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three chapters down three to go

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

three chapters down three to go

Postby boulio » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:35 am

It seems that the chapters of economy,EU,AND GOVERNANCE seem to be agreed on ,the three chapters of security,property,and territory will soon start which are the three most difficult.What Are some of the forumers thoughts and suggestions for these three chapters.

Read in Politis that christofias was asking concerning territory basically at least the annan plan land distribution plus a better equity on coastline and also he suggested enclaves in both the northern state and southern state for both the t/c and g/c.Karpasia would be a example of a gc enclave but what would a t/c one be?lourizadja or maybe lefka
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Postby boulio » Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:41 pm

well it seems todays meeting was a disaster i guess eroglu and turkey didnt like Merkels comments yesterday because the meeting between eroglu and christofias last just one hour and the t/c sides proposals and governace and distributions of power were unacceptable and worrisome according to christofias:,1,22,0,56018-.aspx
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