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Israel agrees to offer "apology" to Turkey.

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Israel agrees to offer "apology" to Turkey.

Postby halil » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:24 pm

Israel has agreed in principle to offer an apology and pay compensation to Turkey for the normalization of bilateral relations that have severely deteriorated since the killing of Turkish citizens in an Israeli raid on an aid flotilla in May, a leading Israeli daily reported on Tuesday.

“Israel agreed in principle to apologize and pay compensation, and the Turks agreed that if these two aspects are adhered to they would ‘normalize' relations with Israel and return their ambassador to Tel Aviv. Nonetheless, both the apology and compensation remain problematic from legal and political perspectives,” English-language daily newspaper Haaretz reported, referring to the content of talks held between senior Turkish and Israeli diplomats on Sunday and Monday in Geneva.

Officials at the Turkish Foreign Ministry refused on Tuesday to comment on the content of talks held between Ambassador Feridun Sinirlioğlu, undersecretary of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, and Yosef Ciechanover, the Israeli representative on the UN committee investigating the Gaza flotilla incident. The same officials also refused to make any comment on Haaretz's report, without denying or confirming the report.

The Geneva talks were initiated after Turkey last week, on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's orders, sent fire-fighting aircraft to assist in the battle against a devastating fire in Israel.

Erdoğan reiterated on Tuesday that there can be no “new era” in ties with Israel until it apologizes and offers compensation for its deadly raid, while stating that Israel must also end its blockade of Gaza.

The content of Geneva talks was asked also of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who last week phoned Erdoğan to express his gratitude for Turkey's assistance. “Let's say we are very appreciative of the fact that the Turkish government sent two planes at a time when we needed them. We greatly appreciate that. I think that is very important, and I expressed that appreciation, as well as my hope that this will enable us to move forward in an improvement of ties. Beyond that, I have nothing to say,” Netanyahu said at a press conference on Monday evening as he refused to answer questions on the issue of apology and compensation.

Haaretz reported that Sinirlioğlu and Ciechanover have agreed to present their ideas to the prime ministers to receive further instructions and noted that more discussions are due between legal experts on both sides.

“The two sides are trying to find a formula that would let Erdoğan claim that the statement was an apology, but for Netanyahu to argue that it was not -- only an expression of appreciation for Turkey's assistance in putting out the fires in the Carmel region,” it said.
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Postby runaway » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:52 pm

so the balance of power will not change for the next 1000 years. I can see at least a dozen of dissappointed south shitriots in the forum. :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:02 pm

This doesn't belong in General Chat Halil!

Israeli Foreign Ministry Slams Netanyahu for Turkey Reconciliation Efforts ... n-efforts/
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Postby Lit » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:48 pm

Deputy PM: 'Inconceivable' that Israel apologize to Turkey
12/08/2010 15:49

Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said that it is inconceivable that Israel apologize to Turkey for the Gaza flotilla incident, and warned that such a move could encourage other countries to act like Ankara.

In an interview with Israel Radio, Shalom said that the Turkish ship 'Mavi Marmara' came to Gaza in an act intended to provoke Israel so it would be seen in an absurd light, and therefore, if an apology is required, it should come from Ankara.
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Postby Lit » Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:40 am

I do not think this is the apology that Turkiye was expecting. Nevertheless, it is an apology...

Published: 12/15/10, 5:46 PM

Parliamentarian Sends 'Apology' to Turkey

by Maayana Miskin

In wake of renewed Turkish demands that Israel apologize for the deaths of nine pro-terror activists killed in a maritime clash with the IDF, MK Danny Danon of Likud offered his own “apology” in a letter he read aloud in the Knesset Tuesday.

Danon's speech was as follows:

To the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
(by way of the Turkish ambassador to Israel)

Regarding: The request for an apology to the government of Turkey for the events aboard the Mavi Marmara of the Gaza flotilla.

I would like to apologize to you in the name of the entire state of Israel for the fact that the state of Israel did not take sufficient care to check the terrorist ship Marmara before it left Turkey. That would have prevented the ship from being armed with guns and other weapons, and from transporting terrorist activists under the patronage of the Turkish government.

Because of our excellent relationship, and your great respect for the state of Israel and the Zionist enterprise, I must apologize for the fact that the naval commandos who, when they reached the ship, were greeted by armed terrorist resistance that aimed to murder them did not immediately defend themselves with gunfire, and instead acted with restraint toward the pretend “peace activists” who sought to kill them.

Apologies for the fact that the commandos acted carefully, taking into account the presence of civilians on the ship, and killed only nine terrorists. If the state authorities had known that there were terrorists on the ship, the order would have been given to kill any person endangering our troops.

With your permission, one more apology is necessary, for Israel's decision to release the dangerous terror supporters who were on the ship and not put them on trial for attempted murder, and even to pay for their tickets home.

And finally, please accept our full and heartfelt apology, for not asking the United Nations to censure Turkey, and for not demanding an investigation into the connection between the IHH terrorist organization, your party and you, Mr. Erdogan.

Warm wishes,
MK Danny Danon, speaking on behalf of the Israeli Knesset
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Postby Ethem » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:39 pm

did they forget to mention apologising for illegally boarding another nation's flag carrier vessel over international waters by force
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