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The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:10 pm

USA Invasions, Bombings, Military Aid, Political Interventions and Sanctions

(Year - Country - Action - Reason Given - Actual Reason)

1947 France Election Finance;Economic Coersion Communism Wanted pro-USA government and French recolonisation of Vietnam.
1947 Italy Election Finance;Economic Coersion Communism Wanted pro-USA and pro-business government.
1947 Greece Military Backing Communism Wanted pro-USA government and military bases.
1947 Philippines Election Finance None Military bases.
1948 Peru Military Backing None Control of government.
1948 Vietnam Military Backing Communism Support for French recolonisation. Fear of independent Vietnam.
1948 Nicaragua Military Backing None Pro-USA government and access to plantations.
1949 China Arms Sales;Bombing Communism Access to a pro-USA and pro-business government.
1950 Colombia Food Aid Humanitarian Destruction of an agricultural rival.
1950 Korea Killing Civilians None Unknown.
1950 Puerto Rico Military Action None To crush independence movement.
1953 Philippines Election Finance None Wanted pro-USA government and military bases.
1954 Vietnam Military Backing Communism Fear of united and powerful independent country.
1955 Europe Election Finance None Wanted united pro-USA, pro-NATO and anti-socialist Europe.
1956 Egypt Sanctions Communism Country took ownership of its Suez Canal and opposed USA Middle East policy.
1957 Jordan Military Training None Wanted strong pro-USA government.
1958 Lebanon Military Action None Removal of anti-West dissidents.
1958 Indonesia Election Finance None Government is against USA business interests.
1958 Japan Election Finance None To keep pro-USA governments in power.
1959 Haiti Military Action None To crush rebellion against pro-USA government.
1959 Nepal Covert Action None To help pro-USA government win power.
1960 Congo Assassination None Wanted to remove popular and nationalist leader; access to minerals.
1960 Cuba Trade Embargo Communism Country using its resources for its own people.
1960 Iraq Destabilisation None Leader founds and supports OPEC.
1961 Cuba Secret Invasion None Country using its resources for its own people.
1961 Dominican Republic Assassination None Unknown.
1962 Vietnam Military Action Communism Country wanted unity and independence.
1962 Cuba Economic Sabotage None Country using its resources for its own people.
1962 Brazil Election Finance None Wanted pro-business government.
1962 Dominican Republic Political Coersion None Unknown.
1963 Iraq Assassination;Intelligence Communism Previous government against USA oil interests; removal of dissidents.
1963 El Salvador Advisors Communism Removal of anti-USA dissidents.
1964 North Vietnam Bombing None Removal of independent government.
1964 South Vietnam Torture Training Communism Suppression of independence movements.
1964 Panama Military Action Law and Order Suppression of movement demanding return of canal.
1965 Vietnam Military Action Communism To keep the country from uniting.
1965 Dominican Republic Intervention Communism To keep elected leader from returning to power.
1965 Indonesia Intelligence Communism Removal of dissidents. Helping a pro-business regime.
1965 Laos Destabilisation;Bombing Communism Denial of support for Vietnam.
1965 Thailand Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government; military bases.
1965 Peru Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1966 Vietnam Village Clearing;Bombing Communism Political control of the country.
1966 Laos Bombing None Denial of support for Vietnam.
1966 Central Africa Finance None Access to uranium.
1966 Bolivia Election Finance None Access to minerals and oil.
1967 Vietnam Military Action Communism Political control of the country.
1967 Cuba Assassination None Removal of popular leader.
1968 Vietnam Village Clearing;Bombing Communism Political control of country.
1969 Cambodia Secret Bombing None Denial of support for Vietnam.
1969 Vietnam Military Action Communism Political control of country.
1970 North Vietnam Bombing None Control of country.
1970 Uruguay Torture Training None To keep opposition from taking power.
1970 Oman Military Assistance None Unknown.
1971 Laos Invasion None Control of country.
1971 Vietnam Military Action None Control of country.
1972 North Vietnam Blockade;Bombing None Control of country.
1972 Nicaragua Troops Business interests Support for business and pro-USA government.
1972 Australia Election Finance None Did not like Labour Party foreign policy.
1972 Iraq Aid to Kurds Humanitarian To destabilise Iraq as it had a quarrel with USA ally, Iran.
1973 Cambodia Bombing None Control of country.
1974 Vietnam Trade Embargo Communism The Vietnamese were winning against the USA.
1974 Zaire Military Aid None Control of resources.
1974 Portugal Election Finance None Did not want socialist government to take power.
1975 Vietnam Economic Attack Communism To stop country developing as a model for the region.
1975 East Timor Support of Invasion None Did not want a new independent state; oil.
1975 Iraq Change of Support None Kurdish rebels no longer of use.
1975 Morocco Support of Invasion None Morocco grants use of military bases in return.
1976 Indonesia Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1976 Philippines Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1977 Pakistan Military Aid None Support for unelected pro-USA government.
1977 Egypt Economic Coersion None To remove Egypt from the anti-Israel camp.
1977 Zaire Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1977 Indonesia Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1978 Guatemala Military Aid;Economic Aid None Support for unelected pro-USA government.
1979 Iran Habouring Dictator None New government wants control of its resources, especially oil.
1979 Central Africa Economic Aid None Support for pro-business government.
1979 Afghanistan Military Aid Repel USSR To repel USSR and break their economy.
1979 Cambodia Aid to Khmer Rouge None To please new ally China; to antagonise Vietnam.
1979 Vietnam Economic Blockade Communism To stop country developing as a model for the region.
1979 Yemen Military Aid None To please ally, Saudi Arabia.
1980 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Stop opposition to pro-USA government.
1980 Honduras Troops Communism Protect resources and create anti-Nicaragua bases.
1980 Iraq Military Aid Islamic Iran Wanted to destabilise new anti-USA government of Iran.
1980 Cambodia Military Aid None To destabilise Vietnamese backed government and to please new ally, China.
