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Re: 1963 is this all propaganda if so then how?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:30 pm

Are you being delirious or just hilarious.??


Who said anything about Turkey becoming a EU member.? I just said that Turkey will be begging to become a EU member, not that she will be given a EU membership.

We agree 100%.

At the present mind-frame Turkey is in, they wouldn't even be given a "privileged membership", because even to get that, Turkey will need to meet many criteria, such as solving the Cyprus problem

We agree 100% and Turkey obviously has no real desire to meet the criteria placed before her as she knows the goals posts will constantly be changed so as not to allow entry, so all her efforts have been turned towards creating the impression she still wishes to continue her EU path but in reality the EU is nothing than an ageing and financially unstable union eg Greece Spain Ireland Portugal all lining up for hand outs, doomed to break up in the not so far off future.

In case you didn't know, Cyprus and others can veto any "privileged membership" offer to Turkey, so do not make the mistake that all Turkey has to do, is just take it without lifting a finger.!

She already enjoys benefits of trading with the EU so all the other veto threats and Cyprus leverage is no longer relevant which is confirmed by her actions over Cyprus or the lack of them she doesnt really give a shit.

Turkey has not been given the chance to choose between Cyprus and the EU, have they.? They have been asked to comply with the rules they themselves agreed to comply with in their effort to become a EU member, that's all.

Contradicting yourself here, they chose the TRNCyprus over complying with the Ankara protocol.

If they do not want to become an EU member, I dare Turkey to pull their application and lets see what will happen to their stock market, economy and currency.

Why should she? no need, she can play this game for a long time to come let the EU close the door if they have the balls.

The way I see it, since 2004, Turkey has allowed Cyprus and the EU to grab them by the balls, which the EU has one and Cyprus has the other. Turkey is stuck on a EU territory and doesn't know what to do.

Obviously she does and thats no budge one inch not remove one soldier and increase the number of new TCs entering the TRNC.

If Turkey ever had a grandiose ideas about controlling Cyprus and all of her EEZ for the oil and gas fields, that too has been lost since Cyprus has been too busy signing agreement with neighbouring countries to divide the oil and gas fields amongst themselves, much to Turkey's dismay.

Like to see anyone try to actually drill for oil or gas, sign all the bits of paper you want its actions that count and so far no action.

Looks like Davutoglu cannot pull any rabbits out of the hat to save Turkey's goose at all. I don't know what other reasons there are left for Turkey to hold onto the north for. All she is doing is throwing good money after bad to keep the illegal and corrupt regime in the north from having a complete collapse. How much longer is Turkey willing to throw good money down the rat-hole.? Turks in Turkey are not at all happy about Turkey spending their tax Liras on the north, where those in the north earn more than state employees in Turkey and still have nothing to show for..

Guess whos economy benefits from the support provided to the TRNC, you obviously have no idea about economics.

'm one of the few people on the forum who supports Turkey's EU membership, but ONLY when she has adopted all of the EU principles along with western values and that Cyprus problem is solved and returned to her own people, the Cypriots.

Which will be never.

Until then, Turkey is stuck between the EU and the RoC, without being able to do anything to become an EU member, that her country and people would benefit immensely. To be in such a predicament for a powerful invading and occupying force in Cyprus and to become so impotent, is enough to make a big man cry.! So, NO, the RoC did not miscalculate anything by becoming an EU member. If and when the talks fail, then you will see all the lawsuits come out against all those in the north who are trespassing (Orams case) on GCs properties, and it seems like, Turkey leaves the biggest "footprints" in the north.!

Turkey is exactly where she wants to be and doesnt give a shit about Gcs and what they want, she has one of the fastest growing economies, falling inflation, part of the G20 and UN council, so you can go whistle in the wind with all your doom and gloom stories you have been saying the same things all your life and Turkey is still around which proves how ignorant you are not only on the subject of Turkey but everything else you spout out on this forum.
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Postby All4114All » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:00 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The New TCs which are on the increase just arrived later than the old TCs you may refuse to see the evolution taking place before your very eyes but in 50 years time when the population of the north hits over a million you like GCs will be begging for partition and not the crap you hide behind labelled democracy and human rights.

