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Re: 1963 is this all propaganda if so then how?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby B25 » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:39 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:List by the International Monetary Fund (2010)
Rank Country GDP (PPP) $M

1 United States 14,624,184
2 People's Republic of China 10,084,369
3 Japan 4,308,627
4 India 4,001,103
5 Germany 2,932,036
6 Russia 2,218,764
7 Brazil 2,181,677
8 United Kingdom 2,181,069
9 France 2,146,283
10 Italy 1,771,140
11 Mexico 1,549,671
12 South Korea 1,457,063
13 Spain 1,364,499
14 Canada 1,330,106
15 Indonesia 1,027,437
16 Turkey 956,576
17 Australia 882,344
18 Iran 830,715
19 Republic of China (Taiwan) 810,487
20 Poland 717,537

The "RoC" comes in at 113

Clueless Turkish idiot...

This is basically what a country makes p/annum (2010) so it’s no surprise that 70 million Turks made $956 billion, whereas 800,000 Cypriots made only $23 billion!

But, it’s when you divide a country’s population by what it’s making that you see the real picture of poverty… (using your figures)

Cyprus: $23,017 / 0.8m = $28,771 p/person

Turkey: $956,576 / 70m = $13,665 p/person

GR, you should also have pointed that we achieve that with 37% of our country under illegal military occupation. So the result should be much higher for Cyprus.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:26 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:List by the International Monetary Fund (2010)
Rank Country GDP (PPP) $M

1 United States 14,624,184
2 People's Republic of China 10,084,369
3 Japan 4,308,627
4 India 4,001,103
5 Germany 2,932,036
6 Russia 2,218,764
7 Brazil 2,181,677
8 United Kingdom 2,181,069
9 France 2,146,283
10 Italy 1,771,140
11 Mexico 1,549,671
12 South Korea 1,457,063
13 Spain 1,364,499
14 Canada 1,330,106
15 Indonesia 1,027,437
16 Turkey 956,576
17 Australia 882,344
18 Iran 830,715
19 Republic of China (Taiwan) 810,487
20 Poland 717,537

The "RoC" comes in at 113

Clueless Turkish idiot...

This is basically what a country makes p/annum (2010) so it’s no surprise that 70 million Turks made $956 billion, whereas 800,000 Cypriots made only $23 billion!

But, it’s when you divide a country’s population by what it’s making that you see the real picture of poverty… (using your figures)

Cyprus: $23,017 / 0.8m = $28,771 p/person

Turkey: $956,576 / 70m = $13,665 p/person

You are being very generous with your above numbers, GR. You are using "PPP" GDP numbers for Turkey and actual GDP numbers for the RoC. At most, per capita for Turkey should be around $8,500 per person for 2010, NOT adjusted for inflation.

All things being equal, the population of the RoC is about 90 times smaller than Turkey's, and yet the RoC has a GDP per capita, that is almost 400% greater than Turkey's. This is what VP does not understand. He just gives importance to by which ever GDP numbers are greater ONLY, and even then, he doesn't use the accurate GDP numbers.

Here is a more accurate list of countries with their GDP than the one VP gave (below link). For example, Australia's GDP is 50% greater than Turkey's, but according to VP's list, Turkey's GDP is 10% greater than Australia's. That's what happens when he uses the PPP charts. I don't think VP knows the differences between the two sets of GDP numbers, as long as he can use the larger numbers (PPP) to propaganda purposes for Turkey. ... Index.aspx
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:00 pm

Viewpoint wrote:What ever you say wont change the fact that Turkey has one of the largest economies in the world with a youthful well educated population which the ageing EU will be begging for if they survive the current crisis they are in.

