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Why does'nt the South support the North?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boulio » Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:38 am

If we don't try then we will never learn but I personally feel that people on both sides do not want a solution and are stupid enough to continue with the same rhetoric for next billion years.

well then they should say so,but i think that what type of solutions is the problem a true federal solution were human rights is protected and the EU AQUIS IS enforced you will get a yes vote from the g/c community.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:42 am

a true democratic federation is the only way if there is a solution, with some provisions for the tc's since history hasnt been too kind to them, guaranteed loans, scholarships to universities of their choice, and a guarantee of their civil rights as citizens of the ROC....
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:44 am

tc's should also get preferencial treatment for government jobs and any public works should have tc companies bidding for them.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:14 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Deniz you have to push your bounderies and everything cannot be achieved overnight. Firstly if the GCs backed by the EU commit to support the norths economy until it can develop to a stage where this support is no longer required. Once this has been establish a new political party would be formed to gather support and get itself elected to start the process of getting Turkey to depart no longer will she be able to blackmail by threatening to stop funding the north therefore her influence will diminish couple this with international pressure Turkey will have to move out.

The TCs also have to commit to returning Maras and settlers so that GCs feel confident to provide the initial support necessary to make this viable. Other economic measures should also be taken to lessen the financial burden on the south but everone has to think long term and consider the benefits.

As I've said to you already, you need to make that initial investment/movement yourself, like the "down payment for a house" if you want the RoC to help you. You will need to start the movement in wanting Turkey to go back home with her troops and settlers. If some money is required to get that movement going is one thing, that the RoC or the EU can fund, but to take over the financial burden the occupying power is required to do, will not work. There is no way that the RoC is going to pay to support a secessionist regime in the north, since most of this money will go to the "trnc" to pay it's under worked and overpaid workers. South Korea has been sending aid to the north for a long time, and all they got in return is being shelled by the north. Turkey controls the north, therefore there is nothing you can do to escape her hold on you, no matter how much money is given to you by the south. Turkey will just take that money from you, calming is the money you owe her for the last 36 years she has been supporting you. Turkey did make it clear to you, did she not, that all the money you receive from her is a LOAN and not a GIFT. You are then back to square one, and the RoC will not get anything for her money. All they have become is being a "sugar-daddy" to pay off your loans from Turkey to Turkey for the next 36 years and longer, and you will be in no better place economically, because you still won't be able to produce very much to sell to anyone.

You have already lost your voting power in the north to the settlers for that 13th pay all those years, so there is no way you can form any political party to overcome their vote. In a word, you are "screwed". The "trnc parliament" is still mostly TCs at the moment, so why don't they pass a bill to say they will no longer want Turkey in the north and that they want to work with the RoC to establish a working and unifying relationship and start the ball rolling, after they have agreed with the RoC with secret talks beforehand. They can demand to receive all their food being imported from the RoC and not Turkey, therefore, all the money the RoC would pump into the north will find itself back to the RoC when the north pays for the imports. Just like how it is done now with Turkey. Everything Turkey pays the "trnc" ends up going back to Turkey and more, in the form of paying for the imports from Turkey.

If you want to achieve what you want to achieve, if you are serious that is, is for the TCs to move to the south and start a political movement there to oppose Turkey and the settlers from the safety being in the RoC and EU territory. You can form your opposing to Turkey with a political party in the RoC and then speak out against Turkey. If you dare to do it in the north, you will be crushed, and not so much by Turkey, but by all the NeoPartitionist fascists in the north. If they should fail, then Turkey will do it for sure. Your only hope to improve the lives of the TCs and generating a good economy is when Turkey leaves Cyprus and that the whole country of Cyprus works as one country. Anything short of that, is a waste of time to talk about it. Start the movement first, get results, and the money will come one way or other.! If the RoC starts paying the bills in the north unilaterally and prematurely, it will be seen that the RoC not only accepts the illegal north state, but is also willing to bankroll it, in their hopes that the TCs will get rid of Turkey. The RoC has better chance by putting that money on number "31" at a roulette table each month at a casino in the north. There would be better chance of getting something back for risking all that money for nothing in the north at the moment with it's present condition.!

