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WikiLeaks-Greek Cyprus Accession

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Re: WikiLeaks-Greek Cyprus Accession

Postby Kikapu » Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:02 pm

All4114All wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
All4114All wrote:Actually you miss the point Alan Meale seems to have a strong connection with the Greek Cypriot community dont worry if he is guilty or not. Although he doesn't find himself guilty as he states
Meale has denied any wrongdoing, and said his involvement in the matter was purely down to his "football interest".
So he confirms that it is only 'football interest' well this 'football interest' club is Barnet F.C who the chairman is Anthony Kleanthous are we now begining to tie strings together? also to add to the string of Alan Meale his something more recent.
The event, organised through the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood, is being held in Parliament on Wednesday. The Mayor, along with councillors of Lapithos, are coming to 'coordinate the efforts of their compatriots overseas, to meet and discuss with Members of Parliament the latest developments on the issue of Cyprus and ask for help on issues affecting Cypriot refugees and the human rights of all Cypriots.'

The event is also being sponsored by Alan Meale MP and Jim Sheridan MP. ... ithos.html

Now if he was comming to discuss business no problems but a sponsor of the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood which supports my 1998 article of receving 10k from the group.

I'm really bored with your above, totally pointless argument, just to try and make something out of nothing. Please don't bore me again with useless posts as the ones above...................please.!

All4114All wrote:As a citizen sure I receive EU membership so individually I have a right to have my Passport and ID card because this is my land aswell. But as a nation well are we benefiting from the EU as the South No. Even after promises from the EU and US that who ever voted in favour of the referendum 2004 will receive all benefits but what have we today the South is prospering while the North continues with no change. Many of the facist G/C on this forum will lay blame on Turkey or the T/C parliment that we still have embargoes upon the citizens of T/C but this is the true propaganda and double standards from the South Cypurs to the EU. To understand as an individual I enjoy my EU benefits while Im under Turkish administration. It would of been interesting to see if T/C citizens were to apply for EU passport must be under Greek administration as a condition how many would actually apply for the Passport not many I assume.

There will never be a settlement on Cyprus as long as the South is enjoying all benefits why would you change when your already happy? 6 years ago the EU could of pressured both sides to come to an agreement before entry but they turn a blind eye and ignored everything and accepted the RoC with the South as the governing body of the whole island.

I as a T/C will enjoy a strong relationship with my G/C friend but if he/she is to arrogant and full of lies then I will find it very hard for me to call he/she my friend.

Listen, my friend. Personally speaking, I think you are a nice fellow who has had too much of "trnc brainwashing" gone to your head. I don't know whether you know it or not, but you are like someone who has a sign on their forehead that reads, " Please Ridicule Me" with the stuff you posts a lot of the times. Let me explain to you what I mean, and I'm not going to ridicule you if all possible, even though it is going to be very hard not to..

First of all, nobody promised anything to the "trnc", regarding the outcome of the Annan plan referendum. What was promised, was that the RoC would become an EU member and all of it's citizens, TCs and GCs alike, and the EU has kept it's promise. Anything that was "promised" to the TCs, they have gotten them. Tell me anything a TC cannot do withing the RoC controlled areas.? Tell me anything a TC cannot bring into the "trnc" from anywhere in the world.? The isolation and the embargoes are against the "trnc" and not the TCs. The "trnc" is an unrecognised illegal entity created by Turkey, for Turkey, therefore, there is no "North Cyprus" and "South Cyprus" or "Turkish Administration" and "Greek Administration" in Cyprus. I know that's how you have been brought up to believe and to think in those terms, is the reason why you set yourself up to be ridiculed with what the realities are.

