Do they still know "their place"?
Seems like some runaway, fugitive Brits have upgraded themselves from toilet-cleaning scrubbers to Colonial Governors ...

Oracle wrote:This was turning into a nice thread - but once again trolled into personal assaults from a lonely retiree amusing only 'itself' with an unrestrained imagination for made-up accusations.
Apologies to pushdaddy, who gave us the impetus for analysing the class system; but we obviously got too close to the bone and aggravated the vicious dog, who has been shunned at home and abroad.
PushDaddy wrote:Pneumatic drills and ripped up concrete,
baby wailing stray dog howling
the screech of brakes and lamplight blinking
thats entertainment....
Days of speed and slow time Mondays
pissing down with rain, boring Wednesdays
watching the news and not eating cold tea
reading the graffiti about slashed seat affairs....
Two lovers kissing in the scream of midnight
Two lovers missing the tranquility of solitude....
Extracts from The Jam.
Can Paul Weller write about social deprivation when coming from middle class Woking?
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