So what would have happened if Enosis had been implemented, in say 1963?
(a) The Chances are Greece and Turkey would have gone to war -
a. It is unlikely Greece would have made any Territorial gains and if anything would possibly have lost territory in the Aegean as Islands near the Turkish coast would possibly have been occupied and if so possibly ethnically cleansed.
b. Cyprus would probably have been invaded and at best partitioned.
(b) Many of the Civil service Jobs, In particular the better paid senior positions, would probably now not exist in Cyprus. Probably much of the work, particularly at the senior decision making level, would be done in Athens. That in turn would have a knock on effect on other businesses which may benefit from the money such civil servants spend.
(c) Cypriots would have less say in the allocation of resources for infrastructure projects, and would be fighting against other parts of Greece for them.
(d) The Cypriots would however have been paying Greek style taxes which are currently significantly greater then Cypriot rates
Cyprus Tax
€0 - 19,500 Nil Nil
€19,501 - 28,000 20% €1,700 €1,700
€28,001 - 36,300 25% €2,075 €3,775
Over €36,300 30%
Greek Tax
First 10,500 Exempt 0 0
Next 1,500 15% 225 225
Next 18,000 27% 4,860 5,085
Next 45,000 37% 16,650 21,735
Exceeding 75,000 40%
(I am aware that Employees are exempt from the 15% band and there are allowances for Children but a Single Greek in employment earning Euro 20000 pays Euro 2160 while a Cypriot pays Euro 100 and Greek earning 30,000 pays Eur 4860 tax while a single Cypriot earning Eur 30K pays Euro 1900.)
Bearing in mind point (c) there is no guarantee that Cyprus would see any significant benefit from these higher tax payments, which would represent a loss of money from Cyprus, rather than being retained on the Island or at least being spent by Cypriots for their benefit.
(e) Cyprus would probably not have become any sort of an international business centre, which has brought money and jobs to Cyprus.
The chances are that about now those who wanted Enosis might be having a change of mind