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Paleolithic tools on Crete

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Postby EPSILON » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:58 pm

Mikiko wrote:This is interesting only to Donkeys ! Are you a donkey ?

Yes I am -.What is your problem now? If you do not like to discuss with donkeys just do not do so.
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Postby AEKTZIS » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:36 pm

Mikiko wrote:This is interesting only to Donkeys ! Are you a donkey ?

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:50 pm

Oracle wrote:
Mikiko wrote:This is irrelevant to Cyprus as there is no publicity on the local press .

What a shortsighted remark. If you are only interested in the "local press" why do you bother with a far-reaching Internet based forum?

We have a number of wide-ranging topics which stimulate thought if not a multitude of posts.

Oracle I agree with you: this is of interest. Cyprus is not as far from the continental landmass as Crete so there is some prospect that some Humans from that time reached Cyprus.

Please however do not insult the Neanderthals by dragging them down to Milkko's level: I understand some recent reaserch suggests that they lived in quite ordered social groups, may have had burial customes , and above all may have been able to breed with other Humans and have viable fertile young, as Humans outside of Africa may have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA, making them at least arguably a part of the same species) ... nder_2.htm ... umans.html
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:09 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Mikiko wrote:This is irrelevant to Cyprus as there is no publicity on the local press .

What a shortsighted remark. If you are only interested in the "local press" why do you bother with a far-reaching Internet based forum?

We have a number of wide-ranging topics which stimulate thought if not a multitude of posts.

Oracle I agree with you: this is of interest. Cyprus is not as far from the continental landmass as Crete so there is some prospect that some Humans from that time reached Cyprus.

Please however do not insult the Neanderthals by dragging them down to Milkko's level: I understand some recent reaserch suggests that they lived in quite ordered social groups, may have had burial customes , and above all may have been able to breed with other Humans and have viable fertile young, as Humans outside of Africa may have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA, making them at least arguably a part of the same species) ... nder_2.htm ... umans.html

I gave him the benefit of the doubt but his answer proved he was just feeble minded - not genetically I'm sure; probably through his lack of effort.

I know the neanderthals were given a bad press until more recently. They are worthy of more on their own merits. However, I don't think they can be classified as the same species as us despite the scientist's desire to gain some prize. Because, even at the best possibility of 4% sequence identity, that's only 1% better than the worst readings for us and Chimps. Cross-breeding was a strong possibility but so was convergence, which was not addressed. I remember the gene for ginger hair was branded about as being the most similar, in some other article.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:08 am

Lit wrote:Paleolithic tools on Crete

Tiny Cyprus is about to embark on Natural Gas drilling/processing and bankrupt Greece is still wasting borrowed money peddling rocks and more mythologies!

They’re so fucking sad! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:10 am

Pretty soon Malta will be drilling for oil and Greece burying Black & Decker power tools only to unearth and date them to 20,000BC! Image
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Postby Lit » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:35 am

You've lost the bloody plot.
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:01 am

Get Real! wrote:
Lit wrote:Paleolithic tools on Crete

Tiny Cyprus is about to embark on Natural Gas drilling/processing and bankrupt Greece is still wasting borrowed money peddling rocks and more mythologies!

They’re so fucking sad! :lol:

We'll only get to any oil if Papandreou sorts out Turkey (which he's busy doing) having now opened up Netanyahu to us! Papandreou has also set in motion the shared oil pipeline construction - the Oil/Gas will end up in Greece.

Just think GR! - not only Enosied with our EU-gifting sister, Greece, but now linked, physically, structurally by engineering - Archimedes would be impressed. Double Enosis with Greece - Yum! :D
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