The EU already has 10% unemployed EU citizens. They don't need further 11+% of Turkey's unemployed. There are many other Baltic countries who want to be in the EU who are willing to live by the EU's Principles who can provide any help that may be needed if there are shortages of people to work. Therefore, Turkey can't use the excuse to be let into the EU on her own terms so that she can provide the EU with workers, when there are no work for them in the EU or in Turkey. Let them collect their unemployment benefits in Turkey. If the EU needs workers from Turkey or from the rest of the world, they can import them with work permits. There's no need to import the whole country into the EU if they don't want to play by the rules set by the EU. I mean, "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free", right.? Turkey's GDP in the world is about 1% of all the world's GDP's put together. I'm not saying it is insignificant, but also isn't a "Earthshaking" amount.!

Viewpoint wrote:Its future prospects are far better than many EU nations which you call "developed". What happened to the Greek economy is it was so great why the hell did it go down the pan and needed bailing out, they cooked the books but idiots like you just swallow everything the "developed" countries serve up just because they claim they are "developed".

I don't have any sympathy for Greece or any other nation who spent more money than they had. I stated before, that the good times are over and the party has finished for some, so it's time to pay the bill, so let them. The only advantage countries like Greece and Ireland have, is that they are members of a very large "family", and when one or two of the "family members" get into over their heads, the rest of the "family members" are willing to step in to help out. I'm sure you have done the same with your kids and other close family members. "United we stand, divided we fall". Very simple really.

Viewpoint wrote:Plus you hate anything Turkish so of course you would try to run them into the ground at every opportunity so what you have to say does not really amount to much as you are well known for your sell out antics which we have read over and over again.

When ever you get into one of your bitch bad hair days upon losing argument one after the other, you start making unfounded accusations. Do it, who cares.? Just because you get your arguments ripped to shreds every time, you should learn it to take it like a "man" that making unfounded accusations. It just shows that you get very bitchy when you lose.

Viewpoint wrote:Turkey will be around a lot lot longer than you ever will be.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, no shit Sherlock, although to what degree, I'm not so certain.!:roll:

Did you figure this one out all by yourself, or did you use some of the unemployed but claimed "educated settler brainpower" whom are refused to come and work in the EU, to help you out with this one.? :lol:
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Postby Zeki » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:06 pm

Every time you post, toilet comes to mind. Do you actually wash your hands before posting or is it bullshit I am smelling. You go on and on about this and the other. Do you have nothing else to do?
The talks are almost at an end and you don't even mention them. What's the matter with you?
Turkey is doing just fine and when they need advice on economic performances I am sure they will consult you but in the mean time please put a sock in it and give everybody a rest please.
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Postby Gregory » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:50 pm

Zeki wrote:Every time you post, toilet comes to mind. Do you actually wash your hands before posting or is it bullshit I am smelling. You go on and on about this and the other. Do you have nothing else to do?
The talks are almost at an end and you don't even mention them. What's the matter with you?
Turkey is doing just fine and when they need advice on economic performances I am sure they will consult you but in the mean time please put a sock in it and give everybody a rest please.

So you let Vp spout his racist monologue and when kikapu tries to correct his figures which are admittedly wrong you call him a toilet mouth?

Not very zeki of you is it?
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:20 pm

Zeki wrote:Every time you post, toilet comes to mind. Do you actually wash your hands before posting or is it bullshit I am smelling. You go on and on about this and the other. Do you have nothing else to do?
The talks are almost at an end and you don't even mention them. What's the matter with you?

Turkey is doing just fine and when they need advice on economic performances I am sure they will consult you but in the mean time please put a sock in it and give everybody a rest please.

If the above post is going to be any indication of what your contribution is going to be like on the Cyprus Forum, then let me say to you now, that it has been nice to have known you, all your 10 posts to present.!:roll:

If you feel you need to talk about the negotiation, then open a thread and lets talk about it, rather than bitching about why others have not done so, even though we have done so many times in the past. :roll:

Perhaps you will find this report more interesting. I believe is has something to do with the negotiations, the EU and Turkey's EU hopes.!:roll:

Greek Cyprus to use Turkey’s EU bid to pressure Ankara

03 January 2011, Monday / TODAY’S ZAMAN, ANKARA

The Greek Cypriot administration’s strategy to find a resolution to the decades-old partition of the divided island of Cyprus includes using Turkey’s European Union membership process as a tool to pressure Ankara, Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias has said.