1980 Italy Terrorism None To discredit socialist election candidates and to heighten fear of the USSR.
1980 South Korea Military Aid;Political Support None Suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1981 Tanzania Economic Coersion Communism Wanted the country to change its economy to suit USA companies.
1981 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Stop opposition to pro-USA government.
1981 Libya Provocation Terrorism To destabilise an anti-West government.
1981 Indo-China Economic Coersion Communism To stop the independent development of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
1982 Lebanon Troops Humanitarian To help Israel remove Palestinians.
1982 Guatemala Military Aid None To suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1982 South Africa Financial Aid Terrorism To help South Africa destabilise the region.
1982 Afghanistan Military Aid Communism To replace USSR backed government by the USA backed government.
1982 Iraq Military Aid Islamic Iran To support Iraq's war against the anti-USA government of Iran.
1983 Lebanon Troops;Bombing Peace Keeping To ensure pro-USA factions won the civil war.
1983 Nicaragua Blockade;Arming Rebels Communism To replace government with pro-USA regime.
1983 Zimbabwe Economic Coersion None Government had too independent foreign policy.
1984 Mozambique Economic Coersion Communism To stop support for democracy in South Africa.
1985 Lebanon Car Bomb Assassination To remove anti-Israel and anti-USA dissidents.
1985 New Zealand Economic Coersion None Country backed nuclear free Pacific.
1985 Chad Military Aid;Financial Aid None Support for non-elected pro-USA regime.
1985 Honduras Military Aid;Training Communism To destabilise elected government of Nicaragua.
1986 Nicaragua Military Aid Communism To destabilise elected government.
1986 Libya Bombing Terrorism To destabilise the country.
1987 Iran Provocation Terrorism To destabilise the country.
1988 Iran Provocation Terrorism To destabilise the country.
1988 Iraq Military Aid Islamic Iran Support for Iraq in its war against Iran.
1988 Colombia Military Aid Drugs Support for pro-USA government.
1988 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Support for pro-USA government.
1988 Turkey Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1989 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Support for pro-USA government.
1989 Panama Invasion;Diplomatic Violation Drugs To ensure control over the Panama Canal.
1989 Cambodia Military Aid None To destabilise Vietnamese backed government and to please China.
1989 Libya Provocation Terrorism To destabilise the country because it is anti-USA and pro-Palestinian.
1990 Nicaragua Election Finance Communism To ensure that a pro-USA government was elected.
1990 El Salvador Military Training Communism Support of the pro-USA government.
1990 Guatemala Military Aid Communism Support for the pro-USA government.
1990 Bulgaria Election Finance Communism Did not want a socialist government in power.
1990 Germany Document Theft None Unknown.
1991 Iraq Invasion;UN Violation;Sanctions Free Kuwait To ensure that Iraq became less powerful.
1991 Philippines Disinformation None Military bases.
1992 Somalia Invasion Humanitarian To ensure that a pro-West government took control.
1992 Colombia Military Aid Drugs To remove anti-USA elements.
1992 Albania Election Finance Communism Did not want a socialist government in power.
1992 Angola Military Aid Communism Wanted access to oil and diamonds.
1993 Iraq Bombing UN Violations To ensure that Iraq does not flood the oil market, lowering the price.
1993 Cuba Trade Embargo Communism Country using its resources for its own people.
1994 Haiti Troops;Document Theft Democracy To ensure that a pro-west government is elected.
1994 Jordan Financial Aid Humanitarian To obtain agreement with Israel's view that Palestinian refugees do not have a right of return.
1994 Colombia Military Aid Drug Trafficking To suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1995 Turkey Military Aid None To keep a pro-USA government happy while it attacks Kurds.
1995 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To ensure that Iraq does not flood the oil market, lowering the price.
1995 Mexico Military Aid Drug Trafficking To crush opposition to USA business interests.
1995 Iran Sanctions Terrorism Country using its resources for its own people.
1996 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To keep the country weak and to destabilise the government.
1996 Mongolia Election Finance Communism To help elect a pro-USA government that would allow electronic monitoring of China.
1997 Rwanda Military Aid None Support for pro-West government.
1997 Iraq Sanctions UN Violations To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
1998 Afghanistan Bombing Terrorism To destroy terror camps built by the USA to fight the USSR and now suspected of being used against the USA.
1998 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
1998 Sudan Bombing Terrorism Unknown.
1998 Turkey Military Aid None Support for pro-USA NATO country.
1998 Guatemala Military Aid None Suppression of opposition to pro-USA government.
1998 South Korea Food Aid Humanitarian To make the country dependent on USA produced food.
1999 Yugoslavia Bombing Humanitarian European business interests.
1999 Iraq Bombing UN Violations To destabilise independent Arab regime.
1999 Guatemala Military Aid None Suppression of opposition to pro-USA government.
2000 Israel Military Aid;Economic Aid;Political Support Terrorism Support for a strongly pro-West country in the Middle East.
2000 Kyrgyzstan Financial Aid Humanitarian To gain influence in oil rich Central Asia.
2001 Colombia Military Aid Drug Trafficking To protect USA oil companies from dissidents.
2001 China Provocation Communism To obtain secrets and intimidate independent country.
2001 Israel Military Aid; Economic Aid; Political Support Terrorism Support for a strongly pro-West country in the Middle East.
2001 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
2001 Afghanistan Bombing;Invasion Terrorism To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
2002 Afghanistan Bombing;Invasion Terrorism To gain influence and control over oil rich Central Asia.
2002 Angola Intelligence Terrorism To remove their no longer needed former client.
2003 Iraq Invasion Banned Weapons To gain control of oil rich country and impose a government friendly to the USA.
2007 Somalia Bombing;Support of Invasion Terrorism To install a pro-USA government.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:14 pm

