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WikiLeaks-Greek Cyprus Accession

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WikiLeaks-Greek Cyprus Accession

Postby All4114All » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:35 pm

Cable reveals EU's hard feelings on Greek Cyprus accession
The European Union had to accept Greek Cyprus' accession despite its leader's public campaign against a UN plan to reunite the island because member Greece would have otherwise blocked the membership of other countries, a former EU official was quoted as saying in a US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

Chris Patten, the EU's former external relations commissioner, noted during a meeting with officials from the US Embassy in Brussels that “some of the accession countries were foisted on the EU as part of a larger bargain.” He then cited Greek Cyprus, saying it “probably should not have been admitted” as former Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos' behavior prior to the referendum indicated. “But the Greeks insisted on Cypriot admission as the price of agreeing to some of the northern European candidates,” the document, dated April 28, 2004, reads. The EU allowed Greek Cyprus to join as a full member a few days after the Greek Cypriots overwhelmingly rejected the UN plan in 2004.

Papadopoulos, who died months after losing elections for a new term in 2008, had publicly campaigned for a “no” vote in the referendum. The EU’s then top enlargement official, Guenter Verheugen, said a few days after the vote that he “felt cheated” by the Greek Cypriot government.

The leaked cable shows Patten was also upset by the Greek Cypriot vote, calling it a sad reflection of the realities of EU enlargement. He was disturbed by Papadopoulos’ personality, too, recalling allegations that Papadopoulos had been involved in laundering money for former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. “Some of the new members were people you would ‘only want to dine with if you have a very long spoon.’ Not that the EU should have been surprised by Papadopolous’ behavior, Patten said, since they knew well who they were dealing with: Milosevic’s lawyer,” reads the document.

The former EU foreign policy chief also tells US diplomats that Croatia, now a candidate, is more prepared than either Bulgaria or Romania, which joined the bloc in 2007, according to the leaked cable. Patten also comments on Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that “he seems a completely reasonable man when discussing the Middle East or energy policy, but when the conversation shifts to Chechnya or Islamic extremism, Putin’s eyes turn to those of a killer.”

But I am sure and if history proves me right many facism G/C will overtime will change the text on the cable leak and then build propaganda around it and will choose to forget. The double standards of the EU as I have always said.
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Postby insan » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:02 pm

What was the Greece-EU bargain of Cyprus accession?

By Wired Greek (Reporter)
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03 Aralık 2010 Cuma 12:00:55

Really! What was it? Many wondered back in 2004 what was the bargain between Greece and the European Union to push divided Cyprus into the club. Thus right after the Cypriots had rejected the United Nations backed Annan Plan to reunify the island. Now, we know. Chris Patten, EU’s external relations commissioner 2000-2004, unveiled the “big deal” to US diplomats.

According to Turkish newspaper Today’s Zaman, the British conservative politician was quoted as saying that “the European Union had to accept Greek Cyprus’ accession because Greece would have otherwise blocked the membership of other countries” . The quotation is mentioned in a US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

“Chris Patten, noted during a meeting with officials from the US Embassy in Brussels that “some of the accession countries were foisted on the EU as part of a larger bargain.” He then cited Greek Cyprus, saying it “probably should not have been admitted” as former Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos’ behavior prior to the referendum indicated. “But the Greeks insisted on Cypriot admission as the price of agreeing to some of the northern European candidates,” the document, dated April 28, 2004, reads. The EU allowed Greek Cyprus to join as a full member a few days after the Greek Cypriots overwhelmingly rejected the UN plan in 2004.”

The leaked cable shows that Chris Patten was upset about Cyprous president Tassos Papadopoulos for rejecting the Annan Plan.

(KTGR note: No wonder that then Greek main opposition leader George Papandreou - now Greece’ Prime Minister – was an enthousiastic proponent of the Annan Plan. The Annan Plan was laid out during his term as Foreign Minister.

The referendum took place on April 24, 2004. Greek Cypriots gave 75,83% NO and Turkish Cypriots 64.90% YES.

A week after the referendum, on 1 May 2004, Cyprus joined the European Union. I wonder if the Greece-EU deal included the reunification of the island as well.

Nevertheless, the Cyprus Accession Treaty was signed in 2003 between the EU and the Greek Cypriot government, anyway. It was impossible to cancel it a week after rejecting the Annan Plan.)
EU plans for Northern Cyprus

Another Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News adds some more details from the diplomatice cable. There, Chris Patten is been quoted as revealing that EU member states had promised Turkish Cypriots to ease the embargo, if they would endorse the Annan Plan.

When Turkish Cypriots voted for the island reunifying plan, Patten said:

“The next steps for the commission are figuring out how to spend money in northern Cyprus.”

He expected the European Commission to open an office there, even though there were legal hurdles. He stressed that the EU was confident the commision would find a way, as they doubted that the Greek Cypriots would openly oppose such efforts. (But they did, indeed!)

The diplomatic cable reports that Chris Patten described himself as the biggest proponent in the commission for Turkey’s admission to the EU. However he saw as the biggest opponents the conservative parties in Germany and Spain and not France.

Chris Patten and the US officials had their friendly chat during a dinner in Aprill 2004.

