A 22 film minute created with the system of animation represents a unique way the great monument of technological civilization of ancient Greece, Diolkos: a tract of land for the transfer of ships between the Saronic and Corinthian gulf along the Isthmus Corinth.
The film has many other technical details, but scenes of marine life of that distant era: Gaming, visit the Temple of Poseidon, a tavern party, and an emotional also confront the saint is a work contribution to the study of Ancient Greek Technology a production of the Technical Chamber of Greece in collaboration with the Society for the Study of Ancient Greek Technology.
Creators of the film is the TP Tassios, N. Mikas, G. Polyzos, who have been so far received two awards: Best film referred to in ancient times at the 5th International Film Festival in Cyprus (November 2009) and Best Educational Film at the 8th International Meeting of Archaeological Film of the Mediterranean Area in Athens (May 2010)