by the new geopolitical realities which are fast developing in our region..It is no skin off my nose,DT..I have my safe haven in Australia...My children and their children will not be living with the present and imminent danger of war and destruction for the rest of their lives...Can you say the same about yours???

Bir, you gotta be kidding me! You're going on about 1960s constitutions and proportional power sharing when the solution Christofias has offered is 99 steps away from that and 1 step away from a confederacy with autonomy in the north! (btw don't let vp catch you saying you want proportional power and 1960s constitutions cause that'll be the end of your new found friendship with partitionist numero UNO )

I'm not Ready to trust your community again but for the sake of the future I'll take a leap of faith. What's your excuse with everything offered from this side so far?

You are not ready to trust my community??? :lol:
But you think they should trust yours???? You are a funny man,DT...
TCs have some red lines,based on their experiences with your community going back to the 50s....One of these lines is Turkey's guarantee...Is Christofias ready to agree to that???If not he is pissing in the wind...Are you ready to agree to that??? If not you are keeping your head in the sand...When you are ready to see the problem through TC eyes,like I am telling you,you might come up with realistic proposals...After all,the TCs will have to give up de facto Taksim to get into bed with you again...But only if you show signs of regretting you actions of the past...But before that you will need to acknowledge that your community fuked up big time...You are nowhere near that now..Telling me to stop bitching about the past makes you very very suspicious in TC eyes,I am afraid...

Behold the king of compassion and understanding. His understanding of the gc side is so extensive that he cannot understand that the treaty of gaurantee to a gc looks like a Turkish soldier taking the gcs house while raping his wife and daughter.

I repeat when your leader proposes taksim proposals during the RE UNIFICATION talks such as the rights of the states to split then I am not yet ready to trust your community. It reaks of groundhog day.

So much for your sensitivities oh ghandi.

Compassion and understanding have to be mutual to be of any use,DT...
I have spent years here showing compassion and understanding for the GC plight,to be told time and time again that the TCs are thieves and traitors who want to advance Turkey's expansionist policies,and gain on GC losses...I guess I have now got compassion and understanding fatique!

When you understand that the treaty of guarantee was and is a matter of life and death for the TCs,and they will never allow themselves to be at the mercy of the GCs politically and militarily again,we can talk about a fair and realistic solution...Until then this Ghandi will keep on his peaceful march, and try to increase your understanding and Compassion for the TC plight...After all it wasnt the TCs who violated their signature before then ink was dry,to pave the way for Enosis with Greece...You have made your bed,and you must now lie in it...Until you acknowledge your mistakes and acts of brutality against the vulnerable TC community,and show some humanity,decency ,and remorse...

It amazes me when a man that knows chooses to ignore. You talk of ink not dry and do not mention that the Tmt in 1959 did not surrender one weapon. By 1962 they had imported a further 9000 weapons via turkey (Russian made off course so as not to blame turkey.) I believe the glorious handgun of the Tmt is a Russian would know its name.

How in the world an entire hierarchy of the Tmt of SERVING Turkish officers was already in place by 1963 in Cyprus is something you've never quite explained to us yet. Considering the family connection to the Tmt and your memory and personal knowledge....why was this infrastructure already in place Bir?
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:38 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:...Until then this Ghandi will keep on his peaceful march, and try to increase your understanding and Compassion for the TC plight...?

Your aim is the complete antithesis of Ghandi's. You are a shameful fantasist for hijacking his cause.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:49 pm

DT wrote:It amazes me when a man that knows chooses to ignore. You talk of ink not dry and do not mention that the Tmt in 1959 did not surrender one weapon. By 1962 they had imported a further 9000 weapons via turkey (Russian made off course so as not to blame turkey.) I believe the glorious handgun of the Tmt is a Russian would know its name.

How in the world an entire hierarchy of the Tmt of SERVING Turkish officers was already in place by 1963 in Cyprus is something you've never quite explained to us yet. Considering the family connection to the Tmt and your memory and personal knowledge....why was this infrastructure already in place Bir?

The TCs knew that you would not give up your ENOSIS dream very easily,DT...As I said many times the TMT was formed to protect the TC community for the inevitable GC onslaught...If wasn't a matter of if but when...You are fooling yourself and only yourself if you believe the GC propaganda that the TMT was there to advance Turkey's territorial ambitions..Turkey had NO territorial ambitions back in the late 50s early 60s...We truly believed our lives were in moral danger,and did our best to organise to protect ourselves...Do you blame us???What would you do if you were a TC during the 50s and early 60s...???Lay back and think of England???
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:56 pm

Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:...Until then this Ghandi will keep on his peaceful march, and try to increase your understanding and Compassion for the TC plight...?

Your aim is the complete antithesis of Ghandi's. You are a shameful fantasist for hijacking his cause.

I beg to differ...I am trying to enlighten you of the plight of the TCs during the 50s and 60s,of which I was an eyewitness...If we are going to have a just and lasting agreement we must stop this hatred and bitterness and try to promote empathy and compassion..If we don't have that we dont have understanding and trust..and without those we are condemned to permanent Partition...

By spreading hatred and bitterness YOU are practising a shameful act of treachery against my homeland,Cyprus...Time to get your head out of the sand,and realise the damage you are causing to our peace efforts...
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:18 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:...Until then this Ghandi will keep on his peaceful march, and try to increase your understanding and Compassion for the TC plight...?

Your aim is the complete antithesis of Ghandi's. You are a shameful fantasist for hijacking his cause.

I beg to differ...I am trying to enlighten you of the plight of the TCs during the 50s and 60s,of which I was an eyewitness...If we are going to have a just and lasting agreement we must stop this hatred and bitterness and try to promote empathy and compassion..If we don't have that we dont have understanding and trust..and without those we are condemned to permanent Partition...

By spreading hatred and bitterness YOU are practising a shameful act of treachery against my homeland,Cyprus...Time to get your head out of the sand,and realise the damage you are causing to our peace efforts...

Gandhi never asked for "peace efforts" to come from 43,000 troops! Give up your "Gandhi" hijack as you are disrespecting the man's name.
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Postby quattro » Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:46 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:...Until then this Ghandi will keep on his peaceful march, and try to increase your understanding and Compassion for the TC plight...?

Your aim is the complete antithesis of Ghandi's. You are a shameful fantasist for hijacking his cause.

I beg to differ...I am trying to enlighten you of the plight of the TCs during the 50s and 60s,of which I was an eyewitness...If we are going to have a just and lasting agreement we must stop this hatred and bitterness and try to promote empathy and compassion..If we don't have that we dont have understanding and trust..and without those we are condemned to permanent Partition...

By spreading hatred and bitterness YOU are practising a shameful act of treachery against my homeland,Cyprus...Time to get your head out of the sand,and realise the damage you are causing to our peace efforts...

Bir i can understand the plight of the Tcs but dont try to make TMT a group of angels . their main aim was and is taksim ..............Enosis was back then now does not exist .
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