As Byron said, prior to his his departure for warmer climes ...
"Our cloudy Climate, and our chilly Women"
... Does the booze help alleviate both factors?
Cap wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Cap wrote:
Well, coming from the mouth of a Yank (Michael Savage, or are you Jewish?)what can one say!!
"By Jesus Christ mate, but YOU'VE got some front"
Have a look at the 'Gang Cultures' of your own decadent society (to mention but ONE area of depravity) before condemning English society.
At least the English have the good grace to recognise their failings, which is a sight more than YOU are apparently capable of.
On second thoughts, this video has GOT to be a 'Wind Up', it should have been saved for April 1st (IMHO).
Filitsa wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Cap wrote:
Well, coming from the mouth of a Yank (Michael Savage, or are you Jewish?)what can one say!!
"By Jesus Christ mate, but YOU'VE got some front"
Have a look at the 'Gang Cultures' of your own decadent society (to mention but ONE area of depravity) before condemning English society.
At least the English have the good grace to recognise their failings, which is a sight more than YOU are apparently capable of.
On second thoughts, this video has GOT to be a 'Wind Up', it should have been saved for April 1st (IMHO).
Michael Weiner, a persona non grata in the UK, is nothing more than a venom-spewing, right wing blowhard, which seemingly is the only pre-requisite to becoming a conservative political personality in the U.S. these days (take a look at his credentials: He single-handedly transformed into an oxymoron the term "compassionate conservative" - a term he coined to describe himself. Go figure! Was this video produced before or after his ascension to the "No fly" list?
This coming from a "Yank," Shnauzer.
Oracle wrote:Let's draw comfort from the fact we can criticise the messenger ...... or is it because it is a well-established cultural habit of the UK young to drink themselves into a stupor regularly and discussed to death?
Personally, I've been rather proud of the younger generation of late, standing-up to the Cameron/Clegg duet of destruction.
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