Referring to ongoing UN-led negotiations between him and Turkish Cypriot leader Derviş Eroğlu to reach an agreement on a reunification plan, Christofias said the two were trying to find a formula formula for resolution that would be presented to the Greek and Cypriot communities in simultaneous referenda for approval.

“Our efforts are not limited to these. It is widely recognized that we cannot reach any point as long as Turkey does not make a decision to act for a solution. That is why our strategy on the Cyprus dispute includes using Turkey’s EU membership process to have it [Turkey] cooperate in finding a fair, sustainable and comprehensive solution under these circumstances and to have power and pressure put on Turkey,” Christofias was quoted as saying by the Anatolia news agency in an interview published on Saturday in the Haravgi Greek Cypriot daily.

“We will continue with determination to use Turkey’s membership process so that it can be a catalyst for the resolution [of the Cyprus dispute],” Christofias said, while suggesting that Turkey was not ready for a solution at the moment.

“Elections have a critical importance for Mr. [Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan’s AK Party [Justice and Development Party],” the Greek Cypriot leader said, in an apparent reference to parliamentary elections scheduled for June 2011, adding that a solution of the Cyprus dispute was thus not a priority for the Turkish leadership at the moment.

“This does not mean that we will passively wait for time to pass until June. We will insist that Turkey fulfill its obligations to the EU,” he said.

The EU insists that Turkey is obliged to open its ports and airports to traffic from Greek Cyprus under an agreement known as the Ankara Protocol. Turkey refuses to open its ports, urging the EU to first end the isolation of Turkish Cyprus as it promised back in 2004 with a referendum on a UN reunification plan for the island, which was approved by the Turkish Cypriots but rejected by the Greek Cypriots.

Last week, the Turkish Foreign Ministry denied a media report that Ankara had reached an agreement with the EU to open its ports to Greek Cypriot ships in an attempt to advance its slow-moving EU accession process. Citing anonymous sources, the NTV news channel had reported that Turkey would first open one of its ports, either in İzmir or İstanbul, to traffic from Greek Cyprus. Barring any problems, Turkey would then gradually open its other ports and airports to Greek Cypriot traffic. In exchange, the freeze on 14 of the 35 policy areas in the EU accession process would be removed, the report said. State Minister Egemen Bağış, Turkey’s chief negotiator for EU talks, meanwhile, said Ankara did not expect an overall suspension of its membership talks due to its objection to implementing the Ankara Protocol.

At the time, Prime Minister Erdoğan proposed opening Turkish ports to Greek Cypriot traffic in exchange for having Ercan Airport in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) opened to international flights, Bağış said. The proposal was, however, rejected by the Greek Cypriot administration, in a reflection of their attitude, which tries to dictate a solution to both Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots, he said, underlining that Turkey would allow no such thing. ... nkara.html
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:24 pm

Kikapu you can twist and turn playing the my figures are better than yours game and some idiots will hang by your every word as they know no better but the fact remains Turkeys economy is one of the biggest in the world. It is also an important player in the international arena, I know its difficult for you to stomach and you will do anything and everything to rubbish them. Your Turk hating is clear for all to see I don't have to do anything to prove it nor am I losing anything you seem to forget the CF is not the real world and you do not and never will live in any half of Cyprus, so in reality your opinions are not of any great importance as they make no difference to those who live and breath like me the TRNCyprus everyday.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:36 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu you can twist and turn playing the my figures are better than yours game and some idiots will hang by your every word as they know no better but the fact remains Turkeys economy is one of the biggest in the world. It is also an important player in the international arena, I know its difficult for you to stomach and you will do anything and everything to rubbish them. Your Turk hating is clear for all to see I don't have to do anything to prove it nor am I losing anything you seem to forget the CF is not the real world and you do not and never will live in any half of Cyprus, so in reality your opinions are not of any great importance as they make no difference to those who live and breath like me the TRNCyprus everyday.

