kurupetos wrote:
My sentiments exactly.
G'night fellow CY palikaria.
Oracle wrote:I have only ever posted my own thoughts and opinions. They span 3 years and I've naturally enriched some ideas as do most normal people. What difference does it make if I've changed countries, e-mails and nick-names? Everyone who needed to know (the ones I care about), I informed immediately. I couldn't give a monkeys about you and some other forumers. The rest found out soon enough (within a few posts) and if I knew it meant so much to soooo many people, I would have started a specific thread to ease their suffering and confusions.
I don't believe you only have one nick, but if you did I don't really care! Really?![]()
Oracle wrote:kurupetos wrote:
May I join you?![]()
(No hunky panky - I'm just fed up explaining to all these nagging "holier-than-though" nothing better to do than go on CF to moan, brit brigade!)
denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:kurupetos wrote:
May I join you?![]()
(No hunky panky - I'm just fed up explaining to all these nagging "holier-than-though" nothing better to do than go on CF to moan, brit brigade!)
If you kiss him he might turn into a prince.![]()
Oh dear....he's fast asleep. You will have to wait for the morning.
SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:kurupetos wrote:
May I join you?![]()
(No hunky panky - I'm just fed up explaining to all these nagging "holier-than-though" nothing better to do than go on CF to moan, brit brigade!)
If you kiss him he might turn into a prince.![]()
Oh dear....he's fast asleep. You will have to wait for the morning.
It is morning!
Oracle wrote:SSBubbles wrote:No matter what your alias, it is still the same old ****!
Exactly! So what's your problem?Den ego h problima!
You keep deceiving yourself if you must.......................................
Now put a sock in it! You've sent everyone to sleep. Well, it is bedtime for some of the oldiesNow run along yiayia
SSBubbles wrote:Oracle wrote:SSBubbles wrote:No matter what your alias, it is still the same old ****!
Exactly! So what's your problem?Den ego h problima!
You keep deceiving yourself if you must.......................................
Now put a sock in it! You've sent everyone to sleep. Well, it is bedtime for some of the oldiesNow run along yiayia
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