There is ONLY one recognised government regardless of the political internal problems within the RoC. Despite the political internal problems, the TCs have the same social benefits as the GCs do within the RoC. The TCs also have the protection of the RoC and the EU when away from the Cyprus. What the TCs lack, are political benefits within the RoC, the EU and the UN as long as they choose to live in the "trnc". This the EU did not promise to change just by the TCs voting "YES" on the AP. Those benefits would have come had the AP was voted by the GCs also. The reason why the TCs voted "YES" and the GCs voted "NO", was because of a very lopsided plan favouring the the TCs, settlers, Turkey, Britain, for the very long term, and some GCs for the short term. It left the majority of the GCs in a "no mans land", in a limbo, filled with uncertainties. You need to ask the question as to why the AP was made to favour one side far more than the other side.? It was not the EU's job to do that, but the UN. But now that the RoC is a EU member, you can be sure that they will make sure any settlement will need to have their own EU Principles included, no matter what the UN may be willing to accept for a settlement. Today no one talks about the failed Annan plan, except for Turkey and the "trnc". Have you ever asked the question why that is.? I'm sure you already know the answer, therefore, there's no need for me to tell you.

The RoC would like to have a settlement, as long as it is settlement that will respect every one's rights. The whole island can function much better as one than divided one. It is foolish to think that anyone will want their V8 engine to run only on 5 cylinders. The RoC at the moment is running on 5 cylinders and the "trnc" on ZERO. That is the reason as to why the "trnc" needs a solution more than the RoC, because while the RoC is not running on all 8 cylinders as they would prefer, they would prefer the 5 cylinders than nothing at all, as the case would have been under the AP, which would have decimated the RoC politically, economically and as a country. What the TCs needs to do to benefit from everything the country of Cyprus can offer them, is to help the RoC run on all 8 cylinders politically and economically, but this can never happen as long as the TCs are still after Taksim. As soon as the TCs decide against Taksim, is when they too can help the country of Cyprus prosper, with them in it.!

Thanks for not being hard on me but I would like to reply.

1st Paragraph:
I do not disagree with you the fact that T/C citizens are isolated in respect of having EU passport although I will elaborate in my 2nd post to you what you fail to see. By stating there is no North and South is that there is a border between the communities and within this border is the UN peace keeping force which is dividing two communities from any conflicts although it has remained neutral for many decades. Let’s us not forget the negotiations and passports please to cross. RoC is a Greek administration which going by your reply means that the struggle of all T/C over the decades will mean nothing if we drop everything and adopt the RoC under Greek administration exactly what you attended to achieve many years ago but instead of violence you will succeed via politics. That is the reality. I want you to show me a G/C government which you have elected that has come out and said we will embrace our T/C brothers and sisters the confidence and security we need? Then I can be ridiculed for continuing to stay in the North.

Now you have to think a little lets say in your perfect world we T/C drop everything and accept the RoC as it stands Greek government in power nothing changes which are many views on this forum. What you’re asking the T/C people all over the world but of course the T/C citizen mainly who live here is that we were wrong and you guys were right and Enosis and all other events that have been the struggle of all T/C was for nothing. Can you comprehend this? The stronger reality is one day you will be negotiating with Turks and not T/C.

2nd Paragraph:
The reason you don’t hear the Annan Plan anymore is the reason you don’t hear enosis or Eoka anymore but the word occupation continually circulates why well the reason I have stated above is that the Greek administration which represents the whole island and the Greek officials in the EU hide the truth. So it is up to the T/C community to remind you and the mess we are left with today now I will jump the fence and say that our T/C parliament certainly has not helped although Mr Talat was close.

You say the AP was benefiting the G/C for a short term well thank you for understanding because there has not been anything to secure T/C rights for a long term so we continue the negotiations.

3rd Paragraph:
I agree the whole island can run better united than it can divide.

Listen my friend, my time is very limited and I can't spend it all on you if you are not even able to comprehend what is written to you, that you can't even quote me accurately and/or stick to the topic to address all the questions put to you. As I've already said to you, that you have too much "trnc brainwashing" between your ears in order for you to free yourself to be able to see reality without giving me the propaganda you have been brought up with.