I'm just correcting you because you like to sprout propaganda and not facts. I know you like to live in a fantasy world and that's OK, as long as you do it on your own time, but when you bring your fantasy world onto the public forum like the Cyprus Forum, then expect to be grilled.

If I was such a "Turk Hater", I would not be visiting Turkey as much as I have done in my life. It is true however, that I have no time for Turkey's foreign policy, their fascist ideology and their "empty suit" self declared "we are the greatest" bravado crap. Other than that, Turkey is a great place to visit, even if it's a step above being a 3rd world country.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:48 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu you can twist and turn playing the my figures are better than yours game and some idiots will hang by your every word as they know no better but the fact remains Turkeys economy is one of the biggest in the world. It is also an important player in the international arena, I know its difficult for you to stomach and you will do anything and everything to rubbish them. Your Turk hating is clear for all to see I don't have to do anything to prove it nor am I losing anything you seem to forget the CF is not the real world and you do not and never will live in any half of Cyprus, so in reality your opinions are not of any great importance as they make no difference to those who live and breath like me the TRNCyprus everyday.

I'm just correcting you because you like to sprout propaganda and not facts. I know you like to live in a fantasy world and that's OK, as long as you do it on your own time, but when you bring your fantasy world onto the public forum like the Cyprus Forum, then expect to be grilled.

If I was such a "Turk Hater", I would not be visiting Turkey as much as I have done in my life. It is true however, that I have no time for Turkey's foreign policy, their fascist ideology and their "empty suit" self declared "we are the greatest" bravado crap. Other than that, Turkey is a great place to visit, even if it's a step above being a 3rd world country.

You cannot correct anyone, who do you think you are? the figures I gave are correct and used all over the world, we all know where you stand on issues relating to Turkey and that you get off on spouting doom and gloom stories about Turkey and how the end is near and how they will evaporate, only the real ignorant believe you and cannot see how your twisted mindset works, so dont bother to visit Turkey and tell your sister to get the fuck out and live with you in where was it cuckoo land???
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:42 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu you can twist and turn playing the my figures are better than yours game and some idiots will hang by your every word as they know no better but the fact remains Turkeys economy is one of the biggest in the world. It is also an important player in the international arena, I know its difficult for you to stomach and you will do anything and everything to rubbish them. Your Turk hating is clear for all to see I don't have to do anything to prove it nor am I losing anything you seem to forget the CF is not the real world and you do not and never will live in any half of Cyprus, so in reality your opinions are not of any great importance as they make no difference to those who live and breath like me the TRNCyprus everyday.

I'm just correcting you because you like to sprout propaganda and not facts. I know you like to live in a fantasy world and that's OK, as long as you do it on your own time, but when you bring your fantasy world onto the public forum like the Cyprus Forum, then expect to be grilled.

If I was such a "Turk Hater", I would not be visiting Turkey as much as I have done in my life. It is true however, that I have no time for Turkey's foreign policy, their fascist ideology and their "empty suit" self declared "we are the greatest" bravado crap. Other than that, Turkey is a great place to visit, even if it's a step above being a 3rd world country.

You cannot correct anyone, who do you think you are? the figures I gave are correct and used all over the world, we all know where you stand on issues relating to Turkey and that you get off on spouting doom and gloom stories about Turkey and how the end is near and how they will evaporate, only the real ignorant believe you and cannot see how your twisted mindset works, so dont bother to visit Turkey and tell your sister to get the fuck out and live with you in where was it cuckoo land???

:lol: :lol: :lol:

My my, you are in a bitchy mood tonight. :lol:

When did I ever say Turkey will evaporate.? I think it is time to have yourself checked out and treated for dementia, of every type, because you are clueless in everything you try to talk about. Why don't you stick to what you are good at, a Racist Fascist NeoPartitionist, only good at stealing others property and living the life of committing the Sins of Haram.
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