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Re: 1963 is this all propaganda if so then how?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby DTA » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:50 am

Kikapu wrote::? :? :? :? :? :?

Have you quite finished yet, DTA.??? :lol:

OK, so you don't know what constitute a TC to be a TC and a Cypriot.!!

Explains why some here refer to the settlers as being the "New TCs".! :roll:

What I am saying is that it is a lot more complex then what you are making out and the fact that national identity (just a part of overall identity) is just a small and transiant (spelling) part. A lesson that the GC have been Really slow to learn.

I don't really want to get in to an arguement with you as we agreed no to talk to each other which I have stuck with- and the reason for this is not for your opinions on a fully united cyprus which although I do not agree with i fully respect your right to have these opinions. All I would ask is for you not to use conjecture to belittle anything to do with the TCs just be fair with what you write - we have enough wrong with the the TRNC without our own people making stuff up and excusing the GCs for the amount of wrong they have done. be fair and and just and I will even support you (not that you possibly would want my support). Otherwise I think it is better that we do not communicate (no offense).
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Postby DTA » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:53 am

DT. wrote:
DTA wrote:And deniz says that the money was being transferred to the gc municipalities. Did the veto mean that there was no budget? Or no new budget? Massive difference in that answer.

When a budget doesn't get voted in the state cannot collect any taxes. When the state doesn't collect and taxes........

DT was this the new budget as is what happens every year or was this the initial budget that was already voted on?

how does this relate to the dentas and clerides agreements later in the 60s which accepted most of the 13 point changes as a matter of great compromise by the TCs?
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Postby DTA » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:58 am


Why is the main point of the thread being ignored if all the quotes I posted on the first page are just turkish Propaganda then how? as they are all from respected foreign new papers.

please answer.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:00 pm

Kikapu wrote::? :? :? :? :? :?

Have you quite finished yet, DTA.??? :lol:

OK, so you don't know what constitute a TC to be a TC and a Cypriot.!!

Explains why some here refer to the settlers as being the "New TCs".! :roll:

DTA wrote:What I am saying is that it is a lot more complex then what you are making out and the fact that national identity (just a part of overall identity) is just a small and transiant (spelling) part. A lesson that the GC have been Really slow to learn.

What you are saying is not complex at all. Empty words, distortion, meaningless wishful thinking and double talk, yes, but not complex.!

DTA wrote:I don't really want to get in to an arguement with you as we agreed no to talk to each other which I have stuck with- and the reason for this is not for your opinions on a fully united cyprus which although I do not agree with i fully respect your right to have these opinions.

It suits gc propaganda to assume that there is not many tcs left. This is nothing but bullshit, there is an estimated 400,000 people in the north. That is tcs and new tcs

I made no such agreement with you at all. It was an agreement you have made with yourself, which you have broken by yourself. I'm only responding to your above statement in this thread, an open public forum. I did not PM you, have I.?? The fact that you are not willing to state the facts as to what constitutes a TC to be a TC and a Cypriot, tells me you are not worthy to be taken seriously to state facts since you are afraid that it may look negatively on the "trnc", the settlers and Turkey.

I give my opinions as I see them as to what is best for the TCs who wish to live in a Democratic Cyprus and EU with western values as equal citizens as described in the EU Principles. The only people who are stopping the TCs from becoming part of the west are the fascist ideologies practiced by their own leaders and Turkey's desires to rule over whole of Cyprus by them exporting as many Turkish settlers to Cyprus as Illegal Aliens to destroy ALL TC way of life as we have became to know for the last 400+ years. You and others have accepted the destruction of the genuine TCs by Turkey's actions and now you want to call the settlers the "New TCs". As a TC, I resent your acceptance of the demise of the TCs in Cyprus, to be replaced by the Anatolians, and resent even more that you want to call them the "New TCs". Perhaps the fact that you are a foreign born TC, like VP, explains why you do not value your own Turkish Cypriotness and are willing to discard it, but to some of us, we are not such easy pushovers.!

DTA wrote:All I would ask is for you not to use conjecture to belittle anything to do with the TCs just be fair with what you write - we have enough wrong with the the TRNC without our own people making stuff up and excusing the GCs for the amount of wrong they have done. be fair and and just and I will even support you (not that you possibly would want my support). Otherwise I think it is better that we do not communicate (no offense).

When you write nonsense and you are given the chance to either correct your statement or at least defend your statement and you cannot, then you should expect to be ridiculed.

My interests lie with the good TCs who see themselves as Cypriot trapped in the "trnc" mainly by their own corrupted leaders and does not lie with the "TCs" who see themselves as "afterbirth" remains of Turkey (Ottoman Empire). You believe what you want to believe and support and I will do the same. I do not want to see the good TCs in becoming of what has become of the Native American tribe, the "Kickapoo (Kikapoo, Kikapu)"!

You will have to show me where I have ever excused any GCs wrongs done against the TCs anywhere. Governments and citizens all have certain degree of responsibilities towards each other. What I support is the Rule of Law. Once again, you are making statements that you cannot defend.