The US: Rogue Nation

1. In December 2001, the United States officially withdrew from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty, gutting the landmark agreement-the first time in the nuclear era that the US renounced a major arms control accord.

2. 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention ratified by 144 nations including the United States. In July 2001 the US walked out of a London conference to discuss a 1994 protocol designed to strengthen the Convention by providing for on-site inspections. At Geneva in November 2001, US Undersecretary of State John Bolton stated that "the protocol is dead," at the same time accusing Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Sudan, and Syria of violating the Convention but offering no specific allegations or supporting evidence.

3. UN Agreement to Curb the International Flow of Illicit Small Arms, July 2001: the US was the only nation to oppose it.

4. April 2001, the US was not re-elected to the UN Human Rights Commission, after years of withholding dues to the UN (including current dues of $244 million)-and after having forced the UN to lower its share of the UN budget from 25 to 22 percent. (In the Human Rights Commission, the US stood virtually alone in opposing resolutions supporting lower-cost access to HIV/AIDS drugs, acknowledging a basic human right to adequate food, and calling for a moratorium on the death penalty.)

5. International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty, to be set up in The Hague to try political leaders and military personnel charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Signed in Rome in July 1998, the Treaty was approved by 120 countries, with 7 opposed (including the US). In October 2001 Great Britain became the 42nd nation to sign. In December 2001 the US Senate again added an amendment to a military appropriations bill that would keep US military personnel from obeying the jurisdiction of the proposed ICC.

6. Land Mine Treaty, banning land mines; signed in Ottawa in December 1997 by 122 nations. The United States refused to sign, along with Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Egypt, and Turkey. President Clinton rejected the Treaty, claiming that mines were needed to protect South Korea against North Korea's "overwhelming military advantage." He stated that the US would "eventually" comply, in 2006; this was disavowed by President Bush in August 2001.

7. Kyoto Protocol of 1997, for controlling global warming: declared "dead" by President Bush in March 2001. In November 2001, the Bush administration shunned negotiations in Marrakech (Morocco) to revise the accord, mainly by watering it down in a vain attempt to gain US approval.

8. In May 2001, refused to meet with European Union nations to discuss, even at lower levels of government, economic espionage and electronic surveillance of phone calls, e-mail, and faxes (the US "Echelon" program),

9. Refused to participate in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)-sponsored talks in Paris, May 2001, on ways to crack down on off-shore and other tax and money-laundering havens.

10. Refused to join 123 nations pledged to ban the use and production of anti-personnel bombs and mines, February 2001

11. September 2001: withdrew from International Conference on Racism, bringing together 163 countries in Durban, South Africa

12. International Plan for Cleaner Energy: G-8 group of industrial nations (US, Canada, Japan, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, UK), July 2001: the US was the only one to oppose it.

13. Enforcing an illegal boycott of Cuba, now being made tighter. In the UN in October 2001, the General Assembly passed a resolution, for the tenth consecutive year, calling for an end to the US embargo, by a vote of 167 to 3 (the US, Israel, and the Marshall Islands in opposition).

14. Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty. Signed by 164 nations and ratified by 89 including France, Great Britain, and Russia; signed by President Clinton in 1996 but rejected by the Senate in 1999. The US is one of 13 nonratifiers among countries that have nuclear weapons or nuclear power programs. In November 2001, the US forced a vote in the UN Committee on Disarmament and Security to demonstrate its opposition to the Test Ban Treaty.

15. In 1986 the International Court of Justice (The Hague) ruled that the US was in violation of international law for "unlawful use of force" in Nicaragua, through its actions and those of its Contra proxy army. The US refused to recognize the Court's jurisdiction. A UN resolution calling for compliance with the Court's decision was approved 94-2 (US and Israel voting no).

16. In 1984 the US quit UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and ceased its payments for UNESCO's budget, over the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) project designed to lessen world media dependence on the "big four" wire agencies (AP, UPI, Agence France-Presse, Reuters). The US charged UNESCO with "curtailment of press freedom," as well as mismanagement and other faults, despite a 148-1 in vote in favor of NWICO in the UN. UNESCO terminated NWICO in 1989; the US nonetheless refused to rejoin. In 1995 the Clinton administration proposed rejoining; the move was blocked in Congress and Clinton did not press the issue. In February 2000 the US finally paid some of its arrears to the UN but excluded UNESCO, which the US has not rejoined.

17. Optional Protocol, 1989, to the UN's International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aimed at abolition of the death penalty and containing a provision banning the execution of those under 18. The US has neither signed nor ratified and specifically exempts itself from the latter provision, making it one of five countries that still execute juveniles (with Saudi Arabia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Nigeria). China abolished the practice in 1997, Pakistan in 2000.

18. 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The only countries that have signed but not ratified are the US, Afghanistan, Sao Tome and Principe.

19. The US has signed but not ratified the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which protects the economic and social rights of children. The only other country not to ratify is Somalia, which has no functioning government.

20. UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966, covering a wide range of rights and monitored by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The US signed in 1977 but has not ratified.

21. UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1948. The US finally ratified in 1988, adding several "reservations" to the effect that the US Constitution and the "advice and consent" of the Senate are required to judge whether any "acts in the course of armed conflict" constitute genocide. The reservations are rejected by Britain, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Mexico, Estonia, and others.

22. Is the status of "we're number one!" Rogue overcome by generous foreign aid to given less fortunate countries? The three best aid providers, measured by the foreign aid percentage of their gross domestic products, are Denmark (1.01%), Norway (0.91%), and the Netherlands (0.79), The three worst: USA (0.10%), UK (0.23%), Australia, Portugal, and Austria (all 0.26).
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:31 pm

insan wrote:R u sure all of these things caused by American nation? Or a bunch of greedy, ultra-wealthy "Americans" did these?


vaughanwilliams wrote:Without them, we would all be speaking German or Russian by now.

And your point being what exactly?

supporttheunderdog wrote:Those individuals have directly caused many millions of deaths, many of them of their own citizens, far more ever than the US, and caused for more misery through oppression than ever the US.

In Iraq alone over 1.5 million people dead so go back to sleep!

johbee wrote:Guess where the technology that allows you to write your drivel on this site comes from? You are quite a hypocrite.

It’s not the US so don’t stick around and make a fool of yourself.

Gasman wrote:So you've never watched any American movies or TV series or news programmes?

You manage to life your life and boycott all things American?

Daft and irrelevant assumptions!

You say you feel the same way about the UK yet seem to have lived quite a bit of your life and received education there?

Incorrect, so stop assuming and stick to the thread issue… although I very much doubt you can make an interesting contribution here!
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Postby bsharpish » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:02 pm

Get Real! wrote:USA Invasions, Bombings, Military Aid, Political Interventions and Sanctions

(Year - Country - Action - Reason Given - Actual Reason)

