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Welcome to Anglo-American false flag debauchery…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:42 pm

Welcome to Anglo-American false flag debauchery…

An eye opener on the kind of atrocities Americans and the British are capable of…

"Remote controlled bombings masquerading as "suicide bombings" that are carried out by the US, British and Israeli occupation forces fit these principles very neatly. By detonating bombs on a daily basis across Iraq and Afghanistan and via the propaganda organs touting them as being the work of Iraqi/Afghani "suicide bombers" belonging to the insurgency, the occupying military hopes to achieve several goals: "
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:43 pm

British SAS Agent Provocateurs Exposed in Basra

The REAL face of "Islamic Terror" - Two SAS agents caught carrying out a false flag terror attack in Basra, Iraq September 20th 2005 ... entid=2787

British Special Forces Caught Carrying Out Staged Terror In Iraq?

What is admitted is that two British soldiers in Arab garb and head dress drove a car towards a group of Iraq police and began firing. According to the Basra governor Mohammed al-Waili, one policeman was shot dead and another was injured. ... terror.htm

Dressed as Arabs, British (and CIA and Israeli) 'special forces' have been carrying out fake "insurgent" attacks, including 'car suicide bombings' against Iraqi policemen and Iraqi civilians (both Sunni and Shia) for the past two years. Evidence would suggest that these tactics are designed to provide continued justification for a US and British military presence in Iraq and to ultimately embroil the country in a civil war that will lead to the breakup of Iraq into more manageable statelets, much to the joy of the Israeli right and their long-held desire for the establishment of biblical 'greater Israel'

Coming not long after the botched London bombings carried out by British MI5 where an eyewitness reported that the floor of one of the trains had been blown inwards (how can a bomb in a backpack or on a "suicide bomber" INSIDE the train ever produce such an effect), more than anything else today's event in Basra highlights the desperation that is driving the policy-makers in the British government.

British intelligence would do well to think twice about carrying out any more 'false flag' operations until they can achieve the 'professionalism' of the Israeli Mossad - they always make it look convincing and rarely suffer the ignominy of being caught in the act and having the faces of their erstwhile "terrorists" plastered across the pages of the mainstream media. ... 787&page=2
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:44 pm

Washington’s consensus al-Qaeda deception

The “war on terrorism” is a foreign policy weapon favored by an elite and ironclad Anglo-American consensus, supported equally by Washington’s political factions. The surge of "al-Qaeda" covert operations and "terrorism" propaganda over the past three weeks, and reports of “renewed al-Qaeda power," marks the beginning of intensified false flag deception.

Al-Qaeda: “stronger than ever” -- or not?

It is not clear if the new crescendo of “al-Qaeda” signals intent by the Bush-Cheney covert operations machine to inflict their long-planned "next 9/11" before relinquishing power in 2008, or if this noise is routine political maneuvering by rival Washington factions engaged in election-year posturing. Nevertheless, a most perfect of perfect storms is being whipped up, with major players on all sides regurgitating and reinforcing the same bombastic assertions.

The initial wave of US fear mongering was triggered by the latest National Intelligence Estimate (produced by Bush-Cheney intelligence) declaring that “al-Qaeda” has regrouped to "pre-9/11 levels". This was quickly followed by new "terror" tapes of “al-Qaeda” masterminds Osama bin Laden and il-Zawahiri, each demonstrating, according to Bush-Cheney, that “al-Qaeda is even more high-tech and sophisticated than ever imagined." ... 2210.shtml
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:46 pm

Evidence that Mumbai attacks were anglo-american operatives

As a BBC report notes, at least some of the Mumbai attackers were not Indian and certainly not Muslim.

Pappu Mishra, a cafe proprietor at the gothic Victorian Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station, described “two sprightly young men dressed in black” with AK47s who were “foreign looking, fair skinned.”

Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe. “They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed,” Amir told the BBC.

