Get Real! wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Get Real! wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:please read my manifesto thingy, or at least agree that bizonal can mean anything but tearing the island in two mutually exclusive pieces, just like bicommunal means anything but two mutually exclusive states.
You should refrain from posting when you are drunk,GR!
Such rudeness towards such a gentle man is not acceptable...Now take that finger and put it somewhere acceptable in your body cavities,and go to the far corner of your garden, and stand on one foot...There's a naughty boy!
Gentleman or not, I think it’s about time he stopped trying to shove racist shit down people’s throats!
...because i believe that there is more than this "Greek" "Turkish" thing in being Cypriot; the old kroc that claims a Heritance older than we know, older than them, older than Egypt, where this island got its name. i remember Barnabas, we were Jews then. i remember that Teke stands, built before a Turkish empire, i remember that what follows are eras that passed.
...and what is wrong, if as social-engineers, Cypriots demonstrate this foresight willingly and well, ending the Problem BBFly, setting Cyprus once again as a locus which facilitates the world's exchange. who believes this cannot be done if Cypriots choose to promote many languages, not just one, as cooperators, the most Socialised of political states.
ocean acidification, and global warming are two threats which without a reason, we will loose to (what a bad sentence, but it is what comes to mind). 12 million, ...can we support the four million in forty years? will we support even 2 million? (7 airports, two or twelve airports?), a nuclear weapon; a garden oasis or desertification: oh i know, i'm a dreamer with no brain. (not)
...what is wrong with enclaves, many which spot the island as it is drawn today? why not a return for some as communities? why not as Individuals United in One State? why not these People sustaining as well their diversity, in National Assemblies that serve a population island wide, a Freedom of Association which will sustain Persons as Majorities; why not these Rights for many, not just Turcophones or Grecophones?
...Get Real, I dare you to pick my manifesto apart sentence for sentence, every single line.
would you deal even a teeny tiny parcel of land as another Sovereign State on this island? i don't think so; that is what i believe about you. but unlike you or me, i believe that a "Greek" just like a "Turk" would say anything to get "theirs" bitterly waiting to someday take it all.
i say Greeks and Turks live here, like others, as Cypriots they are loving to this land.
you mock the words which have no meaning GR, how can i be a racist. i get the finger because i believe we have the obligation to define Bicommunal and Bizonal in a manner which may suit us, but which serves the benefit of all Mankind. pardon me for repeating over and over a sound basis for change while you guys pound at the same things the same way expecting different results; i understand, you are tired too.