1947 France Election Finance;Economic Coersion Communism Wanted pro-USA government and French recolonisation of Vietnam.
1947 Italy Election Finance;Economic Coersion Communism Wanted pro-USA and pro-business government.
1947 Greece Military Backing Communism Wanted pro-USA government and military bases.
1947 Philippines Election Finance None Military bases.
1948 Peru Military Backing None Control of government.
1948 Vietnam Military Backing Communism Support for French recolonisation. Fear of independent Vietnam.
1948 Nicaragua Military Backing None Pro-USA government and access to plantations.
1949 China Arms Sales;Bombing Communism Access to a pro-USA and pro-business government.
1950 Colombia Food Aid Humanitarian Destruction of an agricultural rival.
1950 Korea Killing Civilians None Unknown.
1950 Puerto Rico Military Action None To crush independence movement.
1953 Philippines Election Finance None Wanted pro-USA government and military bases.
1954 Vietnam Military Backing Communism Fear of united and powerful independent country.
1955 Europe Election Finance None Wanted united pro-USA, pro-NATO and anti-socialist Europe.
1956 Egypt Sanctions Communism Country took ownership of its Suez Canal and opposed USA Middle East policy.
1957 Jordan Military Training None Wanted strong pro-USA government.
1958 Lebanon Military Action None Removal of anti-West dissidents.
1958 Indonesia Election Finance None Government is against USA business interests.
1958 Japan Election Finance None To keep pro-USA governments in power.
1959 Haiti Military Action None To crush rebellion against pro-USA government.
1959 Nepal Covert Action None To help pro-USA government win power.
1960 Congo Assassination None Wanted to remove popular and nationalist leader; access to minerals.
1960 Cuba Trade Embargo Communism Country using its resources for its own people.
1960 Iraq Destabilisation None Leader founds and supports OPEC.
1961 Cuba Secret Invasion None Country using its resources for its own people.
1961 Dominican Republic Assassination None Unknown.
1962 Vietnam Military Action Communism Country wanted unity and independence.
1962 Cuba Economic Sabotage None Country using its resources for its own people.
1962 Brazil Election Finance None Wanted pro-business government.
1962 Dominican Republic Political Coersion None Unknown.
1963 Iraq Assassination;Intelligence Communism Previous government against USA oil interests; removal of dissidents.
1963 El Salvador Advisors Communism Removal of anti-USA dissidents.
1964 North Vietnam Bombing None Removal of independent government.
1964 South Vietnam Torture Training Communism Suppression of independence movements.
1964 Panama Military Action Law and Order Suppression of movement demanding return of canal.
1965 Vietnam Military Action Communism To keep the country from uniting.
1965 Dominican Republic Intervention Communism To keep elected leader from returning to power.
1965 Indonesia Intelligence Communism Removal of dissidents. Helping a pro-business regime.
1965 Laos Destabilisation;Bombing Communism Denial of support for Vietnam.
1965 Thailand Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government; military bases.
1965 Peru Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1966 Vietnam Village Clearing;Bombing Communism Political control of the country.
1966 Laos Bombing None Denial of support for Vietnam.
1966 Central Africa Finance None Access to uranium.
1966 Bolivia Election Finance None Access to minerals and oil.
1967 Vietnam Military Action Communism Political control of the country.
1967 Cuba Assassination None Removal of popular leader.
1968 Vietnam Village Clearing;Bombing Communism Political control of country.
1969 Cambodia Secret Bombing None Denial of support for Vietnam.
1969 Vietnam Military Action Communism Political control of country.
1970 North Vietnam Bombing None Control of country.
1970 Uruguay Torture Training None To keep opposition from taking power.
1970 Oman Military Assistance None Unknown.
1971 Laos Invasion None Control of country.
1971 Vietnam Military Action None Control of country.
1972 North Vietnam Blockade;Bombing None Control of country.
1972 Nicaragua Troops Business interests Support for business and pro-USA government.
1972 Australia Election Finance None Did not like Labour Party foreign policy.
1972 Iraq Aid to Kurds Humanitarian To destabilise Iraq as it had a quarrel with USA ally, Iran.
1973 Cambodia Bombing None Control of country.
1974 Vietnam Trade Embargo Communism The Vietnamese were winning against the USA.
1974 Zaire Military Aid None Control of resources.
1974 Portugal Election Finance None Did not want socialist government to take power.
1975 Vietnam Economic Attack Communism To stop country developing as a model for the region.
1975 East Timor Support of Invasion None Did not want a new independent state; oil.
1975 Iraq Change of Support None Kurdish rebels no longer of use.
1975 Morocco Support of Invasion None Morocco grants use of military bases in return.
1976 Indonesia Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1976 Philippines Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1977 Pakistan Military Aid None Support for unelected pro-USA government.
1977 Egypt Economic Coersion None To remove Egypt from the anti-Israel camp.
1977 Zaire Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1977 Indonesia Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1978 Guatemala Military Aid;Economic Aid None Support for unelected pro-USA government.
1979 Iran Habouring Dictator None New government wants control of its resources, especially oil.
1979 Central Africa Economic Aid None Support for pro-business government.
1979 Afghanistan Military Aid Repel USSR To repel USSR and break their economy.
1979 Cambodia Aid to Khmer Rouge None To please new ally China; to antagonise Vietnam.
1979 Vietnam Economic Blockade Communism To stop country developing as a model for the region.
1979 Yemen Military Aid None To please ally, Saudi Arabia.
1980 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Stop opposition to pro-USA government.
1980 Honduras Troops Communism Protect resources and create anti-Nicaragua bases.
1980 Iraq Military Aid Islamic Iran Wanted to destabilise new anti-USA government of Iran.
1980 Cambodia Military Aid None To destabilise Vietnamese backed government and to please new ally, China.
1980 Italy Terrorism None To discredit socialist election candidates and to heighten fear of the USSR.