In 10 years time, Turkey will be begging to become an EU member at the expense of all TCs, "new and old".! :wink:

Turkeys has no chance of EU entrance the big guns have spoken at best it will be a special partnership, you are placing to much on EU leverage which is rapidly disappearing. The fact that Turkey has stated many times that if forced to choose she will choose the TCs every time is proof enough that you like all GCs have yet again miscalculated.

Are you being delirious or just hilarious.?? :lol:

Who said anything about Turkey becoming a EU member.? I just said that Turkey will be begging to become a EU member, not that she will be given a EU membership. At the present mind-frame Turkey is in, they wouldn't even be given a "privileged membership", because even to get that, Turkey will need to meet many criteria, such as solving the Cyprus problem. In case you didn't know, Cyprus and others can veto any "privileged membership" offer to Turkey, so do not make the mistake that all Turkey has to do, is just take it without lifting a finger.! :roll:

Turkey has not been given the chance to choose between Cyprus and the EU, have they.? They have been asked to comply with the rules they themselves agreed to comply with in their effort to become a EU member, that's all. If they do not want to become an EU member, I dare Turkey to pull their application and lets see what will happen to their stock market, economy and currency. The way I see it, since 2004, Turkey has allowed Cyprus and the EU to grab them by the balls, which the EU has one and Cyprus has the other. Turkey is stuck on a EU territory and doesn't know what to do. If Turkey ever had a grandiose ideas about controlling Cyprus and all of her EEZ for the oil and gas fields, that too has been lost since Cyprus has been too busy signing agreement with neighbouring countries to divide the oil and gas fields amongst themselves, much to Turkey's dismay. Looks like Davutoglu cannot pull any rabbits out of the hat to save Turkey's goose at all. I don't know what other reasons there are left for Turkey to hold onto the north for. All she is doing is throwing good money after bad to keep the illegal and corrupt regime in the north from having a complete collapse. How much longer is Turkey willing to throw good money down the rat-hole.? Turks in Turkey are not at all happy about Turkey spending their tax Liras on the north, where those in the north earn more than state employees in Turkey and still have nothing to show for..

I'm one of the few people on the forum who supports Turkey's EU membership, but ONLY when she has adopted all of the EU principles along with western values and that Cyprus problem is solved and returned to her own people, the Cypriots. Until then, Turkey is stuck between the EU and the RoC, without being able to do anything to become an EU member, that her country and people would benefit immensely. To be in such a predicament for a powerful invading and occupying force in Cyprus and to become so impotent, is enough to make a big man cry.! So, NO, the RoC did not miscalculate anything by becoming an EU member. If and when the talks fail, then you will see all the lawsuits come out against all those in the north who are trespassing (Orams case) on GCs properties, and it seems like, Turkey leaves the biggest "footprints" in the north.!

The days of Turkey 'desperate' to enter EU are long gone especially when the EU is becomming islamophobic and changes the goal posts everytime for new member states to join but maintains a solid ground on Turkey. Now, your arguement would of been something to think about 5-10 years ago. Today we have a situation Turkey is perfectly sitting where it needs to be on the table of negotiations as long as the South continues as it has been over 50 years.

The consequences we have today of EU acceptance Cyprus as a member state without a solution is perceived or real threat to security and lives, tourism will drop, the North economy will dry out and the European dream of peace and prosperity will become an illusion. In order to achieve it Turkey's help will then become indispensable. So the more Turkey helps the North in its economy (although very small) the EU has put itself in a position that Turkey has some leverage in its relations.
Why do you think EU or any other member state which all support a solution but don’t lift a finger to do anything?