Also, I have told you twice that I am a TC, and yet you insinuate in your writings that I'm a GC. If you can't comprehend this little piece of information, then I'm not going to waste my time to "force feed" you information that you are unable to take in and digest. I will do the humane thing and not respond to some of your posts than be cruel to you by ridiculing you, because I really do think you are a nice person, but is someone who has been lead down the wrong path with propaganda most of your life. I'm not blaming you, but your elders and leaders, who have brought you to where you are today in how you see things. Take care.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:42 pm

And you are squeeky clean you spout GC propaganda and have tbe audacity to accuse others you traitor.
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Postby All4114All » Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:
All4114All wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
All4114All wrote:Mind you as you call it illegal state international laws do not stop if an international flag ship wanted to stop in the port of Famagusta but it is the relentless G/C government that threatens the international community to do so.

There’s nothing more irritating than a newbie fool who (1) has serious grammar/syntax issues and (2) can’t get his facts right, to begin his response to a seasoned poster like Kikapu with something belittling like…“Allow me to educate you”! :roll:

As for your “facts” let us educate YOU now regarding…

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ... osindx.htm

Restrictions imposed by the Republic of Cyprus on vessels calling illegally at ports in the occupied areas of Cyprus ... enDocument

Seriously GR.
Law Of The Sea which I know of but thank you for the link:
1. RoC cannot close seaports that it does not control

2.'Finally, the use of seaports in the northern part of Cyprus might be in violation of domestic law of the Republic of Cyprus, as the government closed them for international traffic in 1974. However, under international law, third States are not obliged to comply with Cyprus' law, and there is no prohibition in general international law to use ports which are not under the effective control of the government.' EU Comissioner Rehn.

3.The RoC may try to deter foreign ships from calling at a port in the North by denying that ship to access ports under its control or by threatening the ship or the owner with criminal prosecution in the RoC. Such actions would be a political decision under domestic law. Greek Administration Control but lets forget the T/C community living here.

4. If a commercial ship wanted to use a port of an unrecognized entity does not mean recognition of that entity as a state so therefore cannot be regarded as a violation excluding war-ships of course.

Again live in the North suffer the vision of all of you until there is a balance between the two communities. I rather live here than under Greek administration.

Hey idiot, start doing more READING and less posting...


Meaning of innocent passage

1. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State. Such passage shall take place in conformity with this Convention and with other rules of international law.

2. Passage of a foreign ship shall be considered to be prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State if in the territorial sea it engages in any of the following activities:

(a) any threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of the coastal State, or in any other manner in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations;

My last post to your reply:
1. Again I say how can a vessel of importing and exporting goods be prejudical to peace there not importing/exporting weapons? As I stated excluding war ships which will support your post or government funded ships i.e research activities.

2.There is no prohibition under general international law to enter and leave seaports in the northern part of Cyprus. Again I am not talking about war ships here.

So can the RoC close or restrict seaports that are not under there control?
Can it threaten with fines?
Well we come back to the isolation is that the RoC under Greek Administration represents the whole island so it says what it can and cannot do.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:32 pm

Viewpoint wrote:And you are squeeky clean you spout GC propaganda and have tbe audacity to accuse others you traitor.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

At least you admit that I'm a TC and you acting like a Fascist TMT.!:lol:

We got it.! :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:36 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:And you are squeeky clean you spout GC propaganda and have tbe audacity to accuse others you traitor.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

At least you admit that I'm a TC and you acting like a Fascist TMT.!:lol:

We got it.! :lol:

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Postby Kikapu » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:17 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:And you are squeeky clean you spout GC propaganda and have tbe audacity to accuse others you traitor.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

At least you admit that I'm a TC and you acting like a Fascist TMT.!:lol:

We got it.! :lol:


Here is a link from Bananiots thread on OZGER OZGUR, when he too was being called a traitor by the likes of you, a Fascist TMT thugs, for he being a good TC and a good Cypriot, much like myself.

Go to the "26th minute" to see what your Fascists heroes called this decent TC for being a good Cypriot.