1980 South Korea Military Aid;Political Support None Suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1981 Tanzania Economic Coersion Communism Wanted the country to change its economy to suit USA companies.
1981 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Stop opposition to pro-USA government.
1981 Libya Provocation Terrorism To destabilise an anti-West government.
1981 Indo-China Economic Coersion Communism To stop the independent development of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
1982 Lebanon Troops Humanitarian To help Israel remove Palestinians.
1982 Guatemala Military Aid None To suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1982 South Africa Financial Aid Terrorism To help South Africa destabilise the region.
1982 Afghanistan Military Aid Communism To replace USSR backed government by the USA backed government.
1982 Iraq Military Aid Islamic Iran To support Iraq's war against the anti-USA government of Iran.
1983 Lebanon Troops;Bombing Peace Keeping To ensure pro-USA factions won the civil war.
1983 Nicaragua Blockade;Arming Rebels Communism To replace government with pro-USA regime.
1983 Zimbabwe Economic Coersion None Government had too independent foreign policy.
1984 Mozambique Economic Coersion Communism To stop support for democracy in South Africa.
1985 Lebanon Car Bomb Assassination To remove anti-Israel and anti-USA dissidents.
1985 New Zealand Economic Coersion None Country backed nuclear free Pacific.
1985 Chad Military Aid;Financial Aid None Support for non-elected pro-USA regime.
1985 Honduras Military Aid;Training Communism To destabilise elected government of Nicaragua.
1986 Nicaragua Military Aid Communism To destabilise elected government.
1986 Libya Bombing Terrorism To destabilise the country.
1987 Iran Provocation Terrorism To destabilise the country.
1988 Iran Provocation Terrorism To destabilise the country.
1988 Iraq Military Aid Islamic Iran Support for Iraq in its war against Iran.
1988 Colombia Military Aid Drugs Support for pro-USA government.
1988 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Support for pro-USA government.
1988 Turkey Military Aid None Support for pro-USA government.
1989 El Salvador Military Aid Communism Support for pro-USA government.
1989 Panama Invasion;Diplomatic Violation Drugs To ensure control over the Panama Canal.
1989 Cambodia Military Aid None To destabilise Vietnamese backed government and to please China.
1989 Libya Provocation Terrorism To destabilise the country because it is anti-USA and pro-Palestinian.
1990 Nicaragua Election Finance Communism To ensure that a pro-USA government was elected.
1990 El Salvador Military Training Communism Support of the pro-USA government.
1990 Guatemala Military Aid Communism Support for the pro-USA government.
1990 Bulgaria Election Finance Communism Did not want a socialist government in power.
1990 Germany Document Theft None Unknown.
1991 Iraq Invasion;UN Violation;Sanctions Free Kuwait To ensure that Iraq became less powerful.
1991 Philippines Disinformation None Military bases.
1992 Somalia Invasion Humanitarian To ensure that a pro-West government took control.
1992 Colombia Military Aid Drugs To remove anti-USA elements.
1992 Albania Election Finance Communism Did not want a socialist government in power.
1992 Angola Military Aid Communism Wanted access to oil and diamonds.
1993 Iraq Bombing UN Violations To ensure that Iraq does not flood the oil market, lowering the price.
1993 Cuba Trade Embargo Communism Country using its resources for its own people.
1994 Haiti Troops;Document Theft Democracy To ensure that a pro-west government is elected.
1994 Jordan Financial Aid Humanitarian To obtain agreement with Israel's view that Palestinian refugees do not have a right of return.
1994 Colombia Military Aid Drug Trafficking To suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1995 Turkey Military Aid None To keep a pro-USA government happy while it attacks Kurds.
1995 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To ensure that Iraq does not flood the oil market, lowering the price.
1995 Mexico Military Aid Drug Trafficking To crush opposition to USA business interests.
1995 Iran Sanctions Terrorism Country using its resources for its own people.
1996 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To keep the country weak and to destabilise the government.
1996 Mongolia Election Finance Communism To help elect a pro-USA government that would allow electronic monitoring of China.
1997 Rwanda Military Aid None Support for pro-West government.
1997 Iraq Sanctions UN Violations To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
1998 Afghanistan Bombing Terrorism To destroy terror camps built by the USA to fight the USSR and now suspected of being used against the USA.
1998 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
1998 Sudan Bombing Terrorism Unknown.
1998 Turkey Military Aid None Support for pro-USA NATO country.
1998 Guatemala Military Aid None Suppression of opposition to pro-USA government.
1998 South Korea Food Aid Humanitarian To make the country dependent on USA produced food.
1999 Yugoslavia Bombing Humanitarian European business interests.
1999 Iraq Bombing UN Violations To destabilise independent Arab regime.
1999 Guatemala Military Aid None Suppression of opposition to pro-USA government.
2000 Israel Military Aid;Economic Aid;Political Support Terrorism Support for a strongly pro-West country in the Middle East.
2000 Kyrgyzstan Financial Aid Humanitarian To gain influence in oil rich Central Asia.
2001 Colombia Military Aid Drug Trafficking To protect USA oil companies from dissidents.
2001 China Provocation Communism To obtain secrets and intimidate independent country.
2001 Israel Military Aid; Economic Aid; Political Support Terrorism Support for a strongly pro-West country in the Middle East.
2001 Iraq Sanctions;Bombing UN Violations To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
2001 Afghanistan Bombing;Invasion Terrorism To replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
2002 Afghanistan Bombing;Invasion Terrorism To gain influence and control over oil rich Central Asia.
2002 Angola Intelligence Terrorism To remove their no longer needed former client.
2003 Iraq Invasion Banned Weapons To gain control of oil rich country and impose a government friendly to the USA.
2007 Somalia Bombing;Support of Invasion Terrorism To install a pro-USA government.

