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Postby ChomskyFan » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:45 pm

You know what? I am quite sick and tired of your disgusting behavior and your name calling on this forum. Go check historical records you foul mouthed little shit. You dare compare me to Nazi's when Turkey has a record of protecting Jews.

Actually the reason the Turks let in the Jews from Spain after their expulsion by Ferdinand and Isabella was to build up a better foundational tax base.

The act that resonates with modern Ottoman apologists was the invitation to the Jews of Spain to resettle in the Sultan's lands after expulsion under Ferdinand and Isabella. They were invited not because of the Turks' "tolerance," however, but primarily because it was necessary to replace the vast numbers of Christians who had been killed, expelled, or reduced to penury, and thus to maintain the Sultan's tax base. The fact that the Ottoman Jews held a more favored status within the Empire than the giaours (infidel Christian dogs) is as much a reason for celebration of the Ottoman "tolerance" as is the fact that the Nazis were somewhat more "tolerant" of occupied Slavs than of the Jews the reason to exonerate them for their many crimes.

- Srdja Trifkovic

300 years later your Muslim Brothers in Albania and Bosnia would be queing to join the Waffen-SS in Yugoslavia, quite happy to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and deport the Slavic Jews to the death camps.

You with your warped little mind are trying to rewrite history according to "CHOMPSKYFAN" I am sick and tired of you coming into this forum and spreading your disgusting hate. I thought this forum was a balanced forum where people can exchange ideas and not preach hate like you do. You are a disgusting little cockroach. And don't you EVER call me a dumbass you ignorant, oviporous little snake .

Oh get over yourself, you combine the worst elements in Global Society, Turkish Nationalism and American Ignorance. I bet your one proud American eh?
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Postby erolz » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:52 pm

ChomskyFan wrote:
Go and blow a goat,

The strength of your arguments once agin overwhealms and humbles me.

ChomskyFan wrote:
you seem to enjoy reading Noam Chomsky, but obviously his frequent (and they are very frequent) attacks on Turkey conveniently slip down your memory hole.

I am well aware of Chomsky's comments on Turkey and on many other issues. They do not slip down any memory hole. What I do not do is take such quotes out of context and use them to do most un chomskian things, like villfy and insult whole ethnicites and religions or indivduals and advocate violence and behave like a spolit brat to support my own prejudices.
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Postby 2fan » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:53 pm

ChomskyFan wrote:
You know what? I am quite sick and tired of your disgusting behavior and your name calling on this forum. Go check historical records you foul mouthed little shit. You dare compare me to Nazi's when Turkey has a record of protecting Jews.

Actually the reason the Turks let in the Jews from Spain after their expulsion by Ferdinand and Isabella was to build up a better foundational tax base.

The act that resonates with modern Ottoman apologists was the invitation to the Jews of Spain to resettle in the Sultan's lands after expulsion under Ferdinand and Isabella. They were invited not because of the Turks' "tolerance," however, but primarily because it was necessary to replace the vast numbers of Christians who had been killed, expelled, or reduced to penury, and thus to maintain the Sultan's tax base. The fact that the Ottoman Jews held a more favored status within the Empire than the giaours (infidel Christian dogs) is as much a reason for celebration of the Ottoman "tolerance" as is the fact that the Nazis were somewhat more "tolerant" of occupied Slavs than of the Jews the reason to exonerate them for their many crimes.

- Srdja Trifkovic

300 years later your Muslim Brothers in Albania and Bosnia would be queing to join the Waffen-SS in Yugoslavia, quite happy to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and deport the Slavic Jews to the death camps.

You with your warped little mind are trying to rewrite history according to "CHOMPSKYFAN" I am sick and tired of you coming into this forum and spreading your disgusting hate. I thought this forum was a balanced forum where people can exchange ideas and not preach hate like you do. You are a disgusting little cockroach. And don't you EVER call me a dumbass you ignorant, oviporous little snake .

Oh get over yourself, you combine the worst elements in Global Society, Turkish Nationalism and American Ignorance. I bet your one proud American eh?

I am a proud American and a proud Turk and no matter what kind of bullshit you spread I will always remain. You on the other hand are a disgusting piece of "BOK" that thrives on dividing people. This is a forum to unite and not to divide.

<Offensive phrase removed Lana>
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Postby ChomskyFan » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:57 pm

2fan wrote:
ChomskyFan wrote:
You know what? I am quite sick and tired of your disgusting behavior and your name calling on this forum. Go check historical records you foul mouthed little shit. You dare compare me to Nazi's when Turkey has a record of protecting Jews.

Actually the reason the Turks let in the Jews from Spain after their expulsion by Ferdinand and Isabella was to build up a better foundational tax base.

The act that resonates with modern Ottoman apologists was the invitation to the Jews of Spain to resettle in the Sultan's lands after expulsion under Ferdinand and Isabella. They were invited not because of the Turks' "tolerance," however, but primarily because it was necessary to replace the vast numbers of Christians who had been killed, expelled, or reduced to penury, and thus to maintain the Sultan's tax base. The fact that the Ottoman Jews held a more favored status within the Empire than the giaours (infidel Christian dogs) is as much a reason for celebration of the Ottoman "tolerance" as is the fact that the Nazis were somewhat more "tolerant" of occupied Slavs than of the Jews the reason to exonerate them for their many crimes.

- Srdja Trifkovic

300 years later your Muslim Brothers in Albania and Bosnia would be queing to join the Waffen-SS in Yugoslavia, quite happy to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and deport the Slavic Jews to the death camps.

