You know what? I am quite sick and tired of your disgusting behavior and your name calling on this forum. Go check historical records you foul mouthed little shit. You dare compare me to Nazi's when Turkey has a record of protecting Jews.
Actually the reason the Turks let in the Jews from Spain after their expulsion by Ferdinand and Isabella was to build up a better foundational tax base.
The act that resonates with modern Ottoman apologists was the invitation to the Jews of Spain to resettle in the Sultan's lands after expulsion under Ferdinand and Isabella. They were invited not because of the Turks' "tolerance," however, but primarily because it was necessary to replace the vast numbers of Christians who had been killed, expelled, or reduced to penury, and thus to maintain the Sultan's tax base. The fact that the Ottoman Jews held a more favored status within the Empire than the giaours (infidel Christian dogs) is as much a reason for celebration of the Ottoman "tolerance" as is the fact that the Nazis were somewhat more "tolerant" of occupied Slavs than of the Jews the reason to exonerate them for their many crimes.
- Srdja Trifkovic
300 years later your Muslim Brothers in Albania and Bosnia would be queing to join the Waffen-SS in Yugoslavia, quite happy to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and deport the Slavic Jews to the death camps.
You with your warped little mind are trying to rewrite history according to "CHOMPSKYFAN" I am sick and tired of you coming into this forum and spreading your disgusting hate. I thought this forum was a balanced forum where people can exchange ideas and not preach hate like you do. You are a disgusting little cockroach. And don't you EVER call me a dumbass you ignorant, oviporous little snake .
Oh get over yourself, you combine the worst elements in Global Society, Turkish Nationalism and American Ignorance. I bet your one proud American eh?