As long Turkey shows EU negotiations are alive although they are dead it will attract investors to Turkey than into the EU at the moment which you will continue to see the economy of Turkey grow as we have been witnessing over 2 years about the same time EU financial crisis was to begin.
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Postby B25 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:32 am

The EU should be giving Turkey a deadline otherwise its application will be rejected. You cannot just apply and hope that sometime in 5m years you will be accepted. This is what is wrong with the EU. There is no pressure on Turkey to conform and she moves at her own pace taking the piss. I suppose you have to give it to her, she has out smarted the Brussels buearocrats.

Turkey does not belong in the EU period and someone should have a back bone and say it.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:31 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Turkey is exactly where she wants to be and doesnt give a shit about Gcs and what they want, she has one of the fastest growing economies, falling inflation, part of the G20 and UN council, so you can go whistle in the wind with all your doom and gloom stories you have been saying the same things all your life and Turkey is still around which proves how ignorant you are not only on the subject of Turkey but everything else you spout out on this forum.

I'm glad that you are impressed with Turkey's standings in the world, but many are not. You may be impressed with Turkey's "smoking mirrors" antics to make herself to be more than what she is, which is nothing more than a step above a third world country, which how it is most of the land in Turkey, along with their ideology on Democracy and Human Rights. There is no need to discuss all of Turkey's short comings. I don't have the time or the desire to write pages and pages with all the wrongs Turkey does. Turks do have a convincing tongue however, in how they make their own people believe in everything they tell them on TV. My sister keeps me fully informed with all the BS told to them. But that's true with every nation whose population is not very educated or worldly. You want to buy into Turkey's BS told to you by them, go ahead.!

And btw, I know credible news is not what you are use to hearing or reading in the north, but Turkey is no longer a UN non permanent member. Their time has expired and have been replaced by others. I know you will be very disappointed to read this, but look on the bright side, Turkey held her own as part of the UNSC and vetoed a vote to sanction Iran and pissed everyone else off on that panel, specially their good friend, the United states.!

"The General Assembly elected Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal and South Africa to serve as non-permanent members of the Security Council for two-year terms starting on 1 January 2011. The newly elected countries have replaced Austria, Japan, Mexico, Turkey and Uganda."

I took this picture of a car's licence plate a year or so ago in Ankara. Notice anything peculiar with this number plate that may resemble a number plate from a EU country.?? Are you still convinced that Turkey does not want to be in the EU.?? Turkey can't wait to be in the EU. She dreams of being in the EU. The fact that she can't get in on her own terms, is another story. It has nothing to do with the TCs at all. Turkey is not choosing TCs over the EU. She may tell you that's what she is doing, and even then, she is talking about Cyprus and not the TCs. The fact that Turkey can't seem to get on "first base" with the EU, it makes a great face-saving for her to say, "we'll choose Cyprus over the EU". It's all "smoking mirrors" by Turkey, that's all.


So Turkey couldn't make it into the G-7, so they created the G-20 so that she can fit in.....barely. Big Deal. If the Turkish Lira drops about 20%-25%, Turkey won't be able to stay in the G-20.! Per Capita, Turkey is a very poor nation, which is what really counts, not what Turkey's GDP is.

Now lets look at Turkey's "great economic growth" you are all too pleased about, because that's what they have told you, just because they had a good 2nd quarter not adjusted for inflation at 11.8% (3.7% adjusted to inflation) and they have been bragging this so called "economic growth" where there is very little there there. Here are the facts up until to 3rd quarter (see below). My guess is, when the 4th quarter results come in, Turkey's "economic growth" for the year 2010, may well be very close to ZERO adjusted for inflation.

Turkey GDP Growth Rate

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Turkey expanded at an annual rate of 1.1 percent in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the second quarter of 2010 .

Image ... Symbol=TRY
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Postby B25 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:11 pm

Kiks, you had better go easy on her, she is about to burst into tears.

Thanks for the info about Turkey out of the UN, she should never have been in, in the first place given her track record.

Happy New Year to you.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Turkey is exactly where she wants to be and doesnt give a shit about Gcs and what they want, she has one of the fastest growing economies, falling inflation, part of the G20 and UN council, so you can go whistle in the wind with all your doom and gloom stories you have been saying the same things all your life and Turkey is still around which proves how ignorant you are not only on the subject of Turkey but everything else you spout out on this forum.

