Happy New Year to everyone and whilst on the subject of 'New Year'.
The Chinese Calendar tells us that the year 2010 was 'The year of the Tiger' (which ends on February 3rd).
We then enter 'The year of the Rabbit'.
America, being multi cultural, tries it's best to accommodate the traditions of many of the cultures that form the American society but recognizes the 1st of January as the beginning of the 'New Year', as do many other nations.
I was entertaining an elderly Jewish gentleman this morning, he was from the East End of London (Stepney) and exhibited a sense of humour that can only be found among such as he.
We were discussing the Chinese Calendar and he made an observation that made a lot of sense, his opinion was that by changing the character of the creature yearly, it presented the opportunity to also change the faults (if any) of the preceding year.
His final comment on the subject was quite fascinating, he referred to America and it's recent history somewhat disdainfully and said, "America has definitely been stuck in the 'Year of the Schmendrick' for some time now, I doubt if it will ever come out of it".
Which I thought was a wonderful example of the Jewish ability to develop humour in the most unlikely of places and subjects.
There is still hope for us all..............but it is dwindling. (IMHO)