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Small documentary style video: around Zygi

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Postby Gasman » Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:15 pm

Cyprus chips certainly are the best chips I've ever had - didn't used to eat chips before I moved here! Just had some with my Moussaka down at Salamis Tavern mmmmm.

More interesting facts from you Deniz. Didn't see that before I saw my pal - I will tell him next time I am over there.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:20 am

Speaking of Zygi and Weighing and Carobs, which I now know are Haroubia in Gr, although being a sort of peasant have always referred to them as Derachia... :D

Anyway also knew that there was a very heavy weight associated with carobs and so brought up the subject with an elderly reli the other night in one of those Skype calls... and this is what I understood... perhaps some-one can check and confirm this....

The measuring weight for carobs was the "kantari" which we worked out as being 225kg, which is very, very heavy.

The calculation went as follows (and not convinced we got it right)

There were/are 4 onjes to one okah and a kantari had 180 okathes and as according to elderly reli there are/were 800 okathes to 1 metric tonne that would make 1 okah equal to 1.25kg, so the kantari with 180 okathes would weigh 180x1.25=225kg.

The other quite interesting thing he told me about carobs, and this was the first time had heard of this one, so it needs confirmation, was that as well as their uses for CY cuisine and in animal feed which are known to all, they were also exported and used in some way, to make movie/photo film. Def a new one on me, whether to make the old explosive nitrate stock or the more modern celluloid cannot say.

To finish no chat about carobs and weighing would be complete without a mention of the use of the seed as a unit of weight/quality by gold and diamond merchants, hence of course the word "carat" derived from the Romaneucians.

Great thing Carobs... and am quite fond of them in moderation.
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Postby Gasman » Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:50 am

And the camels at the camel park in Mazotos love them!
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