The clever thing about 'Slavery' in modern societies, is that the 'Slaves' are not aware of their condition and it is only when one (such as 'I') draws attention to it, they give the matter ANY consideration.
In days gone by, the 'Slaves' were treated as a possession of their masters/mistresses and given ALL that was necessary to keep them fit for purpose, nothing above basic necessity and allowed no personal possessions other than the clothing (supplied) and very small trinkets.
The labour of the 'Slaves' was used as a means to enrich their owners, it was in the interests of the owners to keep them in reasonable condition for the tasks appointed to them.
The 'Slaves' neither 'Owned' nor 'Owed' anything and, providing they fulfilled their obligations to their masters, could live as well as their situations would allow.
Physical punishment was often meted if any 'Slave' misbehaved and 'Freedom' was ever the dream of 'Slaves'.
Today, the people are generally worse off than 'Slaves', quite apart from the fact that MOST are in so much debt that they are numbed to a point where they do not realize it, (Owing for something is not Owning it) their 'Jobs' dictate whether or not they are able to 'Borrow' more than the lesser paid, their living standards are dependant upon how much their 'Masters' are prepared to pay them for their labours (professional or otherwise) and the 'Masters' are themselves obligated to a superior 'Master' (the State which they are 'Enslaved' to).
Punishments are no longer 'Physical'.
'Mental Torture' is the order of the day and the worries of modern life can inflict greater harm to the well being of the 'Slave' than the 'Bullwhip' ever could, (no 'Slave' of yesteryear ever required the services of a 'Psychiatrist', today, The 'Meshugganah Houses' are bursting at the seams).
The 'Tramp' on a park bench, he who is able to beg a coin from those who consider themselves to be affluent, can put the coin in his raggedy pocket and claim it as his own, at THAT point, providing he is out of debt, the 'Tramp' is in a sounder financial position than the benefactor.
It's a funny old world.

'Freedom' is a 7 letter word. (IMHO).