No, no Zoc. No, no GR!
We are all "Slavs"! ... The whole world is "Slavic"!
Along the northern and western shores of the Black Sea are found, among other populations, brunet Mediterraneans of a generalized type, called Pontic by the Russian anthropologists, who are usually of medium to tall stature and who seem related on the one hand to the Atlanto-Mediterraneans and on the other to the long-faced Mediterranean prototype of Asia Minor and the Caucasus. Inland from the Black Sea shores they are found sporadically in Russia, Poland, and the countries along the upper course of the Danube. They also seem to form an early population level in Serbia and Albania.
In studying the racial composition of southern Russia, there was evidence of a moderately tall, long-headed, brunet Mediterranean form, which is concentrated along the northern shore of the Black Sea, but which also appears sporadically in the entire Russian population. To western Europeans and Americans, it is better known than its frequency would warrant, for it is exemplified by several world famous ballerinas and opera singers. This is the Mediterranean racial division which the Russian anthropologists call Pontic and which the Poles recognize as a very minor element in their own population. It is with little doubt of Neolithic date in southern Russia, Rumania, Bulgaria, and the Hellespont region, and probably in Greece and the Aegean. In most of Thrace it seems more basic than the Danubian, or at least more common.
The Greeks:
The metrical character of the group as a whole indicates a blending of Dinarics and Alpines with Atlanto-Mediterraneans.
This last set of associations clearly denotes the presence of a strong Atlanto-Mediterranean element.
The Greeks, in short, are a blend of racial types, of which two are most important; the Atlanto-Mediterranean and the Alpine. Dinaricisrn here is present, but not all pervading;
The racial type to which Socrates belonged is today the most important, while the Atlanto-Mediterranean, prominent in Greece since the Bronze Age, is still a major factor.
The heads of the mesocephalic Cretans are as large as those of Nordics or Atlanto-Mediterraneans;
The living Cretans are for the most part Atlanto-Mediterraneans.
The important discovery about Crete, however, is the fact that its population is mostly Atlanto-Mediterranean; this race seems to be almost equally important in most of Greece.
Get Real! wrote:Modern "Greeks" are Slavs!
“The Popular Science Monthly” - Edited by J. McKeen Cattell
“…The modern Greeks are largely of Slavic orgin. They are not the descendants of the ancient Greeks. That noble race, greatly mixed with barbarian blood during the middle ages, was almost completely destroyed in the course of the frequent uprisings against Turkish rule. Slavic immigrants gradually repopulated the country”
1841 - Sclavonian (Slavic) Antiguities
Page 73:
"...During the fifth, sixth and seventh centuries, Thracia, Macedonia, Thessalia, Albania, Greece (Hellas), the Peloponnesus and the adjacent islands, were occupied by emigrants from Poland and Russia to such extent that the Greek historians of those days bitterly complained that all Greece has BECOME Sclavonian (Slavic).."
"..The epitomist of Strabo equally lamented that all Epirus, Greece (Hellas), Peloponnesus, and Macedonia, were peopled with Skytho-Sclavonians. Constantinople itself became partly Scalvonianized, as may be inferred from the Sclavonian names of the highest officers of state; and it is a fact beyond all controversy that the Emperor Justinian was of the same extraction"
The first volume of Jakob Fallmerayer’s
Geschichte der Halbinsel Morea während des Mittelalters (1830)
“The race of the Hellenes has been wiped out in Europe. Physical beauty, intellectual brilliance, innate harmony and simplicity, art, competition, city, village, the splendour of column and temple — indeed, even the name has disappeared from the surface of the Greek continent.... Not the slightest drop of undiluted Hellenic blood flows in the veins of the Christian population of present-day Greece.”
“Science Monthly” - edited by J. McKeen Cattell,
Published in 1915
Pages 41 and 42
“...Most of the old Greek race has been swept away, and the country is now inhabited by persons of Slavonic descent"
"The Phrenological Journal and Magazine of Moral Science" - VOL. XVI. Published edition 1843
Edinburgh, 9th April, 1843
By Gustaf Komst
"...Next to them in this respect are the modern Greeks, who, for the most part , are of Sclavonian orgin, and, where they are not purely Sclavonian, are a cross-breed in which the Sclavonian enters very largely"
The First Major Slavic Attack on Thessaloniki, A.D. 597
The liberality of which Pericles spoke also extended to Athens' foreign policy: "We throw open our city to the world, and never by alien acts exclude foreigners from any opportunity of learning or observing, although the eyes of an enemy may occasionally profit by our liberality..."[
Bananiot wrote:"we leave our town open for all. We do not kick out the foreigners nor do we deter them from learning about our civilisation. We don't believe in so much the war preparations and the fake machinations, but in personal magnanimity - generosity".
Here you are then. Use the above as a yardstick and easily find out who the real Greeks of the forum are.
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