I'm glad that you are impressed with Turkey's standings in the world, but many are not. You may be impressed with Turkey's "smoking mirrors" antics to make herself to be more than what she is, which is nothing more than a step above a third world country, which how it is most of the land in Turkey, along with their ideology on Democracy and Human Rights. There is no need to discuss all of Turkey's short comings. I don't have the time or the desire to write pages and pages with all the wrongs Turkey does. Turks do have a convincing tongue however, in how they make their own people believe in everything they tell them on TV. My sister keeps me fully informed with all the BS told to them. But that's true with every nation whose population is not very educated or worldly. You want to buy into Turkey's BS told to you by them, go ahead.!

And btw, I know credible news is not what you are use to hearing or reading in the north, but Turkey is no longer a UN non permanent member. Their time has expired and have been replaced by others. I know you will be very disappointed to read this, but look on the bright side, Turkey held her own as part of the UNSC and vetoed a vote to sanction Iran and pissed everyone else off on that panel, specially their good friend, the United states.!

"The General Assembly elected Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal and South Africa to serve as non-permanent members of the Security Council for two-year terms starting on 1 January 2011. The newly elected countries have replaced Austria, Japan, Mexico, Turkey and Uganda."

I took this picture of a car's licence plate a year or so ago in Ankara. Notice anything peculiar with this number plate that may resemble a number plate from a EU country.?? Are you still convinced that Turkey does not want to be in the EU.?? Turkey can't wait to be in the EU. She dreams of being in the EU. The fact that she can't get in on her own terms, is another story. It has nothing to do with the TCs at all. Turkey is not choosing TCs over the EU. She may tell you that's what she is doing, and even then, she is talking about Cyprus and not the TCs. The fact that Turkey can't seem to get on "first base" with the EU, it makes a great face-saving for her to say, "we'll choose Cyprus over the EU". It's all "smoking mirrors" by Turkey, that's all.


So Turkey couldn't make it into the G-7, so they created the G-20 so that she can fit in.....barely. Big Deal. If the Turkish Lira drops about 20%-25%, Turkey won't be able to stay in the G-20.! Per Capita, Turkey is a very poor nation, which is what really counts, not what Turkey's GDP is.

Now lets look at Turkey's "great economic growth" you are all too pleased about, because that's what they have told you, just because they had a good 2nd quarter not adjusted for inflation at 11.8% (3.7% adjusted to inflation) and they have been bragging this so called "economic growth" where there is very little there there. Here are the facts up until to 3rd quarter (see below). My guess is, when the 4th quarter results come in, Turkey's "economic growth" for the year 2010, may well be very close to ZERO adjusted for inflation.

Turkey GDP Growth Rate

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Turkey expanded at an annual rate of 1.1 percent in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the second quarter of 2010 .

Image ... Symbol=TRY

You have really shown your true colours here scraping any little piece of negative news you can to thread together, Turkey place on the EU council expired this is quite normal and will happen to every country that is elected.

Can you find out inflation declared last week and compare growth rates to other so called more developed EU countries like Greece Ireland and Spain??

You a true Turk hater and anything put forward as a positive you will do your utmost to rip to shreds well your doom and gloom stories about Turkey and how it will evaporate next week are well known, you will be dead buried and long forgotten and Turkey will still be around so your constant mud slinging will just not stick.

List by the International Monetary Fund (2010)
Rank Country GDP (PPP) $M

1 United States 14,624,184
2 People's Republic of China 10,084,369
3 Japan 4,308,627
4 India 4,001,103
5 Germany 2,932,036
6 Russia 2,218,764
7 Brazil 2,181,677
8 United Kingdom 2,181,069
9 France 2,146,283
10 Italy 1,771,140
11 Mexico 1,549,671
12 South Korea 1,457,063
13 Spain 1,364,499
14 Canada 1,330,106
15 Indonesia 1,027,437
16 Turkey 956,576
17 Australia 882,344
18 Iran 830,715
19 Republic of China (Taiwan) 810,487
20 Poland 717,537

The "RoC" comes in at 113
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:00 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Turkey is exactly where she wants to be and doesnt give a shit about Gcs and what they want, she has one of the fastest growing economies, falling inflation, part of the G20 and UN council, so you can go whistle in the wind with all your doom and gloom stories you have been saying the same things all your life and Turkey is still around which proves how ignorant you are not only on the subject of Turkey but everything else you spout out on this forum.

