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Postby hincyprus » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:31 pm


Come on some of you guys, when are you going to give this "Knock the British" culture a serious rest?

Lets look at just a few facts...not political but economic.

Approx number of Brits on the island of Cyprus.......50/60000

Number owning or renting property bought from Cypriots (private sale),Cypriot builders/developers...............lets say 25/30000
(2 people per household).

Number of cars bought on the island.......a guess....20000


Monthly overall spend per household.25000x C£1000......C£25,000.000

Yearly expenditure...C£25,000,000 x 12..........C£300,000,000

Cars, 20000 @ say C£6000 each.......C£120,000,000.

Changed every 5 years?.........C£24,000,000 per annum

We support, the supermarkets, kiosks, doctors, dentists, shops of all kinds,petrol stations, cinemas, water parks, etc etc etc.

Then to top it all, our families come over and spend more money.

Just imagine the effect on the economy if we were not on the island.

So please give us some credit, some of you may want us to f......k off but I am sure there will be some very unhappy Cypriots if we did.

And I will tell you this, there are more companies here run and owned by other non Cypriots than are currently run by Brits.

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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:32 pm

Do you really think there are that many Brits on the island H?? :shock: I thought it was closer to 30,000
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Postby Main_Source » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:34 pm

What dont you tell the Brits to stop knocking us...or anyone that isnt British.
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Postby hincyprus » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:47 pm


Moose you may well be right, but does anyone really know.

Either way, my latest info, which may well be wrong was that there are over 90,000 ex pats from one country or another. They still create a huge pot of money to be spent on the island.

Source......come on get know thats not true.

And remember I am only discussing the economic worth to Cyprus of all us ex pats.....

Dont start mentioning Blair/Bush and whoever.

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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:49 pm

Source, you seem to have a chip on your shoulder about the British. I'm British, does that mean that you dislike me because of where I was born. Nationality is a mindset my friend, some people in every country are arrogant nationalistic arseholes... being Cypriot you should know this better than most. Just because some people behave like bouti (if I spelt that right) doesn't mean that everyone in the country is like that.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:52 pm

after all the trouble the british have caused cyprus we can knock them till the dayw e die. not to mention the other world-wide fuck-up they have been involved in. afghanistan, iraq
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:56 pm

Correction... the British GOVERNMENT... not the people... most of us disagreed with Iraq as you well know.
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Postby Turkey (( * » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:56 pm

You know what makes us hate eachother is called politics people. I thought you might know this but apperently you don't. :roll:
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Postby ChomskyFan » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:57 pm

Well, it's just that the type of British that pisses us off is your average sun reading, not going to learn greek (only speak the 'Queens English') kind of moron. But we can't generalize all of them, I heard you say Moose that you are taking up Greek lessons? That is a very good thing, it matters a lot to people on the island if you can even have a very basic conversation with them in Greek.

I saw a programme the other night about the same kind of thing in Spain, there were a couple of good Britishers who spoke spanish and everything, and got on with the locals, that was until the rest of the British came, started spitting at the locals, getting angry if everyone didn't speak perfect english, 'englishifying' the area et al.
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Postby Main_Source » Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:03 pm

Source......come on get know thats not true.

Get real? lol

Listen to this radio station - 1089 Talksport

Its got a massive following in this country and I only really listen ot it because it has good football coverage. The shame about it is, all its radio presenters are so pro-British, a lot of the time they border on racism.

I cant belive they have a license to be on air. Give it a good listen to what you can and listen to some of the talk on it and then come and ask me the same thing.
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