Yes back in the UK (Cambridgeshire) in the cold and grey and missing the warmth and Cyprus friends.
In the end it was work (or lack of) that won and the fact that it was very difficult to win new business in Cyprus with decent budgets compared to the UK - and importantly the fact Mr Niki never really settled. Our daughters to be honest are happier here as there is so much going on for them so for them the UK is the best place - for now. It may not suit all teens but they love the independence as they had to be driven everywhere in Cyprus.
There are aspects of being in the UK that are great and that I love but there is so much I miss about Cyprus. Ideal world for me is to have both, no one place is utopia.
If someone could give me some money though I would love to buy a place in Cyprus to escape to when things get too much here?
..... anyone??