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Postby zan » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:31 pm

Macar Jobbik Partisi Başkanı Hegedüs:KKTC bir an önce tanınarak AB'ye katılmalı
Kıbrıs Türk halkına, uluslararası alanda yapılan haksız uygulamalarda başı çeken Avrupa Birliği’nden farklı sesler yükselmeye başladı.

Avrupa Birliği Dönem Başkanı Macaristan'ın üçüncü büyük partisi Jobbik’in Macar-Türk Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Eşbaşkanı Tamas Hegedüs, “AB Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'ne karşı "açıkça haksızlık yaptı.KKTC'nin bir an önce tanınarak AB'ye katılması gerekir” dedi.

Macaristan’ın 1 Ocak 2011 tarihinden itibaren Avrupa Birliği dönem başkanı olmasıyla birlikte, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti ve Türkiye’ye yönelik yapılan haksızlıklar, gün yüzüne çıkmaya başladı.

Macaristan'da üçüncü büyük parti konumunda olan Jobbik Partisi'nin Macar-Türk Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Eşbaşkanı Tamas Hegedüs, Parlamentoda Anadolu Ajansı’na Avrupa Birliği Türkiye ilişkileri ile ilgili önemli açıklamalarda bulundu.

Avrupa Birliği'nin bir "Hristiyan kulübü" olmadığını kanıtlaması gerektiğini belirten Hegedüs, "Avrupa'nın Türkiye'ye ihtiyacı var. Türkiye'siz Avrupa Birliği olamaz" dedi.

Hegedüs, Avrupa Birliği'nin Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'ne karşı da "açıkça haksızlık" yaptığını, KKTC'nin bir an önce tanınarak AB'ye katılması gerektiğini belirtti.

Macaristan'ın bu yılın ilk yarısında, Türkiye'nin AB üyelik sürecinin hızlandırılması için partisinin gerekli desteği vereceği taahhüdünde bulunan Hegedüs, AB'nin Türkiye'ye çifte standart uygulayarak haksızlık yaptığı görüşünü dile getirdi.

@ Halil
Selamlar Halil. Did you get my email yesterday?
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Postby B25 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:19 pm

:lol: :lol: Zanny boy, before you start to jizz off mate, you might want to wait an see if a real worthwhile country would support you. Hungray an eastern european pisspot country wow, some support you have.

Wet dream on matey, Hungray :lol: :lol: :lol: Give me a break.

I guess thats why you wouldn't translate it, huh??? To friggin embarrassed. Plonker.
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Postby zan » Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:40 pm

B25 wrote::lol: :lol: Zanny boy, before you start to jizz off mate, you might want to wait an see if a real worthwhile country would support you. Hungray an eastern european pisspot country wow, some support you have.

Wet dream on matey, Hungray :lol: :lol: :lol: Give me a break.

I guess thats why you wouldn't translate it, huh??? To friggin embarrassed. Plonker.

Yep! You got it mate. This was written in our special code but you managed to break it. Were you involved in the Enigma project as well? :lol: :roll:

I also like your Freudian slip: "Wet dream on matey, Hungray" :? how big did you say this fish was? :oops: :lol: :lol:

Anywayyyyss! Every little helps, From little acorns grow great oaks and all the cliches you like!!!!!!! 8)
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Postby AEKTZIS » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:29 pm

Mongol remnants supporting Mongol remnants....

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:40 pm

Googelefarted translation with minor changes

"hand Job Party of Hungarian President Hegedüs: recognition of the TRNC to the EU as soon as possible should attend

The Turkish Cypriot people, the unfair practices in the international arena leading the European Union, different voices began to rise.

Hungary's third largest party in the European Union Term President of the Hungarian-Turkish Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group Co-Chair Tamas hand Job'in Hegedüs, "the EU against the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" clearly unfair yaptı.KKTC of immediate recognition of a need to join the EU "he said.

Hungary's European Union presidency from the date being 1 January 2011, but the injustice against Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, began to face the day.

Hungary is the third largest party, the Party of Hungarian-Turkish Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group Co-Chair hand Jobk Tamas Hegedüs, Parliament, the Anatolian Agency, the European Union, Turkey was an important explanations about the relationships.

The European Union is a "Christian club" that you need to prove that Hegedüs, "Europe needs Turkey. The European Union can not be without Turkey," he said.

Hegedüs, against the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the European Union "clearly wrong" that, for a moment before the recognition of the TRNC should join the EU said.

Hungary in the first half of this year, Turkey's EU membership will accelerate the process of committing the necessary support for the party in the Hegedüs, by applying a double standard unfair to Turkey in the EU has expressed his opinion. "

IMHO Somebody should tell those hand-jobbers the only barrier to the so called TRNC becoming a part of the EU is the illegal occupation by Turkey and all that has gone with it: if they can solve that issue and there is re-unification then the whole of Cyprus will be in the EU.
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Postby SKI-preo » Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:20 am

On Handjob Party was translated to Hand Relief party
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:46 am

Hand job, Hand relief, W*nk, , same thing.....I did say I had made minor changes...
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