All4114All wrote:Your almost there GR I think I have made you understand.
Correct. Political Independence of RoC = Greek Administration Government controls the South not the North. So the conclusion is that as i stated on page 6 of this forum it is the G/C Government imposing restrictions on Northern Seaports. Not Law of the Sea or any international Law. Because the South represents the whole island in the view of international stage it has the key to allow foreign vessels to dock anywhere in Cyprus it wishes = your G/C government instead of helping T/C it is isolating them by any means possible. Every word that is spat out of your mouth is trying to convince T/C we can live together when your government has done nothing to encourage the T/C to live together.
Glad we agree it was dragging on to long.
The only conclusion I can draw from all your stupidity is that you’re a typical uneducated Turkish clown wasting everyone’s time here!
Just beat it because you won’t appreciate my next post.