It is Fascist like you who are destroying the TCs identity, much like your TMT leader Denktash was doing to the good TCs. Go to the "41st minute" to see your fellow TMT do to his own people.!:evil:

( Video BIZ 06/12/2010 ) ... Itemid=236
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:37 pm

You are comparing chalk and shit you being the shit Ozker hoca would never sell out his people nor would he not put forward and support their views, you are a traitor of the worst calibre.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:42 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
boulio wrote:so for the senators they should be all t/c correct?

can g/c vote for the 30 northern mps?

Why not and vice versa the candidates with the most votes will be elected to the lower house, So that would allow MPs regardless of their ethnic origin or which state they resided in to be elected. SO the first 70 GC candidates with most country wide votes would be elected and the first 30 TC senators with the most country wide votes would be elected to make a total of 100 Cypriot MPs.

Lets get something straight, VP, and that is, you know shit about politics and you know even less how a True Federation or True Democracy works. Your idea of Democracy is to bring in Illegal aliens (settlers) and make them "citizens" overnight so to vote for your party to win a rigged elections. Why don't you stick to what you are good at, and that is, being a Fascist TMT thug calling good TCs and good Cypriots a traitor, when you are not too busy stealing others property that is.!

Here is why you know shit about politics. Where the hell did you get the 70-30 split for senators. Are you planning having more GCs in the north state than TCs to receive 30 seats in a 100 seat parliament.! :lol:

But lets put that aside and lets look at your proposal which this is what you said.

Why not and vice versa the candidates with the most votes will be elected to the lower house, So that would allow MPs regardless of their ethnic origin or which state they resided in to be elected. SO the first 70 GC candidates with most country wide votes would be elected and the first 30 TC senators with the most country wide votes would be elected to make a total of 100 Cypriot MPs.

With your above example, you can only be supporting a UNITARY state, aren't you.? If anyone from anywhere can vote for anyone from anywhere, that is a UNITARY state. There would not be any need for a BBF of two states, north and south, even if I were to ignore your senators set up, them being ONLY GCs and TCs, which is faulty to begin with in what it is that you want to achieve. So what says you, are you not talking about a UNITARY state with your above method of voting system.?? You are either a politically naive or just plain moron.! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:45 pm

All4114All wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Article19

Meaning of innocent passage

1. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State. Such passage shall take place in conformity with this Convention and with other rules of international law.

2. Passage of a foreign ship shall be considered to be prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State if in the territorial sea it engages in any of the following activities:

(a) any threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of the coastal State, or in any other manner in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations;

My last post to your reply:
1. Again I say how can a vessel of importing and exporting goods be prejudical to peace there not importing/exporting weapons? As I stated excluding war ships which will support your post or government funded ships i.e research activities.

The above refers to ALL ships! How about you READ it for a change...


2.There is no prohibition under general international law to enter and leave seaports in the northern part of Cyprus. Again I am not talking about war ships here.

You've failed again! It wasn't just talking about war ships! READ it!

So can the RoC close or restrict seaports that are not under there control?

The law doesn’t change if a port is in an occupied or unoccupied territory.

Can it threaten with fines?
Well we come back to the isolation is that the RoC under Greek Administration represents the whole island so it says what it can and cannot do.

There’s no such thing as isolation to one’s own occupied territory!

Go complain to the occupier!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:You are comparing chalk and shit you being the shit Ozker hoca would never sell out his people nor would he not put forward and support their views, you are a traitor of the worst calibre.

Well, you of all people know what shit is. You live with it every day around your Fascists TMT thugs. He was called a traitor for not supporting a partition, that's all. For this he was called a traitor. For you Fascists, everything is Black & White. Anyone who does not support a Partition and wants to remain a Cypriot, is a traitor. Here is what OZGER OZGUR said on the "57th minute" of the video so that you can choke on it, because this is what you hate the most. He said "Cyprus is in my brain, lungs, heart, one country".

Now, Piss Off.! :D
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