You with your warped little mind are trying to rewrite history according to "CHOMPSKYFAN" I am sick and tired of you coming into this forum and spreading your disgusting hate. I thought this forum was a balanced forum where people can exchange ideas and not preach hate like you do. You are a disgusting little cockroach. And don't you EVER call me a dumbass you ignorant, oviporous little snake .

Oh get over yourself, you combine the worst elements in Global Society, Turkish Nationalism and American Ignorance. I bet your one proud American eh?

I am a proud American and a proud Turk and no matter what kind of bullshit you spread I will always remain. You on the other hand are a disgusting piece of "BOK" that thrives on dividing people. This is a forum to unite and not to divide. quote]

Quite the rebuttal, anyway, back to business.

As stated, America and Turkey are probably two of the worst abusers of human rights in History, America as it stands at the moment is the World's leading terrorist state and Turkey is infected with Ultra-Nationalism and Army Intervention. America is pure evil, what happened in Vietnam and in countless other places over the World cannot be forgiven, the same is true of Turkey.
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Postby ChomskyFan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:02 am

erolz wrote:I am well aware of Chomsky's comments on Turkey and on many other issues. They do not slip down any memory hole. What I do not do is take such quotes out of context and use them to do most un chomskian things, like villfy and insult whole ethnicites and religions or indivduals and advocate violence and behave like a spolit brat to support my own prejudices.

Chomsky himself has derided the use of the word 'Chomskyian' as 'totally without meaning'. However, that's not the point, I dislike Turkish Nationalism, not Turks in General, I also dislike Thievery in General, got a problem with that? Take it to a court. Secondly, I can 'insult' (I prefer the term 'subject to critical analysis') any religion I want, it's my right, for 400 years Ottomans 'insulted' my religion by destroying Churches and replacing them with Mosques, now, Islam must be held accountable for it's crimes, we must explore why Islam was so infective, so dangerous and why it encourages so much violence, these things must be studied in a scholarly way. If you wish to deny me that right then as stated, take me to court, because I feel I am well within my rights to 'defame' your prophet and the tenets of your belief structure.

For example, Beslan, such an act does not require revenge, it require investigation - How can a religion be so evil that it can drive people to shoot little children, some as young as five, in the back as they are fleeing while screaming 'Allahu Akbar!', we must explore these possibilities. Your religion is not infallible, it is not protected by a special aura, apart from perhaps your own sensitivities, but that does not bother me, what bothers me is that people still cling to such an evil belief. It requires rationalization, and the belief itself must be destroyed.
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Postby hincyprus » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:07 am

Well, well, well......what a little can of worms I have opened here.

And once again it is the same old (or should I say young?) names that degenerate what I felt was a reasonable topic for us to discuss.

You seem unable to actually talk reasonably or accurately upon any subject before you interject political clap trap.

With all your moans and groans I have not heard the UK contingent saying thank you for the NHS, free schooling, a relatively safe country in which to live, clean water, good food or electricity that does not go off at least once a week. And the Turkish, saying thank you Europe for some hundreds of millions of Euros heading your way, tourist £'s , dollars and euro being spent by the millions in your tourist resorts and on new homes...and these folk become ex pats, not all from the Uk I might add, who once again make a significant contribution to a country's wealth.

If you really believe that Adolf Hitler was right, I suggest you read two books, written by Lord Russel of Liverpool.....Scourge of the Swastika, and The Knights of the Bushido..........

But remember, Hitler did not even have the courage to face even his own people when the time came................

This will be my last post on this particular thread as I really dont see the point in reading the same old political rubbish again and again and again.

I look forward to spending time with a much more reasoned debating forum of people.

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Postby 2fan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:16 am


I have deleted this posting as a personal attack and not taking the discussion forward. Please stick to the topic not to other Forum members.

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Postby erolz » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:32 am

ChomskyFan wrote:
because I feel I am well within my rights to 'defame' your prophet and the tenets of your belief structure.

Your religion is not infallible,

Again your herculian ability to jump head first to conclusions of such massive incorrectness is truely daunting.

My religon? What do you know of my religous beliefs? The answer is nothing at all, not that matters though when you are on a good rant, apparently.
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Postby ChomskyFan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:34 am

erolz wrote:
ChomskyFan wrote:
because I feel I am well within my rights to 'defame' your prophet and the tenets of your belief structure.

Your religion is not infallible,

Again your herculian ability to jump head first to conclusions of such massive incorrectness is truely daunting.

My religon? What do you know of my religous beliefs? The answer is nothing at all, not that matters though when you are on a good rant, apparently.

The only religion I have ever 'villified' is Islam, why would you be so keen to defend it if you where a non-Muslim, do you like paying Jizyah and living in dhimmitude?

You failed to answer the question though, why should Islam be exempt from Criticism? However Harsh?
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Postby erolz » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:54 am

ChomskyFan wrote: The only religion I have ever 'villified' is Islam, why would you be so keen to defend it if you where a non-Muslim, do you like paying Jizyah and living in dhimmitude?

Where have I defended Islam or any other religion for that matter? Again another (infallible) and herculeain jump to a false assumption. Truely daunting as before.

ChomskyFan wrote:You failed to answer the question though, why should Islam be exempt from Criticism? However Harsh?

It should not be exempt from critisim and I have never argued it should, just as you yourself and your actions are not exempt from critisim. Or perhaps you believe this is one thing that is above 'critisim' however harsh?
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