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Time to leave

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Postby ManoWAR » Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:28 pm

Saint Jimmy wrote:ManoWAR, my man, let me give you a piece of (totally) friendly advice: this particular discussion is going nowhere, give it up. Start reading stuff in here, instead of focusing on only letting people know of what you think.
Give it some time, maybe a week or two, and you'll see that a lot of the people in here are way more knowledgeable and (dare I say it?) smart than me and you. Try to listen to what they're saying, try to learn things, try to open up your mind. At least, if nothing else, you might learn a thing or two in the process.

That's what I do...

Because, you see, we don't know everything. The only real difference I see between you and me (besides our totally different obvious general outlook) is that you seem to think that you know everything there is to know. Well, this may come as a surprise, but you don't. All I'm saying is spend a little time reading the 'Cyprus Problem' forum; you might pick up interesting stuff.

I'm not being condescending, I meant to use as friendly a tone as possible.

Thanks for the friendly advice Jimmy!

The only reason I reply to you is because I respect you (you seem to be a polite and a logic young man).

I have never said that I know everything because I don’t.
Believe me I am studding and I am reading about the Cyprus problem and about Cyprus history (not necessary from this forum) more than a lot of people (with Turkish flags and other animals in their avatars) who attack on me in this forum!

As for my intelligence, my life has shown that I have serious reasons to be proud of it…
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:14 pm

ManoWAR wrote:Believe me I am studding and I am reading about the Cyprus problem and about Cyprus history (not necessary from this forum) more than a lot of people (with Turkish flags and other animals in their avatars) who attack on me in this forum!

Doubtless this reference to 'other animals in their avatars' is aimed at me. Let me therefore exert my right of reply. I don't claim to be an expert on the Cyprus problem, anyone who does claim this status is usually deluded as it is such a deep and complex issue that in its entireity it denies understanding. My expertise on Cyprus is directed elsewhere, in areas where understanding is possible. However, I am also a scholar on the Cyprus problem and have written a number of articles on the subject, not that this makes me more of an 'expert' than anyone, personally I often find that in writing about the Cyprus problem it is hugely confusing at times.

I won't get into a tit-for-tat 'I've read more than you've read' as such an argument serves no purpose. However, the difference comes in what you read. If your reading concentrates exclusively on Greek or GC perspectives then you're not reading both sides, which is the only way to really appreciate what the problem is about. I therefore urge you in your reading to take account of positions from not only Greeks and GCs but also from Turks and TCs and other perspectives. Hopefully this would display itself in your gaining a more balanced attitude to the situation, something which I feel you lack right now.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:25 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
ManoWAR wrote:Believe me I am studding and I am reading about the Cyprus problem and about Cyprus history (not necessary from this forum) more than a lot of people (with Turkish flags and other animals in their avatars) who attack on me in this forum!

Doubtless this reference to 'other animals in their avatars' is aimed at me. Let me therefore exert my right of reply. I don't claim to be an expert on the Cyprus problem, anyone who does claim this status is usually deluded as it is such a deep and complex issue that in its entireity it denies understanding. My expertise on Cyprus is directed elsewhere, in areas where understanding is possible. However, I am also a scholar on the Cyprus problem and have written a number of articles on the subject, not that this makes me more of an 'expert' than anyone, personally I often find that in writing about the Cyprus problem it is hugely confusing at times.

I won't get into a tit-for-tat 'I've read more than you've read' as such an argument serves no purpose. However, the difference comes in what you read. If your reading concentrates exclusively on Greek or GC perspectives then you're not reading both sides, which is the only way to really appreciate what the problem is about. I therefore urge you in your reading to take account of positions from not only Greeks and GCs but also from Turks and TCs and other perspectives. Hopefully this would display itself in your gaining a more balanced attitude to the situation, something which I feel you lack right now.

sorry moose you are better than that. with a Ph.D in cypriot politics you must be the most well informed person on this forum. its a shame that a bunch of immature people have spoilt what yused to be a educational and intresting forum.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:43 pm

demetriou_74 wrote:sorry moose you are better than that. with a Ph.D in cypriot politics you must be the most well informed person on this forum. its a shame that a bunch of immature people have spoilt what yused to be a educational and intresting forum.

Thanks for the praise demetre, but I don't have my Ph.D. just yet... I also doubt that I'm the most well-informed person as I feel somewhat detached from the Cypriot scene being in England, only when I'm in Cyprus do I feel that I can get that level of knowledge. You've really got to be on the ground to really understand what's happening. Hence the misunderstanding that some of these people who are far away from Cyprus also demonstrate.
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Postby ChomskyFan » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:27 pm

ManOWar and GreekManiac.... Don't listen to Jimmy and Yiannis, they hate Greeks, I don't know why, but they seem to despise their own people. I bet they want Cyprus to become a Turkish Island.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:30 pm

With good ol' Greek redneck enosists like you around, I can clearly see why they might choose to despise elements of their own people. :roll:
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Postby ManoWAR » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:49 pm

I will not write anything else under this topic.
I will just finish by writing that I total agree with the title "TIME TO LEAVE"

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Postby Greekmaniac » Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:04 pm

cannedmoose wrote:With good ol' Greek redneck enosists like you around, I can clearly see why they might choose to despise elements of their own people. :roll:

Hey moose heroes fought for enosis and we left it in Makarios hand and he sold us out , if he was a true Greek he should have never signed the 1960 aggreement ,even if it meant his life We started with a goal that 98% of the people voted for and we lost sight of it, and the conclusion is what we have today , but you missed my point , what i wanted everyone to pay attention to was the fact that Greece since 1821 regardless of its size ,( and yes with some help from others , and by the way I am familiarwith the help from English and French who sank 90% of the egyptian fleet) has been bringing all the Greek lands under the Greek state , who gives you the right to assume that the war is over, when Greece still finds itself under occupation. If I sound condecending I apologize I am up for discusing everyones point of view , the difference being that mine was never considered but shut down automatically and I was labelled a extremist , if thats the name for a patriot today than let it be.
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Re: Time to leave

Postby theg » Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:37 pm

Greekmaniac wrote:I think its about time Israel leaves gaza and the West Bank , now its time for the Turks to leave Cyprus and all the occupied lands of Greece. What do you think?

yes TURKEY decided to leave all occupied lands.

look the NEW GREECE MAP.

Last edited by theg on Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:37 pm

Greekmaniac, you see I don't understand why you don't post such rationale responses all the time, then we could actually have a good debate. Anyway, I don't have time right now, I will reply later.
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