I'm glad that you are impressed with Turkey's standings in the world, but many are not. You may be impressed with Turkey's "smoking mirrors" antics to make herself to be more than what she is, which is nothing more than a step above a third world country, which how it is most of the land in Turkey, along with their ideology on Democracy and Human Rights. There is no need to discuss all of Turkey's short comings. I don't have the time or the desire to write pages and pages with all the wrongs Turkey does. Turks do have a convincing tongue however, in how they make their own people believe in everything they tell them on TV. My sister keeps me fully informed with all the BS told to them. But that's true with every nation whose population is not very educated or worldly. You want to buy into Turkey's BS told to you by them, go ahead.!

And btw, I know credible news is not what you are use to hearing or reading in the north, but Turkey is no longer a UN non permanent member. Their time has expired and have been replaced by others. I know you will be very disappointed to read this, but look on the bright side, Turkey held her own as part of the UNSC and vetoed a vote to sanction Iran and pissed everyone else off on that panel, specially their good friend, the United states.!

"The General Assembly elected Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal and South Africa to serve as non-permanent members of the Security Council for two-year terms starting on 1 January 2011. The newly elected countries have replaced Austria, Japan, Mexico, Turkey and Uganda."

I took this picture of a car's licence plate a year or so ago in Ankara. Notice anything peculiar with this number plate that may resemble a number plate from a EU country.?? Are you still convinced that Turkey does not want to be in the EU.?? Turkey can't wait to be in the EU. She dreams of being in the EU. The fact that she can't get in on her own terms, is another story. It has nothing to do with the TCs at all. Turkey is not choosing TCs over the EU. She may tell you that's what she is doing, and even then, she is talking about Cyprus and not the TCs. The fact that Turkey can't seem to get on "first base" with the EU, it makes a great face-saving for her to say, "we'll choose Cyprus over the EU". It's all "smoking mirrors" by Turkey, that's all.


So Turkey couldn't make it into the G-7, so they created the G-20 so that she can fit in.....barely. Big Deal. If the Turkish Lira drops about 20%-25%, Turkey won't be able to stay in the G-20.! Per Capita, Turkey is a very poor nation, which is what really counts, not what Turkey's GDP is.

Now lets look at Turkey's "great economic growth" you are all too pleased about, because that's what they have told you, just because they had a good 2nd quarter not adjusted for inflation at 11.8% (3.7% adjusted to inflation) and they have been bragging this so called "economic growth" where there is very little there there. Here are the facts up until to 3rd quarter (see below). My guess is, when the 4th quarter results come in, Turkey's "economic growth" for the year 2010, may well be very close to ZERO adjusted for inflation.

Turkey GDP Growth Rate

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Turkey expanded at an annual rate of 1.1 percent in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the second quarter of 2010 .

Image ... Symbol=TRY

You have really shown your true colours here scraping any little piece of negative news you can to thread together, Turkey place on the EU council expired this is quite normal and will happen to every country that is elected.

Can you find out inflation declared last week and compare growth rates to other so called more developed EU countries like Greece Ireland and Spain??

You a true Turk hater and anything put forward as a positive you will do your utmost to rip to shreds well your doom and gloom stories about Turkey and how it will evaporate next week are well known, you will be dead buried and long forgotten and Turkey will still be around so your constant mud slinging will just not stick.

