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come on the austrians

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Afroasiatis » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:08 pm

Hermes wrote:Why does Erdogan complain that integration is a "crime against humanity"? What kind of message does that send to Turks living abroad? How does that promote a peaceful co-existence?

Actually, Erdogan had said this for assimilation, not integration. In that same message, he had asked Turks to integrate in their new societies, if I remember well.

Of course, calling even assimilation a "crime against humanity" is just populist firework, like similar things coming out of Erdogan's mouth. Every individual immigrant has the right to assimilate or not, this is something to be decided by him, not Erdogan or Merkel.
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Postby Hermes » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:37 pm

Afroasiatis wrote:
Hermes wrote:Why does Erdogan complain that integration is a "crime against humanity"? What kind of message does that send to Turks living abroad? How does that promote a peaceful co-existence?

Actually, Erdogan had said this for assimilation, not integration. In that same message, he had asked Turks to integrate in their new societies, if I remember well.

Of course, calling even assimilation a "crime against humanity" is just populist firework, like similar things coming out of Erdogan's mouth. Every individual immigrant has the right to assimilate or not, this is something to be decided by him, not Erdogan or Merkel.

You forget the doublespeak of Erdogan and the AKP. One message for the Europeans and another message for the Turks. It is the latter message which is more interesting. As someone said at the time:

"Nevertheless, his speech, in which the phrases "we Turks" and "the Germans" appear again and again, does deliver a clear message: You may live in Germany, but you are Turks -- and I am your prime minister."
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