What a simplistic and foolish post ..... even the authors website quotes -

"Do not simply believe anything on this web site - always check for yourself.
Treat the stories and quotes in these pages as pointers to find out more.
Learn to think for yourself and check all information."

yet you cut and paste there opinion and present it as fact

rather like the 1.5 million Iraq casualties .... the highly contested figure vary between 110,000 and Over 1 million
Most based on small survey snapshots of 2000 interviews
And the totals include the Sunni on Shia insurgency figures

During the last half of the twentieth century 2 great political forces were at work in a cold war , in many cases by proxy, and yet you chastise only 1 ,avoid context , use questionable sources as "Fact" and then you post these opinions ,hearsay and speculations as fact in a simplistic and biased manner usually followed with an insult for anyone who dares to challenge your unmitigated bile.

So to summarise in your own style

One day you will grow up and stop posting this naive ,student, trustafarian, quasi intellectual, pseudo socialist bullshit....
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Postby bsharpish » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:The US: Rogue Nation

1. In December 2001, the United States officially withdrew from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty, gutting the landmark agreement-the first time in the nuclear era that the US renounced a major arms control accord.

2. 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention ratified by 144 nations including the United States. In July 2001 the US walked out of a London conference to discuss a 1994 protocol designed to strengthen the Convention by providing for on-site inspections. At Geneva in November 2001, US Undersecretary of State John Bolton stated that "the protocol is dead," at the same time accusing Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Sudan, and Syria of violating the Convention but offering no specific allegations or supporting evidence.

3. UN Agreement to Curb the International Flow of Illicit Small Arms, July 2001: the US was the only nation to oppose it.

4. April 2001, the US was not re-elected to the UN Human Rights Commission, after years of withholding dues to the UN (including current dues of $244 million)-and after having forced the UN to lower its share of the UN budget from 25 to 22 percent. (In the Human Rights Commission, the US stood virtually alone in opposing resolutions supporting lower-cost access to HIV/AIDS drugs, acknowledging a basic human right to adequate food, and calling for a moratorium on the death penalty.)

5. International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty, to be set up in The Hague to try political leaders and military personnel charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Signed in Rome in July 1998, the Treaty was approved by 120 countries, with 7 opposed (including the US). In October 2001 Great Britain became the 42nd nation to sign. In December 2001 the US Senate again added an amendment to a military appropriations bill that would keep US military personnel from obeying the jurisdiction of the proposed ICC.

6. Land Mine Treaty, banning land mines; signed in Ottawa in December 1997 by 122 nations. The United States refused to sign, along with Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Egypt, and Turkey. President Clinton rejected the Treaty, claiming that mines were needed to protect South Korea against North Korea's "overwhelming military advantage." He stated that the US would "eventually" comply, in 2006; this was disavowed by President Bush in August 2001.

7. Kyoto Protocol of 1997, for controlling global warming: declared "dead" by President Bush in March 2001. In November 2001, the Bush administration shunned negotiations in Marrakech (Morocco) to revise the accord, mainly by watering it down in a vain attempt to gain US approval.

8. In May 2001, refused to meet with European Union nations to discuss, even at lower levels of government, economic espionage and electronic surveillance of phone calls, e-mail, and faxes (the US "Echelon" program),

9. Refused to participate in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)-sponsored talks in Paris, May 2001, on ways to crack down on off-shore and other tax and money-laundering havens.

10. Refused to join 123 nations pledged to ban the use and production of anti-personnel bombs and mines, February 2001

11. September 2001: withdrew from International Conference on Racism, bringing together 163 countries in Durban, South Africa

12. International Plan for Cleaner Energy: G-8 group of industrial nations (US, Canada, Japan, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, UK), July 2001: the US was the only one to oppose it.

13. Enforcing an illegal boycott of Cuba, now being made tighter. In the UN in October 2001, the General Assembly passed a resolution, for the tenth consecutive year, calling for an end to the US embargo, by a vote of 167 to 3 (the US, Israel, and the Marshall Islands in opposition).

14. Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty. Signed by 164 nations and ratified by 89 including France, Great Britain, and Russia; signed by President Clinton in 1996 but rejected by the Senate in 1999. The US is one of 13 nonratifiers among countries that have nuclear weapons or nuclear power programs. In November 2001, the US forced a vote in the UN Committee on Disarmament and Security to demonstrate its opposition to the Test Ban Treaty.

15. In 1986 the International Court of Justice (The Hague) ruled that the US was in violation of international law for "unlawful use of force" in Nicaragua, through its actions and those of its Contra proxy army. The US refused to recognize the Court's jurisdiction. A UN resolution calling for compliance with the Court's decision was approved 94-2 (US and Israel voting no).