List by the International Monetary Fund (2010)
Rank Country GDP (PPP) $M

1 United States 14,624,184
2 People's Republic of China 10,084,369
3 Japan 4,308,627
4 India 4,001,103
5 Germany 2,932,036
6 Russia 2,218,764
7 Brazil 2,181,677
8 United Kingdom 2,181,069
9 France 2,146,283
10 Italy 1,771,140
11 Mexico 1,549,671
12 South Korea 1,457,063
13 Spain 1,364,499
14 Canada 1,330,106
15 Indonesia 1,027,437
16 Turkey 956,576
17 Australia 882,344
18 Iran 830,715
19 Republic of China (Taiwan) 810,487
20 Poland 717,537

The "RoC" comes in at 113

I'm giving you straight talk, and not blowing smoke up your skirt that you are so use to, just because you believe every exaggerated BS given to you so that you can glorify in everything that Turkey does. The truth is, they are a developing country, just like any other developing countries, who are just a step further from all other 3rd world countries in the world. They have made improvements in the last 45 years since I have been visiting Turkey, but they are nowhere anywhere what most western world countries are. It is a simple fact, whether you like it or not, is up to you.

You even use "Purchasing Power Parity" (PPP) above to give Turkey a higher GDP numbers than what it really is. You see what I mean by you exaggerating, then you call me a "Turk Hater", just because I rip your arguments to pieces as usual. If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen. The only thing you are good for cooking, are the books.

Here are the real numbers.

"Turkey Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Turkey Gross Domestic Product is worth 617 billion dollars or 1.00% of the world economy, according to the World Bank."

Image ... Symbol=TRY
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:29 am

What ever you say wont change the fact that Turkey has one of the largest economies in the world with a youthful well educated population which the ageing EU will be begging for if they survive the current crisis they are in. Its future prospects are far better than many EU nations which you call "developed". What happened to the Greek economy is it was so great why the hell did it go down the pan and needed bailing out, they cooked the books but idiots like you just swallow everything the "developed" countries serve up just because they claim they are "developed".

Plus you hate anything Turkish so of course you would try to run them into the ground at every opportunity so what you have to say does not really amount to much as you are well known for your sell out antics which we have read over and over again.

Turkey will be around a lot lot longer than you ever will be.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:19 am

Viewpoint wrote:List by the International Monetary Fund (2010)
Rank Country GDP (PPP) $M

1 United States 14,624,184
2 People's Republic of China 10,084,369
3 Japan 4,308,627
4 India 4,001,103
5 Germany 2,932,036
6 Russia 2,218,764
7 Brazil 2,181,677
8 United Kingdom 2,181,069
9 France 2,146,283
10 Italy 1,771,140
11 Mexico 1,549,671
12 South Korea 1,457,063
13 Spain 1,364,499
14 Canada 1,330,106
15 Indonesia 1,027,437
16 Turkey 956,576
17 Australia 882,344
18 Iran 830,715
19 Republic of China (Taiwan) 810,487
20 Poland 717,537

The "RoC" comes in at 113

Clueless Turkish idiot...

This is basically what a country makes p/annum (2010) so it’s no surprise that 70 million Turks made $956 billion, whereas 800,000 Cypriots made only $23 billion!

But, it’s when you divide a country’s population by what it’s making that you see the real picture of poverty… (using your figures)

Cyprus: $23,017 / 0.8m = $28,771 p/person

Turkey: $956,576 / 70m = $13,665 p/person
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Postby ZoC » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:27 am

Viewpoint wrote:What ever you say wont change the fact that Turkey has one of the largest economies in the world with a youthful well educated population which the ageing EU will be begging for if they survive the current crisis they are in. Its future prospects are far better than many EU nations which you call "developed". What happened to the Greek economy is it was so great why the hell did it go down the pan and needed bailing out, they cooked the books but idiots like you just swallow everything the "developed" countries serve up just because they claim they are "developed".

Plus you hate anything Turkish so of course you would try to run them into the ground at every opportunity so what you have to say does not really amount to much as you are well known for your sell out antics which we have read over and over again.

Turkey will be around a lot lot longer than you ever will be.

if u love turkey so much why don't u do us all a favour and f*ck off there.
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