Other “men walked into the cafe, drank beer, settled their bills and walked out. Then they fished out guns from their bags and began firing.” Muslims do not drink alcohol, that is unless they are Muslims like Marwan Al-Shehhi and Mohamed Atta, who reportedly not only liked to drink but enjoyed lap dances by topless dancers as well before they supposedly hijacked planes and flew them into buildings.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:47 pm

The Illusion of Democracy in the Modern World

Most of the ‘terrorist’ bomb attacks of the past sixty years have been false-flag attacks that were actually committed by the Israeli Mossad, the CIA, and British intelligence. For six decades the allied Western intelligence agencies have been carrying out an ongoing campaign to frame Muslims for bombings which were actually perpetrated by the Western intelligence agencies themselves. The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 were a joint CIA/Pentagon/Mossad false-flag operation that was intended to provide an excuse for the subsequent US-led Coalition invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. ... mocracy-0/
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:48 pm

History of American False Flag Operations ... tions.html
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:56 pm

As usual GR is promoting his usual brand of anti western bigotry relying in the main on sites that quote little objective evidence that supports anything he says:

If he is such a believer in their cause why does he not do the world a favour, become a suicide bomber and blow himself up. That would make the world a better place!
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:59 pm

Security forces aided loyalist murders ... 954773.stm

Britain's "Dirty War" with the IRA ... cnum=23828

UK: Northern Ireland Bravery awards for bomb helpers ... 524462.stm

Scandal of Ulster's secret war ... rnireland2

Stevens Inquiry: At a glance.

Edited text of the Stevens inquiry report, Collusion, murder and cover-up ... rnireland1

Omagh bombing kills 28 ... 152156.stm

Real IRA 'infiltrated by MI5 spy' ... 53266.html

British double-agent was in Real IRA's Omagh bomb team ... _n13961517

MI5 withheld intelligence ahead of Omagh

Omagh agent claims Garda let bomb pass ... rnireland1

Home Affairs, The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, ... tBody;col1

British army spy at heart of IRA death squad unmasked ... .military4

How the British security forces are helping a killer spy to rebuild his life ... tag=105971

UK agents 'did have role in IRA bomb atrocities' ... rnireland1

MI5 'helped IRA buy bomb parts in US' ... 742783.ece

Revealed: five British spies inside IRA ... rnireland1

IRA torturer was in the Royal Marines; Top republican terrorist ... _n12579493

Sinn Fein man admits he was agent

Sinn Fein British agent shot dead

Roy the Rat — driver for Gerry Adams, spy for MI5 ... 338091.ece

U.S. Leaked British Intelligence to I.R.A., Ex-Envoy Says. ... A96E958260

Top secret army cell breaks terrorists ... rists.html

'UDA collusion' masterspy in top Iraq role ... _n12581573

Ulster on the Euphrates: The Anglo-American Dirty War in Iraq
http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e17048.htm

State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq ... a&aid=9447

Breaking Iraq and Blaming Iran: British Black Ops and the Terror Campaign in Basra ... a&aid=9450
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:01 pm

Al-Qaeda, the Eternal Covert Operation: British "Terror" Incident latest Product of "War on Terror" Propaganda

It is a well-established and deliberately unaddressed historical fact that the CIA created "radical Islam" and Islamic "terrorism" during the Cold War. It is also a documented fact that the US, its allies, and their intelligence agencies (CIA, Pakistan’s ISI, Britain’s MI-6, etc.) have -- from the 1970s to the present day -- continued to use and guide terrorist groups, including "Al-Qaeda," as intelligence and propaganda assets. "Islamic terrorism" is a manufactured weapon of Western geostrategy, serving Anglo-American interests.

Planned covert operations and false flag operations using "terrorists" in direct and indirect military-intelligence roles are of imperial design. Such operations (exemplified by 9/11), and their predictable propaganda results ("the war on terrorism") are now routine events.

Official "war on terrorism" disinformation is repeated ad nauseum, accepted as fact by the mass populace, and used as the justification for ever-expanding Anglo-American war and ever-deepening criminality. Virtually no attention is paid to the Anglo-American support and management of "Al-Qaeda" and other "terror" groups. Little or no attention is devoted to the criminally fabricated nature of modern "terrorism" or the fact that every major "terrorism" event in recent times has been a US or US-allied covert operation, followed by political manipulation and cover-up.

September 11 was a false flag operation. The Mumbai transit bomb attack was a covert operation carried out by terror cells directly connected to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, the ISI (a virtual branch of the American CIA), and the same (alleged "Al-Qaeda") apparatus. The London 7/7 attack was the work of

British intelligence, as well as Pakistan's ISI. Previously foiled London terror incidents pin the responsibility on "homegrown" terrorists with ties to Pakistan and "Al-Qaeda," and London 7/7 . ... a&aid=6223
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:05 pm

yet another site peddling as as historical fact some wild bullshit conspiracy theory for some gullible Mug like GR to consume, simply because it supports his own egocentric bigoted POV.

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