16. In 1984 the US quit UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and ceased its payments for UNESCO's budget, over the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) project designed to lessen world media dependence on the "big four" wire agencies (AP, UPI, Agence France-Presse, Reuters). The US charged UNESCO with "curtailment of press freedom," as well as mismanagement and other faults, despite a 148-1 in vote in favor of NWICO in the UN. UNESCO terminated NWICO in 1989; the US nonetheless refused to rejoin. In 1995 the Clinton administration proposed rejoining; the move was blocked in Congress and Clinton did not press the issue. In February 2000 the US finally paid some of its arrears to the UN but excluded UNESCO, which the US has not rejoined.

17. Optional Protocol, 1989, to the UN's International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aimed at abolition of the death penalty and containing a provision banning the execution of those under 18. The US has neither signed nor ratified and specifically exempts itself from the latter provision, making it one of five countries that still execute juveniles (with Saudi Arabia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Nigeria). China abolished the practice in 1997, Pakistan in 2000.

18. 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The only countries that have signed but not ratified are the US, Afghanistan, Sao Tome and Principe.

19. The US has signed but not ratified the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which protects the economic and social rights of children. The only other country not to ratify is Somalia, which has no functioning government.

20. UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966, covering a wide range of rights and monitored by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The US signed in 1977 but has not ratified.

21. UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1948. The US finally ratified in 1988, adding several "reservations" to the effect that the US Constitution and the "advice and consent" of the Senate are required to judge whether any "acts in the course of armed conflict" constitute genocide. The reservations are rejected by Britain, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Mexico, Estonia, and others.

22. Is the status of "we're number one!" Rogue overcome by generous foreign aid to given less fortunate countries? The three best aid providers, measured by the foreign aid percentage of their gross domestic products, are Denmark (1.01%), Norway (0.91%), and the Netherlands (0.79), The three worst: USA (0.10%), UK (0.23%), Australia, Portugal, and Austria (all 0.26).

True or not ..... this is a 10 year old post by that well known and respected author ... richard du boff.... an economics professor

So again ..... A non peer reviewed non credible source

Cut and pasted from a site whose own disclaimer is -

"The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles. Global Research reserves the right to remove articles from the website2

Just because its on the internet, suits your bias and you post a link
..... even if all he says is true ( and it may be) its an opinion of 1 person hardly a global concensus
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Postby Daniella » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:26 pm

Then…..would you begin to set an example and explain to us of what happened to america..? :roll:
I ask this because from what you've responded to GR seem you’re denying that the U.S. is in full economic crisis.

The decline is started when most of OPEC countries has began to pay petroleum with Euro instead of dollars.
Now they say <Iran has got uranio to build an atomic bomb > so we go there to solve the problem and help world to be free!
The strange thing is that casually also Iran is pretending to pay it with euro.
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Postby bsharpish » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:39 pm

I'm not suggesting that America is or is not in fiscal decline.

I actually spent nearly a month in the USA recently and on the surface its even worse than Paphos :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

However, I'm quite sure that its not the "End of the American empire" as its far too populous , resource rich and powerfull as a nation.

Sure there may be a re-positioning of the perception of "Number 1 world power" with the rise of the Indo\Sino nations...... but that means what ??
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Postby Daniella » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:00 pm

Even worse thant paphos? I did not think were possible! :lol:
Obviously, the emerging countries have their weight and their decision-making power begins to have value.
But the Americans instead of trying to heal their debt are spending all their resources in war in someone else's home.

And since they are not stupid if they do it is because they have substantial interests.
The African continent is torn apart by war. Why America does not go for help?
I want your opinion :wink:
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Re: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Postby bsharpish » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:06 pm

Get Real! wrote:The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more realistic assessment of domestic and global trends suggests that in 2025, just 15 years from now, it could all be over except for the shouting. ... 1029.shtml

Actually an interesting ( if somewhat speculative and alarmist) article
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Postby bsharpish » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:16 pm

Daniella wrote:Even worse thant paphos? I did not think were possible! :lol:
Obviously, the emerging countries have their weight and their decision-making power begins to have value.
But the Americans instead of trying to heal their debt are spending all their resources in war in someone else's home.

And since they are not stupid if they do it is because they have substantial interests.
The African continent is torn apart by war. Why America does not go for help?
I want your opinion :wink:

As an opinion-

America's escapades in the Middle east region are about hydrocarbon resources and geo political positioning in order to check rising Russian\Chinese and Iranian influence in a region vital to there ( and the worlds) economies

I'd suggest that the new power in Africa is very very very distinctly Chinese...... Also note that there investments are focussed on -

Algeria, Sudan and Nigeria ( Hydrocarbon resources)
Zambia and South africa .... ( minerals)

So go and ask the Chinese ,while they meddle in the Sudan, if they will help in Somalia ( next door neighbour)

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