Read full articles:

Today’s Zaman : Cable reveals EU’s hard feelings to Greek Cyprus accession

Hurriyet Daily News: EU will never be ‘real power’ official says in leaked document ... ssion.html

It is a well known fact that the aim of Greek-GC leaderships was and still is to get rid of the "anti-democratic" 60s treaties, UN solution parameters and base the solution of Cyprus on "new realities", something they created in their minds; called "European Solution"...

... and the aim of some very well known EU political groups, especially the Christian Democrats was and still is to force Turkey to accept the "privileged memebership" by putting one more obstacle in front of Turkey...

However, it didn't work and made everything regarding the Turkey's EU accession and solution of the Cyprus problem more complicated...

We've reached a full stop that nothing can save us from the big drop... One way or other they aspire to reduce(genocide) the world population around 500m and create the new world order...

Pray to survive... :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:31 pm

Too bad!

Now here’s a consolation prize to help you get over it…

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Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:32 pm

So whats new here? That certain British politicians were pissed that we shoved their partition plan up their ass and joined the EU anyways?

Piratis wrote 2 years ago:

Greece is an equal EU member and the national interests of Greece and any other EU country are taken into account. The EU is not the British empire with the British doing whatever they feel in it.

The Germans, British and some others wanted Poland and some other eastern European countries in EU for their own interests. Greece wanted Cyprus in EU for her own interests. So according to the EU spirit EU did what was for the interest of all its members. If the British didn't follow the EU spirit and they didn't accept Cyprus in EU, then Greece would do the same for the countries that the British wanted in EU. Cyprus met all the criteria for joining the EU and the British had no excuse to block our accession without getting a response from Greece.
Last edited by Piratis on Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:43 pm

By the way, I traveled in many EU countries and I never met any EU citizen that would have anything against the accession of Cyprus in EU. The only ones who have such problem are certain Turkophile politicians.

On the contrary you can find many EU citizens from the initial 12 EU countries complaining about the accession of certain Eastern European countries. You can find even more EU citizens (the majority) who do not want Turkey in EU. While the accession of Cyprus in EU might be negative for certain Turkophile politicians, the accession of Cyprus not only did not create any problems to other EU countries, but most EU citizens are grateful to Cyprus for helping them keep Turkey out of EU.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:55 pm

Please be upstanding, for the RoC-EU ..... 8) ... enDocument

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Postby All4114All » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:10 pm

Piratis wrote:So whats new here? That certain British politicians were pissed that we shoved their partition plan up their ass and joined the EU anyways?

Piratis wrote 2 years ago:

Greece is an equal EU member and the national interests of Greece and any other EU country are taken into account. The EU is not the British empire with the British doing whatever they feel in it.

The Germans, British and some others wanted Poland and some other eastern European countries in EU for their own interests. Greece wanted Cyprus in EU for her own interests. So according to the EU spirit EU did what was for the interest of all its members. If the British didn't follow the EU spirit and they didn't accept Cyprus in EU, then Greece would do the same for the countries that the British wanted in EU. Cyprus met all the criteria for joining the EU and the British had no excuse to block our accession without getting a response from Greece.

So you agree Greece wanted Cyprus in the EU for it's own interest according to what you have said. Although we know now Greece's promises to the EU were a lie but just as you say protect it's own interest to say whatever and do whatever it needs to, so Cyprus has EU accession under Greek administration.
Greece wanted Cyprus in EU for her own interests.
We agree according to your quote.

So now I ask if Turkey is doing the same protecting it's own interest in Cyprus what right does it give G/C to blame Turkey being here in the first place? Greece protected it's interest and Turkey is doing the same.

Are we all not protecting our own interest?

But hey I know what the reply will be people will paste links of international law broken.

BTW I am not in favour of these foreign powers protecting their own interest and forgetting the citizens here in Cyprus.
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Postby Me Ed » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:20 pm

All4114All wrote:But hey I know what the reply will be people will paste links of international law broken.

Thanks for saving us all the trouble - at least you have the courage to acknowledge Turkey's pass miss-deeds.

It's greatly appreciated.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:23 pm

Greece in this case was serving more the interests of Cyprus than her own. If it wasn't for the interests of Cyprus to join the EU then we wouldn't have applied.

Every nation has a right to protect its own interests. Nothing wrong with this. What is wrong is to violate the sovereignty and the human rights of citizens of other countries in order to serve your own interests. This is what Turkey and other Imperialists do. Greece didn't violate our human rights or our sovereignty by helping us to join the EU.

And what promises of Greece to EU were a lie??
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Postby Hermes » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:29 pm

Piratis wrote:So whats new here? That certain British politicians were pissed that we shoved their partition plan up their ass and joined the EU anyways?

Exactly. Anyone would think this was still the 1950s and Greek Cypriots were obliged to commit national suicide for the benefit of British foreign policy.

You'd think ex-officials like Chris Patten and Jack Straw would express some regret over the British Foreign Office's screwing up the Annan Plan so badly that their Turkish allies are now effectively shut out of the EU.

If anyone outside of Turkey itself is to blame for the implosion of Turkey's EU accession course it's fools like Patten, Straw and Blair who encouraged the Turks to believe they could enter the EU and continue to occupy Cyprus.
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