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Modern "Greeks" are Slavs!

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Modern "Greeks" are Slavs!

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:28 pm

Modern "Greeks" are Slavs!


“The Popular Science Monthly” - Edited by J. McKeen Cattell


“…The modern Greeks are largely of Slavic orgin. They are not the descendants of the ancient Greeks. That noble race, greatly mixed with barbarian blood during the middle ages, was almost completely destroyed in the course of the frequent uprisings against Turkish rule. Slavic immigrants gradually repopulated the country”




1841 - Sclavonian (Slavic) Antiguities

Page 73:

"...During the fifth, sixth and seventh centuries, Thracia, Macedonia, Thessalia, Albania, Greece (Hellas), the Peloponnesus and the adjacent islands, were occupied by emigrants from Poland and Russia to such extent that the Greek historians of those days bitterly complained that all Greece has BECOME Sclavonian (Slavic).."

"..The epitomist of Strabo equally lamented that all Epirus, Greece (Hellas), Peloponnesus, and Macedonia, were peopled with Skytho-Sclavonians. Constantinople itself became partly Scalvonianized, as may be inferred from the Sclavonian names of the highest officers of state; and it is a fact beyond all controversy that the Emperor Justinian was of the same extraction"


The first volume of Jakob Fallmerayer’s

Geschichte der Halbinsel Morea während des Mittelalters (1830)

“The race of the Hellenes has been wiped out in Europe. Physical beauty, intellectual brilliance, innate harmony and simplicity, art, competition, city, village, the splendour of column and temple — indeed, even the name has disappeared from the surface of the Greek continent.... Not the slightest drop of undiluted Hellenic blood flows in the veins of the Christian population of present-day Greece.”


“Science Monthly” - edited by J. McKeen Cattell,
Published in 1915

Pages 41 and 42

“...Most of the old Greek race has been swept away, and the country is now inhabited by persons of Slavonic descent"


"The Phrenological Journal and Magazine of Moral Science" - VOL. XVI. Published edition 1843


Edinburgh, 9th April, 1843
By Gustaf Komst

"...Next to them in this respect are the modern Greeks, who, for the most part , are of Sclavonian orgin, and, where they are not purely Sclavonian, are a cross-breed in which the Sclavonian enters very largely"

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Postby Cap » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:39 pm

I've got tremendous respect for Byzantine Greeks though.
400 years of occupation and oppression with no homeland yet they still managed to preserve their culture and language and still 'feel Greek' enough to rise up against their oppressors and win their freedom.
After 400 years!!
Britain is virtually dead and buried after 2 decades of Islamic colonization.

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Postby Cap » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:41 pm

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Postby DTA » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:46 pm

Cap wrote:I've got tremendous respect for Byzantine Greeks though.
400 years of occupation and oppression with no homeland yet they still managed to preserve their culture and language and still 'feel Greek' enough to rise up against their oppressors and win their freedom.
After 400 years!!
Britain is virtually dead and buried after 2 decades of Islamic colonization.


What are you talking about?
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Postby Cap » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:50 pm

DTA wrote:
Cap wrote:I've got tremendous respect for Byzantine Greeks though.
400 years of occupation and oppression with no homeland yet they still managed to preserve their culture and language and still 'feel Greek' enough to rise up against their oppressors and win their freedom.
After 400 years!!
Britain is virtually dead and buried after 2 decades of Islamic colonization.


What are you talking about?

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Re: Modern "Greeks" are Slavs!

Postby Oracle » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:13 pm

Get Real!'s up to the minute research ...

Get Real! wrote:








Once again, fascinated by his origins - everybody wants a little bit of Greek in them :wink:

.... even these Pakistanis:

Every 'race' is a lot more Greek than we Greeks are to anybody else! :D

Expand your horizons ... :wink:

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Postby Lit » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:41 pm

Check when you copy from propaganda sites like maknews that the info really exist in the real world, Box Head. Greeks of today speak the same language and inhabit the same lands ancient Greeks did. GET OVER IT.
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Postby Klik » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:48 pm

I agree with Get Real!...

Who do Stanford University think they are? :lol:


1) The DNA make-up of today's Greeks is 99.5% white. The study cliams that today's Greek has 99.5% the same DNA make-up as as the white Greeks of ancient times.

2) Contrary to beliefs by many in Turkey and certain Slavic nations of ex-Yugoslavia, Greek DNA has not been influenced, nor altered, by the mixture of Slavic or Turkish DNA, even though Ottomans ruled a large part of Greece for 400 years.

3) Out of a sample of 925 modern-day Greek DNA, only 0.4% exhibited non-white DNA.

4) To a large extenet, Greeks of the ancient time "transfered" their DNA to other parts of Europe through their conquests. The study showed that, today, Greek DNA is most similar to: a) Italian DNA, b) French DNA, c) Spanish DNA, d) Turkish DNA.

5) The DNA of Italians in modern day southern Italy is the closest match to the DNA of their Greek neighbors.

Toilet paper, Stanford University is just propagating against the 100 year old non-biased research!
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:59 pm

Klik wrote:I agree with Get Real!...

Who do Stanford University think they are? :lol:


1) The DNA make-up of today's Greeks is 99.5% white. The study cliams that today's Greek has 99.5% the same DNA make-up as as the white Greeks of ancient times.

2) Contrary to beliefs by many in Turkey and certain Slavic nations of ex-Yugoslavia, Greek DNA has not been influenced, nor altered, by the mixture of Slavic or Turkish DNA, even though Ottomans ruled a large part of Greece for 400 years.

3) Out of a sample of 925 modern-day Greek DNA, only 0.4% exhibited non-white DNA.

4) To a large extenet, Greeks of the ancient time "transfered" their DNA to other parts of Europe through their conquests. The study showed that, today, Greek DNA is most similar to: a) Italian DNA, b) French DNA, c) Spanish DNA, d) Turkish DNA.

5) The DNA of Italians in modern day southern Italy is the closest match to the DNA of their Greek neighbors.

Toilet paper, Stanford University is just propagating against the 100 year old non-biased research!

Aren't you tired of making a fool of yourself?

Instead of Facebook, find it here... :wink: ... F-8&q=+#22
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:01 am

Klik wrote:1) The DNA make-up of today's Greeks is 99.5% white.

Are you sure it's not pink? Image
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