If you do not want to respond to my questions when you make statements on the forum, then don't. No one will think any less of you if you cannot defend your own statements, except perhaps your own conscience, of course. If you can live with yourself by not defending your own statements, then it's no skin of our noses.

Happy New Year!
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Postby DTA » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:12 pm

This thread has been derailed, which is a shame because I feel it is important and nobody has been able to answer my initial question.

Kiks if you want to talk about new tcs no problem start a new thread and I will discuss it with you.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:31 pm

DTA wrote:This thread has been derailed, which is a shame because I feel it is important and nobody has been able to answer my initial question.

Kiks if you want to talk about new tcs no problem start a new thread and I will discuss it with you.

That's the whole essence of my response to your claim, DTA, that there isn't such thing as "New TCs" (evolving from the settlers alone), therefore don't wait for any threads on that subject to come from me.! :wink:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:46 pm

The New TCs which are on the increase just arrived later than the old TCs you may refuse to see the evolution taking place before your very eyes but in 50 years time when the population of the north hits over a million you like GCs will be begging for partition and not the crap you hide behind labelled democracy and human rights.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:The New TCs which are on the increase just arrived later than the old TCs you may refuse to see the evolution taking place before your very eyes but in 50 years time when the population of the north hits over a million you like GCs will be begging for partition and not the crap you hide behind labelled democracy and human rights.

In 10 years time, Turkey will be begging to become an EU member at the expense of all TCs, "new and old".! :wink:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:24 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The New TCs which are on the increase just arrived later than the old TCs you may refuse to see the evolution taking place before your very eyes but in 50 years time when the population of the north hits over a million you like GCs will be begging for partition and not the crap you hide behind labelled democracy and human rights.

In 10 years time, Turkey will be begging to become an EU member at the expense of all TCs, "new and old".! :wink:

Turkeys has no chance of EU entrance the big guns have spoken at best it will be a special partnership, you are placing to much on EU leverage which is rapidly disappearing. The fact that Turkey has stated many times that if forced to choose she will choose the TCs every time is proof enough that you like all GCs have yet again miscalculated.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:23 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The New TCs which are on the increase just arrived later than the old TCs you may refuse to see the evolution taking place before your very eyes but in 50 years time when the population of the north hits over a million you like GCs will be begging for partition and not the crap you hide behind labelled democracy and human rights.

In 10 years time, Turkey will be begging to become an EU member at the expense of all TCs, "new and old".! :wink:

Turkeys has no chance of EU entrance the big guns have spoken at best it will be a special partnership, you are placing to much on EU leverage which is rapidly disappearing. The fact that Turkey has stated many times that if forced to choose she will choose the TCs every time is proof enough that you like all GCs have yet again miscalculated.

Are you being delirious or just hilarious.?? :lol:

Who said anything about Turkey becoming a EU member.? I just said that Turkey will be begging to become a EU member, not that she will be given a EU membership. At the present mind-frame Turkey is in, they wouldn't even be given a "privileged membership", because even to get that, Turkey will need to meet many criteria, such as solving the Cyprus problem. In case you didn't know, Cyprus and others can veto any "privileged membership" offer to Turkey, so do not make the mistake that all Turkey has to do, is just take it without lifting a finger.! :roll:

Turkey has not been given the chance to choose between Cyprus and the EU, have they.? They have been asked to comply with the rules they themselves agreed to comply with in their effort to become a EU member, that's all. If they do not want to become an EU member, I dare Turkey to pull their application and lets see what will happen to their stock market, economy and currency. The way I see it, since 2004, Turkey has allowed Cyprus and the EU to grab them by the balls, which the EU has one and Cyprus has the other. Turkey is stuck on a EU territory and doesn't know what to do. If Turkey ever had a grandiose ideas about controlling Cyprus and all of her EEZ for the oil and gas fields, that too has been lost since Cyprus has been too busy signing agreement with neighbouring countries to divide the oil and gas fields amongst themselves, much to Turkey's dismay. Looks like Davutoglu cannot pull any rabbits out of the hat to save Turkey's goose at all. I don't know what other reasons there are left for Turkey to hold onto the north for. All she is doing is throwing good money after bad to keep the illegal and corrupt regime in the north from having a complete collapse. How much longer is Turkey willing to throw good money down the rat-hole.? Turks in Turkey are not at all happy about Turkey spending their tax Liras on the north, where those in the north earn more than state employees in Turkey and still have nothing to show for..

I'm one of the few people on the forum who supports Turkey's EU membership, but ONLY when she has adopted all of the EU principles along with western values and that Cyprus problem is solved and returned to her own people, the Cypriots. Until then, Turkey is stuck between the EU and the RoC, without being able to do anything to become an EU member, that her country and people would benefit immensely. To be in such a predicament for a powerful invading and occupying force in Cyprus and to become so impotent, is enough to make a big man cry.! So, NO, the RoC did not miscalculate anything by becoming an EU member. If and when the talks fail, then you will see all the lawsuits come out against all those in the north who are trespassing (Orams case) on GCs properties, and it seems like, Turkey leaves the biggest "footprints" in the north.!
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