This is probably by far your worst post to date, the negativity and anti cooperation theme says more about your real intentions than anything else, you have dropped your mask once and for all and revealed that you are never to be trusted. My ideology is clear and precise strengthen the TCs hand to work with Gcs to unite the country without confrontation. Everything comes in steps with the financial backing the TCs will be able ot reduce the "settlers" vote and if the TCs should renege on any part of their agreements to eg take down the flag or hand back Maraş then the answers very simple the GCs can stop the aid but if we have progressed and the Gcs try to exploit their power then the EU will step into take control and reward or penalize the guilty party. Obviously you are just like any other GCs who does not want to commit to anything that will bring about union on an equal footing but as we all know try to enforce your own faulty plane that will give the GCs the opportunity to take control of the whole island pushing us to one side and minority status.

I have just giving you a little "wake up call" to what it is that you are asking for and what the actual realities are. It's OK to have "romantic thoughts" in solving the TCs predicament that they have let themselves into with Turkey and the settlers, so don't blame me for your years of "sleepwalking" in believing everything your leaders told you. I'm playing the devils advocate here to show you what you are faced against, and when you don't like what you read, you start getting really bitchy about it. Just as the good book says, "God helps those who first help themselves", and I don't think God was talking about helping yourselves first with others properties. If you are not willing to lift a finger to help yourselves, no one else is going to help you. Receiving a hand out from Turkey did not help you, and neither will receiving a handout from the RoC under the present conditions. I don't know if you want to become a beggar or a whore for God sake. The fact that you are upset as if you have been found out, tells me that you are up to something no good, like trying to save Turkey a lot of money by having the RoC foot the bill which Turkey is obliged to pay, and then continue keeping her close by to you, you know, you being part of her roots and all. If you were a trustworthy individual, I might take you seriously that you don't have some kind of a concocted scheme in your head in how to make the RoC financially responsible for the north while Turkey gets off the hook financially and still remains in the north as an occupier. An occupying power has it's responsibilities you know, which is to pay for everything in the north.!

I Think this song fits you perfectly. Enjoy!

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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:22 am

can the tc sing and dance? like this dude.......maybe thats where their future is......Ahmed on the drums...Mustafa with his guitar and Zeynup singing the blues.......
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:32 am

or maybe they could be the basketball stars of Cyprus, the dream team of Cyprus, from what ive seen in them they would have to be on each others shoulders to play with the big boys......they could learn to tap dance "Sammy davis TC junior"......and you could call any tc associating with a gc Uncle Andreas as opposed to uncle Tom here in the all could make fried chicken and eat lots of watermelon, gc's eat a lot of watermelon too, you could date greek women and call them white women and bitches........this is where we have come a minority that is too scared to assimilate because of past and present inferiority complexes.....compared to the gc
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:44 am

or the tc women could have a bunch of kids and not know the father....and accuse all the males of being the baby daddy.....
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:38 am

Kikapu and crew forget it we can carry on as we are you obviously do not have the inclination or vision to kick start such a radical move, you just reconfirm why there will never be a solution.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:29 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu and crew forget it we can carry on as we are you obviously do not have the inclination or vision to kick start such a radical move, you just reconfirm why there will never be a solution.

There will be a solution when Just & Fair deal is reached. That's the only thing that can bring prosperity to the north and the TCs by having a growing and expanding economy and not handing out cash to be spent on overpaid and underperformed public sector workers, because they do not produce anything, other than sitting on their asses and collecting money. Is it not where the money from Turkey goes to, to support the secessionist regime and the non productive public sector.?? If you want to save money in the north, you should "cut the fat" by about 70% and spend the money saved on what really matters, infrastructure and small businesses.!
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Postby boomerang » Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:35 pm

kiks i wondered about this and asked the same question as you...

what have the tcs got to show where the money went? seems to me the "loans" from turkey went to lining pockets...

it seems turkey was/is taken on a ride by the tcs...and now vips wants the south to bankroll the north and he calls this a visionary approach...thinking outside the box... :lol:

my question still stands...who is gonna pay these interest loans in case of a solution?...
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