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Greece: Wall to be built along Turkish border

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Postby DTA » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:51 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Daniella wrote:happy to see this project make you laught so much :?

I was laughing at Gasmans fence. :lol:

She lives in a rundown, cheap neighborhood ... 'Turkish quarter' isn't it?

How many times is that photo going to be re-posted! :roll:

Now tell me why the Turkish Quarter of Larnaca was kept like that, if not to show outsiders how the Turks lived pre-1974. And ofcourse you kept your refugees there too just to keep them in squalor.

You will not wind me up Oracle. :lol:

No response to this Denis>>>> you know that what the GCs hear from you is a truth they do not want to hear
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:59 pm

DTA wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Daniella wrote:happy to see this project make you laught so much :?

I was laughing at Gasmans fence. :lol:

She lives in a rundown, cheap neighborhood ... 'Turkish quarter' isn't it?

How many times is that photo going to be re-posted! :roll:

Now tell me why the Turkish Quarter of Larnaca was kept like that, if not to show outsiders how the Turks lived pre-1974. And ofcourse you kept your refugees there too just to keep them in squalor.

You will not wind me up Oracle. :lol:

No response to this Denis>>>> you know that what the GCs hear from you is a truth they do not want to hear

Gasman lives in a luxury flat, so I aint bothered. Built on TC land no doubt. I better ask her. :oops:
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Postby Gasman » Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:42 pm

Dunno about rundown. But I am sure a lot of this prime seafront property is worth much more than what the inhabitants of it left behind in the North (where property prices are peanuts).

Correct Deniz. Built on TC land, like most other apartments here. I could show you hundreds of TC properties in a worse state than that one with the fence! All being lived in by GCs with Mercs parked outside and foreign maids waiting on them. It is hard to believe that some are inhabited as they look fit to be condemned. Then you see a light go on or someone hanging washing out. Easier way to tell is when they raise a Greek flag over some crumbling hovel on one the 'Greek' public holidays!

Some of the worst eyesores (Steptoe's junkyard style) belong to GCs who own lucrative businesses along the seafront. It ain't lack of funds that stops them slapping a coat of paint on after 30 yrs or so, making good a wall where they've smashed it down to park another car, or putting in a new pane of glass, or whatever. I can only think it is a deep seated hatred of the REAL owner of the property and them not wanting to spend a cent on it.

Just recently they've been 'clearing' all the TC land that hasn't been built on nearby. No idea why. They have cleared all the scrub and top growth and taken away all the ancient artefacts (old fridge freezers etc) that were dumped on it. It was interesting to then be able to clearly see the foundations where houses had been and in some cases the connections for utilities still there.

I doubt anyone who hadn't seen some of the neighbourhood for 30 odd years would even be able to remember what was where back then, you can still see where the old pavements were and the roads ran but they've been moved, replaced and/or built on.

But all the old TC town property from the Piale Pashia waterfront extending back to about 2 roads is still there. There seems to have been a rush of doing some of them up recently. Some still have the rusting vehicles parked in the yard next to them where they were left all those years ago.
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Postby AEKTZIS » Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:53 pm

One of the "Greek" public holidays like 1 April when CYPRIOTS crushed the British?
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:01 pm

AEKTZIS wrote:One of the "Greek" public holidays like 1 April when CYPRIOTS crushed the British?

Dream on. The Brits were going to leave sooner or later.
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Postby AEKTZIS » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:05 pm

...haha I love that response, also the favourite of the left-wing greek cypriots.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:17 pm

Gasman wrote:I could show you hundreds of TC properties in a worse state than that one with the fence! All being lived in by GCs with Mercs parked outside and foreign maids waiting on them.

Right, so should we assume that you work for the RoC’s TC property custodian department and are thus privy to hundreds of TC addresses, or that you’re just full of shit as per usual? :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:34 pm

Gasman wrote:
Some of the worst eyesores (Steptoe's junkyard style) belong to GCs who own lucrative businesses along the seafront. It ain't lack of funds that stops them slapping a coat of paint on after 30 yrs or so, making good a wall where they've smashed it down to park another car, or putting in a new pane of glass, or whatever. I can only think it is a deep seated hatred of the REAL owner of the property and them not wanting to spend a cent on it..

Here's another of her contradictions. Trying to denigrate GCs both as owners of property which they don't bother to look after (what nasty natives) and then claiming that it must be because they are not the REAL owners?
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:19 pm

AEKTZIS wrote:...haha I love that response, also the favourite of the left-wing greek cypriots.

Come on, are you blind? CAnt you see what happened to all the pink on a world map?
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