CBBB wrote:bill cobbett wrote:CBBB wrote:Do I need to say it?
oooh yes please mate... but give us a minute to get another beer and some peanuts and make ourselves generally comfortable.
Sorry I am a bit late, I had already downed a few beers and fell asleep!
So I will say it now, BOLLOCKS!

In your eagerness to offer your stock response to this (and other) threads relating to Jimmy Light, it would appear that you are overlooking a quite significant point.
Jimmy NEVER resorts to bad language, nor do any of his close associates who 'Collectively' form a rather unique 'Fraternity' known throughout the itinerant world as "The Brotherhood".
Your apparent predilection for personal abuse, insult and foul language, immediately places you in the unfortunate social position of being an unacceptable candidate for enrolment into such 'Brotherhood'.
Therefore, unless you learn to curb your desire to present yourself as an inferior to Jimmy's principles, should you at any time fall upon desperate times, you will be consigned to the ranks of a common 'Tramp', unable (through your own volition) to ever become even an associated member of the league of 'Gentlemen of the Road'.
Have a care my friend, few of us can be certain of what the future may hold in store for us.